Lsd sucks

Matthew Jon Rousseau, módosítva 4 év-val korábban at 2020.01.23. 4:23
Created 4 év ago at 2020.01.23. 4:23

Lsd sucks

Bejegyzések: 70 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.10.06. Legújabb bejegyzések
Well I tried it.  I dosed around 30 or 40 mcg on weekends before meditation . Didn't help at all. It actually  made meditation more difficcult.
terry, módosítva 4 év-val korábban at 2020.01.23. 12:48
Created 4 év ago at 2020.01.23. 12:48

RE: Lsd sucks

Bejegyzések: 2674 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
Matthew Jon Rousseau:
Well I tried it.  I dosed around 30 or 40 mcg on weekends before meditation . Didn't help at all. It actually  made meditation more difficcult.

try three or four hundred mikes...dude...

Matthew Jon Rousseau, módosítva 4 év-val korábban at 2020.01.23. 15:43
Created 4 év ago at 2020.01.23. 15:43

RE: Lsd sucks

Bejegyzések: 70 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.10.06. Legújabb bejegyzések
Matthew Jon Rousseau:
Well I tried it.  I dosed around 30 or 40 mcg on weekends before meditation . Didn't help at all. It actually  made meditation more difficcult.

I could . I tried way back in high school.  But is a strong trip or even a so called "EGO DEATH TRIP"  real?? does is correlate with any of the stages on the path of insight? If so what stage?  can it be reproduced  with less acid the next time? Eventually not needing any
terry, módosítva 4 év-val korábban at 2020.01.23. 16:50
Created 4 év ago at 2020.01.23. 16:08

RE: Lsd sucks

Bejegyzések: 2674 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
Matthew Jon Rousseau:
Matthew Jon Rousseau:
Well I tried it.  I dosed around 30 or 40 mcg on weekends before meditation . Didn't help at all. It actually  made meditation more difficcult.

I could . I tried way back in high school.  But is a strong trip or even a so called "EGO DEATH TRIP"  real?? does is correlate with any of the stages on the path of insight? If so what stage?  can it be reproduced  with less acid the next time? Eventually not needing any

      I was just thinking that if you are going render judgment on lsd you might want to actually try a normal dose.

     Your questions on reproducibility and efficacy also apply to microdoses. There are no warranties.

     The ego is unreal, so ego death is as well. 

    Much as some of us may enjoy psychedelics, they are not addictive, and no one needs them. Once you have had three or four trips, there is not much else they can teach you. That does not mean the experiences you have are reproducible.

    Good luck with your explorations.


from "psychedelic prayers after the tao te ching" by timothy leary...

I −3

(life light love, seed sun son, death daughter dna)

Hold in reverence
This great Symbol of Transformation
And the whole world comes to you
Comes to you without harm, and
Dwells in commonwealth
Dwells in the union of heaven and earth
Offer music.....
And the passing guest will stay for a while
But the molecular message
In its passage through the mouth Is without flavor
It cannot be seen
It cannot be heard
It cannot be exhausted by use
It remains

I −4

Let There Be Simple Natural Things During The Session

Let there be simple,
Natural things
To contact during the sessions −
hand woven cloth uncarved wood flowers −
growing things ancient music burning fire
a touch of earth
a splash of water
fruit, good bread,
cheese fermenting wine candles
temple incense
a warm hand
fish swimming
anything which is over five hundred years old
Of course it is always best to be secluded with nature

I− 5

All Things Pass

All things pass
A sunrise does not last all morning
All things pass
A cloudburst does not last all day
All things pass
Nor a sunset all night
All things pass
What always changes?
Earth...Sky...thunder... Mountain...water... lake...
These change
And if these do not last
Do man's vision's last?
Do man's illusions?
During the session
Take things as they come

All things pass
Christopher Carter, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.09.26. 20:51
Created 3 év ago at 2021.09.26. 20:51

RE: Lsd sucks

Bejegyzés: 1 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.09.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
For all their issues, all their oddities, psyches are what they are. It is a tool, a door to something else, it may not remain, but it happend. Just as buddhism isn't for everyone  or christianity etc the psychedelic tools aren't either. For the most part, if you want experiences or understanding to stick one must sit but to experience for oneself certain states of mind, to survive this life they are an anwser to the prays of many. Often in groups such as free tekno many take up practice and at the same time are able to speak with others whom have done so for many years. It is a mechinism of its own regard and has touched the lives of many and aided their suffering.  That said, again they are what they are much like high level kasina practice and magick you can easily be burned, but that may be a required lesson to move foward if not now then later.