Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Ra Mi Uuun 2021.07.23. 7:41
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' George S 2021.07.23. 9:23
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 2021.07.23. 8:53
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Josef C 2021.07.23. 11:20
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' J W 2021.07.23. 19:04
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Cino 2021.07.26. 6:33
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Stickman3 2021.07.27. 4:34
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' A. Dietrich Ringle 2021.07.26. 17:56
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Stickman3 2021.07.27. 9:58
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Ra Mi Uuun 2021.07.29. 6:27
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' finding-oneself ♤ 2021.10.13. 13:03
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 2021.07.29. 17:25
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Cole Thomas MacDonald 2021.10.13. 1:53
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 2021.10.14. 4:17
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Dream Walker 2021.10.17. 23:24
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Michal 2021.11.26. 5:57
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Happy Like Me 2022.10.01. 10:58
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Five Ghost Fist 2022.10.03. 7:16
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' J C 2023.07.10. 3:06
RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis' Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 2023.07.10. 7:04
Ra Mi Uuun, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.23. 7:41
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.23. 7:30

Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 20 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.05.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
I have been thinking about this recently quite a here it goes:

I have in my town quite a few, lets call them, hippie-junkies - with abilities, that I could call or map to, being in efect, a kind of Mind reading/projection Siddhis. 

The other day one verbaly aggressive shitzo dude was quite accurately reading my mind about some of my personal family issues in public on the street. Then some other guy in public transport is going 'freestyle' about everyone he sees, and reads. And so on.

I guess, one could develop siddhis accidentaly, or through drug or alcohol abuse, or through heavy psychological shock... I have experienced it myself to a lesser degree.

I am not surprised, or terribly shocked by such abbilies, tbh it is sometimes interesting, but enough is enough.

My final question - is there some defensive magik method I could use?

I might be biased, but it seems I am always a kind of 'freak magnet' - mile a way they radar on me, and something pulls them to me... What is it?

I am not qualified to deal with them, I will not enjoy their lunacy - but they keep insisting. ;) emoticon

Edit: I can kind of precognise - if a day will be 'normal' or a 'freak' day - on freak day - the freaks pop-up everywhere I go, in the most unfortunate moments.

What I found, practically to some degree helps - doing downwards facing Karana Mudrā and sticking tongue out like in Black Metal concert.
George S, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.23. 9:23
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.23. 8:40

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
I think they can detect if someone is interested/afraid by their body language, e.g. a furtive glance. Once they've made a connection then it's possible to get someone to believe that they are reading their mind with suggestive comments - 'I know what you are thinking ... you're feeling guilty about that thing you did right ... '
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.23. 8:53
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.23. 8:53

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 7134 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.12.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
I had a yoga teacher who was psychic, and she told me that there is a universal right to free will that one can apply when bothered by spirits or parasitical energies. I have never tried it for the purpose you are describing, but I guess trying it wouldn't hurt. So something like "I'm using my free will and I'm saying no". Please let me know if it works. 
Josef C, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.23. 11:20
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.23. 11:20

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 85 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2020.06.16. Legújabb bejegyzések
I kind of agree with George here. it be possible that they are good body language  readers or possibly a barnum effect. I am saying this in the kindest way possible and please dont take it the wrong way but it is also possible that you may have taken this too seriously. By your estimation this person possibly could have been mentally ill and may have just been lucky to guess what you think. I think the best solution to this is to ignore them and just follow the 5 precepts  and practice metta since based on what I have read  they give protection to the practitioner. 
J W, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.23. 19:04
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.23. 19:04

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 692 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2020.02.11. Legújabb bejegyzések
My final question - is there some defensive magik method I could use?

Just practicing lovingkindness.
Cino, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.26. 6:33
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.26. 6:33

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 34 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.02.09. Legújabb bejegyzések
I guess, one could develop siddhis accidentaly, or through drug or alcohol abuse, or through heavy psychological shock... I have experienced it myself to a lesser degree.

Psychology, counseling, and therapy are skillful ways of addressing psychological trauma. Way better than self-medicating, be it with substances, magick, or meditation.

My final question - is there some defensive magik method I could use?

There are techniques such as banishing rituals. Best to learn them from someone who can show you in person. Like meditation, they require dedicated, daily practice.

I might be biased, but it seems I am always a kind of 'freak magnet' - mile a way they radar on me, and something pulls them to me... What is it?

Some people can sense weaknesses in personal boundaries. Establishing healthy boundaries is something a psychologist or counselor can really help with.

Metta / Loving Kindness practice can increase the "freak magnet" effect in the absence of healthy personal boundaries, something to take into consideration.
Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.27. 4:34
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.26. 10:12

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
"I might be biased, but it seems I am always a kind of 'freak magnet' - mile a way they radar on me, and something pulls them to me... What is it?"

300,000 years of seeing such people as shamanic authorities ? Hard habit to break. Maybe you're just a nice person.

Considering we did things one way for 3,000,000 years, another for 150,000, another for 10,000 and another for the last 100, and from his rocket Bezos looks down on jungles where there are still uncontacted stone age tribes - that's some hella human variation so you might expect some friction.

Bit of a theme for me at the moment as I read the autobiography of a guru who had some of those leanings and had a seemingly genuine spiritual relationship - as a student - with someone who ended up being hospitalised and medicated. I don't think there's a law that says the enlightened have to be lucid, stable or even capable of washing themselves - although those things are pretty helpful..... :-)

You're not the first to notice this talent for apparently picking up on people's inner lives, or at least a lack of restraint in voicing the internal dialogue that most poeple have.
A Dietrich Ringle, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.26. 17:56
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.26. 17:56

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 881 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.12.04. Legújabb bejegyzések
I have been guilty of so called mind reading during my practice, it always has a way of resolving that I don't take advantage of it, but I am honestly not sure how loyal the heart is to our highest ideals anyway.

Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.27. 9:58
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.27. 9:58

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
"I might be biased, but it seems I am always a kind of 'freak magnet' - mile a way they radar on me, and something pulls them to me... What is it?"

The 12" purple mohican and skull tattoo on your forhead ?
Ra Mi Uuun, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.29. 6:27
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.29. 6:26

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 20 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.05.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
Thank you all for taking time and effort to reply!

I was going to comment your comments, but then I thought a bit more, and a bit more, and before I overthing everything, I just comment this.

I think, I sometimes overimagine and over siginfy events, and take stuff too seriously.

The Loving Kindess meditation is something I definately should do more. And practicing on establishing and respecting my own boundaries. 
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.07.29. 17:25
Created 3 év ago at 2021.07.29. 17:25

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 7134 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.12.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
Good. People are much more likely to respect your boundaries if you respect your own boundaries. 
Cole Thomas MacDonald, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2021.10.13. 1:53
Created 2 év ago at 2021.10.13. 1:49

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 7 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.10.11. Legújabb bejegyzések
Now this is obviously prone to bias, but I have called it out with my sober girlfriend around... there's been times where I've taken too big of a hit of cannabis whilst at friends' parties, and it seemingly made my friends start acting different and weird (they were high and drunk too, but in more of an extroverted loud mode where I was more in an introverted anxiety headspace) almost like I caused it (like, they were already high but not acting creepy, and the second the hit I took kicked in they were acting CREEPY).  Then one time I was coming up on mushrooms and feeling a little uncomfortable while I was gaming and I said to my girlfriend "watch, everyone is going to start acting weird over the mic like some psychic $***." and sure enough everyone started redlining their mics with distortion screaming an inch away from it sounding like demons & stuff, where it was calm before I felt the discomfort.

I don't have any advice, I just wanted to share my story. It's almost the opposite, it didn't make me have controllable or usable powers, but it did cause some kind of weird psychic influence over my environment. I'm aware it could just be what I focus on, but it seemed quite coincidental. I'm also aware drugs can distort your own perception and what not, so whatever.
finding-oneself ♤, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2021.10.13. 13:03
Created 2 év ago at 2021.10.13. 13:03

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 576 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2014.01.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading that.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2021.10.14. 4:17
Created 2 év ago at 2021.10.14. 4:17

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 7134 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.12.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hm, interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Dream Walker, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2021.10.17. 23:24
Created 2 év ago at 2021.10.17. 23:24

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 1770 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.01.18. Legújabb bejegyzések
In my experience, mind reading has been harmless. It seems to happen but what's the big deal? Casting a shield upon yourself and asking for help spiritually for privacy seems to help. Give it a shot.
Michal, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2021.11.26. 5:57
Created 2 év ago at 2021.11.26. 5:57

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 33 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2020.06.09. Legújabb bejegyzések
I guess, one could develop siddhis accidentaly, or through drug or alcohol abuse, or through heavy psychological shock... I have experienced it myself to a lesser degree.

I am pretty sure that I started to astral project because of alcohol. Every time I drank I'd AP a few days later (or on the same day sometimes).

Now I drink only rarely and still AP because I've learned good techniques.

But I think that I wouldn't even believe it's possible to do it without that first experience (caused by alcohol).

Happy Like Me, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2022.10.01. 10:58
Created 2 év ago at 2022.10.01. 10:58

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 24 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2022.09.01. Legújabb bejegyzések
Maybe you are unconsiouly open to it or it could be a shadow projection?  Just ask yourself; what is it that irritates you so much? Is it a part of yourself that you would rather not see? Once you understand you will stop atracting it.

The only thing I know for warding it off is that you can ground yourself and place roses around your aura. I sometimes use a mirror, so whatever they
try to do is mirrored back at them. In any case protect your aura.
Five Ghost Fist, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.10.03. 7:16
Created 1 év ago at 2022.10.03. 7:16

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 12 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2022.09.01. Legújabb bejegyzések
Regular practice of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram will build up shields around you. 

You draw pentagrams in the air around you.  With practice, they are permanently installed. 
When confronted by crazy psychic guy, simply visualiz the pentagrams and will them to pop up.  

J C, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.07.10. 3:06
Created 1 év ago at 2023.07.10. 3:06

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzés: 1 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2023.07.10. Legújabb bejegyzések
Many Dr's, Psychiatrists and others who have worked decades in the field of caring for schizophrenic patients have linked methamphetamine to its onset but that these people are actually being psychically and spiritually attacked. They can tell them information about themselves that they would never know. Voices lead them to buried money and drug grows and much more. It was only realised when they asked patients what the voices were actually saying. 
Many professionals are now talking about this and you can find them being interviewed. It's voices telling them things about you. Not that they are psychic. 
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.07.10. 7:04
Created 1 év ago at 2023.07.10. 7:04

RE: Dealing with 'Mentaly Challenged' people with 'Siddhis'

Bejegyzések: 7134 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.12.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
I happen to personally know people who have had such experiences during psychosis, so if that kind of experience is documented in research, that's really cool. Do you by any chance have any references? I'm not saying that out of doubt. I just would be very interested in reading it. 
