Materalist Rebirth Philosophy

Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, módosítva 11 hónap-val korábban at 2023.11.05. 9:06
Created 11 hónap ago at 2023.11.05. 9:06

Materalist Rebirth Philosophy

Bejegyzések: 429 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2023.10.30. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hey all,

I found this article that sketches out an interesting materialist/naturalist idea along the lines of rebirth. My initial thoughts are that he takes a lot of Buddhists axioms (like when talking about how if we modded someone in cryogenic sleep they could wake up "a different person") and ends up at a place that looks like a plausible description of rebirth
