The non dual nature of the mind renounces nothing

adamas john zerbu, módosítva 13 év-val korábban at 2011.08.12. 9:13
Created 13 év ago at 2011.08.12. 9:13

The non dual nature of the mind renounces nothing

Bejegyzések: 14 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.08.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
Coming from the dzogchen view that the everything is pure from the start then concepts of renunciation just falls away.

The concept of no precepts to keep and no path to follow come from the view that we are there already we just are not realizing it.
Once we realize this and actually experience the natural state which is effortless all we have to do is follow that thread of effortlessness and integrate the six realms under its banner. The bon dzogchen concept of zerbu "nailing it down" is the process of integrating the things we like, the things we don't like and the things we are indifferent too under the banner of effortless. If one then gets angry one abides in being angry as one of the five lights and a pure state in itself. One does not follow after it but allows it to express itself until it expires naturally of its own accord. The following after one of the pure states does start to generate karma only if we become attached to it.

This is why dzogchen is considered to be one of the fastest paths as we are not fighting our essential nature, we are abiding in it and trusting the perfection of it. Since emptiness and form and hence the emotions are in a perpetual state of arising and disappearing whether we feel anger for a second, a day or a week is truly up to us. The allowing of this emotion to manifest in the first place and not blocking it but rather trusting its form allows us to move through a lot of the binding emotions and they then become our own personal adornment.

'When vision is an obstacle we need a friend, when vision becomes a friend light a fire' The fire referred to here are the emotions and the more we feed the flames the greater our liberation. Of course if one does not trust the perfection of things this view becomes impossible to apply, but if one does or experiences it then the benefits stretch out like a sea before us. This is the essence of my site and my vision is to sexify the hell out of buddhism because I love it so much.

Jake , módosítva 13 év-val korábban at 2011.08.12. 12:15
Created 13 év ago at 2011.08.12. 12:15

RE: The non dual nature of the mind renounces nothing

Bejegyzések: 695 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.05.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
adamas john zerbu:
The bon dzogchen concept of zerbu "nailing it down" is the process of integrating the things we like, the things we don't like and the things we are indifferent too under the banner of effortless. If one then gets angry one abides in being angry as one of the five lights and a pure state in itself. One does not follow after it but allows it to express itself until it expires naturally of its own accord. The following after one of the pure states does start to generate karma only if we become attached to it.

Adamas, do you mean "express itself" as in, the emotion is fully experienced to the point of revealing its true nature, or "express itself" in words and deeds?

I'm not too familiar with Bon Dzogchen, moreso with the buddhist variety. Therein the former (experiencing the "emotion" so fully that the illusion of duality is seen through and the true nature reveals itself in the very presencing of the emotion) possibility is emphasized while the latter (behavioral expression in words and deeds) is generally considered to be a sign of egoistic inflation, a spiritualized ego which justifies harmful behavior with spiritual concepts. Very often the phrase used is "neither express nor suppress the arising passion and it will naturally self-liberate (reveal its true nature)" or the phrase "nothing accepted, nothing rejected" pointing to the same practice modality.
adamas john zerbu, módosítva 13 év-val korábban at 2011.08.15. 10:36
Created 13 év ago at 2011.08.15. 10:36

RE: The non dual nature of the mind renounces nothing

Bejegyzések: 14 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.08.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
Definitely in terms of emotions, as in allowing the emotion to play out without buying into it from an emotional perspective. Watching them arise abiding in them and then letting them pass off is the practice, hope this clears it up

Jake , módosítva 13 év-val korábban at 2011.08.15. 12:34
Created 13 év ago at 2011.08.15. 12:34

RE: The non dual nature of the mind renounces nothing

Bejegyzések: 695 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.05.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
Thank you for the clarification :-)
