2nd time a&p Please advise me...

adrian sobczuk sobczuk, módosítva 7 hónap-val korábban at 2024.02.26. 15:05
Created 7 hónap ago at 2024.02.26. 15:05

2nd time a&p Please advise me...

Bejegyzés: 1 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2024.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
I will try to make this as short as I can.. 
I had a&p year ago, while on drugs, got scared and depressed, went on a downward spiral, Daniel Ingram told me to practise. So I went to thailand for 6 moths, nothing happend there while I was practising. Got health issue and left. Went back to my old life of not giving a fuck, and doing drugs.
I snorted some ketamine and a&p happend again. This time I knew what's happening so it went smooth, I was seeing entities and stuff in my room, which is weid as ketamine dosn't usually produce visuals, so huh?
So I couldnt happen when I was actually practising Buddhism, but as soon as I'm back into drugs it happens again, fuck me. The irony is just....
Plese advise me what to do now. I don't want to fuck it up this time. I'm thinking of ordainging as a mong again since it is very condusive for practice but theravada in my experence dosn't really guide you thru this, so please speak if you have been thru this... thanks!
Bahiya Baby, módosítva 7 hónap-val korábban at 2024.02.26. 21:23
Created 7 hónap ago at 2024.02.26. 21:23

RE: 2nd time a&p Please advise me...

Bejegyzések: 669 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2023.05.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
What exactly do you want out of all this? What advice are you seeking? 

Six months in Thailand doing what practice? What was it that wasn't happening when you did that practice? What was your practice like? 

​​​​​​​Are you sure you had an A&P experience? What does that mean to you? 
Adi Vader, módosítva 7 hónap-val korábban at 2024.02.27. 5:18
Created 7 hónap ago at 2024.02.27. 5:18

RE: 2nd time a&p Please advise me...

Bejegyzések: 355 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2020.06.29. Legújabb bejegyzések

When we pay close attention to conscious experience in a very systematic and methodical way, our attentional skills improve and those improved attentional skills start to reveal to us facets of conscious experience that we hitherto could not see.

One of those facets of conscious experience is the complete and perfect clarity that all of conscious exeperience including consciousness itself is 'assembled'. It comes together and it falls apart. It has a life cycle within which it changes. This is the knowledge of the arising and passing away.

In the absence of carefully cultivated attentional skills it doesnt really happen.

If you wish to make progress in your meditation practice, pick a well designed practice paradigm with clear practice instructions and start to work on learning how to meditate within that paradigm using those instructions. Over a period of time you may find gaps in your skill or gaps in the paradigm at which time you can make changes basis the meta level knowledge of meditation and what it entails that you would accrue in that time period.

​​​​​​​Be structured, methodical, patient and diligent. Good luck.
J W, módosítva 7 hónap-val korábban at 2024.02.27. 19:54
Created 7 hónap ago at 2024.02.27. 19:54

RE: 2nd time a&p Please advise me...

Bejegyzések: 692 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2020.02.11. Legújabb bejegyzések
How would you define "A&P"?
Dream Walker, módosítva 7 hónap-val korábban at 2024.02.28. 7:50
Created 7 hónap ago at 2024.02.28. 7:50

RE: 2nd time a&p Please advise me...

Bejegyzések: 1770 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.01.18. Legújabb bejegyzések
adrian sobczuk sobczuk
I will try to make this as short as I can..  
Thank you,