Vibrations in awareness

Bhumi, módosítva 6 év-val korábban at 2017.12.26. 4:53
Created 6 év ago at 2017.12.18. 5:10

Vibrations in awareness

Bejegyzések: 38 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.11.23. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hey guys I am dealing with a little dilemma here. For a while now whenever I applied minfulness (to see when phenomena arise and pass away) I would sense vibrations when I note, sometimes regular other times irregular, sometimes fast sometimes slows (depending on how I focus). Such vibrations can happen anytime, sometimes it seems that I need to focus to see them which make me believe that I am the one generating them but sometimes I do not need to make them happen for them to occur. One thing I noticed is that when I focus lets say on the nostril somehow I can make the vibrations occur which make it harder to sustain a samatha-like concentration but I can also make them disappear which facilitates concentration. My doubt is that sometimes I get the feeling that I am the one making the vibrations even though I think I am noting. What do you think?
