Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2022.11.29. 12:06
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Chris Protheroe 2022.12.16. 15:37
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2022.12.18. 6:59
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness George S 2022.12.17. 13:13
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Griffin 2022.12.17. 18:33
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2022.12.23. 9:18
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness George S 2022.12.24. 15:03
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Dream Walker 2023.05.21. 6:39
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2023.04.18. 9:21
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2022.12.18. 12:46
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2022.12.23. 9:19
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oatmilk 2022.12.23. 12:56
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2023.01.22. 6:00
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2023.02.06. 6:56
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2023.04.02. 8:49
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2023.04.08. 4:28
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2023.04.18. 5:55
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2023.05.19. 6:31
RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness Oskar M 2023.05.20. 4:55
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.11.29. 12:06
Created 1 év ago at 2022.11.29. 12:06

Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hi folks. I thought to post the latest interview by Chris of one of our sangha members Ugi, who have come to full realization of emptiness and are now progressing in the path of non-meditation and integration of the nirmanakya body. I just saw it and I would say it is brilliant and so detailed. I hope it can be motivating for others as well emoticon !! 

Cheers, may all beings be free!
Chris Protheroe, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.16. 15:37
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.16. 15:37

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 10 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2022.12.16. Legújabb bejegyzések
Here is the next Lion-Faced Guru interview with Robert Andersson...

He describes his journey from initial awakening to first stage Buddhahood, a working family man with a busy life and overcame a difficult illness, to show that it is possible for anyone with the willingness to achieve complete realisation of emptiness.
George S, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.17. 13:13
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.17. 13:13

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
Kim is now the center of the spiritual universe!

Griffin, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.17. 18:33
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.17. 18:33

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 273 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.04.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 12:46
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 6:59

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
First interview content: Ugi Müller. 

In this interview, we are taken through the path of Amrita practitioner Ugi. The inteview contain several things, but most importantly:

- The first Breakthrough or Awakening, seeing one’s own mind for the first time.
- The phase and practices that we use for this breakthrough are to mature and stabilize.
- The stage of one-taste of thoughts and emotions.
- Description of the stages of cessation and working with the "substrate" mind at a very late point of practice.
- The point of Exhaustion where one "flips" into the sameness of samsara and nirvana, and you do not stray from all-pervasive wakefulness anymore, one has completed the Trechöd practice and reached the fourth vision.
- These stages of insights are discussed here both from the point of view of Bhumis, as is Amrita Mandala's path map, and in relation to the Four Yogas of Mahamudra, so a comparison of two different path maps.

Ugi talks about the encountering of dharma and meditation teachings,  the pitfall of Shamata practice, especially related to view-teachings on how to view thoughts. And we hear about the many variations of the modern non-dual stage, and how that compares to the lineages of Mahamudra and Dzogchen.

Ugi also describes the "instant samadhi" and the immersion of love and bliss after the point of Exhaustion and briefly mentions the current practice of integration of the relative body/nirmanakaya into these realizations.

​​​​​​​May it be of benefit for many people!
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 6:59
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 6:59

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hi, I am adding a description of the content of the video. Thanks for your work Chris. 

Second interview: Robert Andersson

- Robert reveals how he achieved his first awakening insight using the Just One Look Method.
- He describes his post-awakening practice, the mingling of the samsaric mind and the original mind - or what in Amrita Mandala is referred to as Bhumi Openings and Bhumi Perfections.
- Lastly, we hear about his realization of Dharmadatu Exhaustion,-
when one's recognition of one's primordial mind is completely stable and with no regression.

- The interview also includes a discussion on emotions; what is a healthy view of emotion from a dharma perspective and how does one who has reached realization experience emotions? And, he tells about how bodhicitta was coming through in his life pre-awakening and how he views bodhicitta now.

- Finally, the motivation for the rarest and most sought-after Spiritual Achievement; namely the Light Body/Rainbow Body, the ultimate fruit of the spiritual path.

May all beings benefit!!!
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.23. 9:18
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.23. 9:18

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
George. You should know them on the fruit.
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.23. 9:19
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.23. 9:19

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hi, and merry Christmas

For those who are interested in what goes on in Amrita, I will post also the most recent book "Buddhas Among Us" here too, to kind of wrap out the body of work that is unleashed these days. It contains accounts of six people in the sangha, who have progressed through the Amrita path map of bhumis, to the point of 10th perfection. That is the point of stable non-meditation and liberation.
I cannot help being aware that the title and claims have the effect it has, and it is hard to know how to treat this so it may have beneficial consequences. It is understandable that one raises an eyebrow or two. That being said, people saying they are liberated should be tested on that basis, and the counter-arguments should be based on sincerity.  To me there are accounts in manuals of what liberation is like, like the continuum of non-meditation and the perfect knowing of two truths. I hope this will be properly tested by lineage teachers and sincere practitioners as it should when claims like these are made. 

Thank you so much Baba for the teachings and effort in making the book, and to my friends who have traversed the path and have willingly shared their accounts. The pain and effort the people giving the accounts have gone through - for their own and others' liberation - is the same all beings have. So may it inspire you who think this is impossible to achieve freedom. May we keep up our path until full Light Body, and may it benefit countless beings, especially in these times. 

For those who are interested in Bhumis and more context for this whole system. There are two other books also with first-hand accounts. One on the "two-part formula", which solely is about stream entry/first awakening. And one about the bhumis and energy systems in the body, and how in Amrita we go about purifying them. This is the third book, about full liberation, first stage of buddhahood. 

- Oskar

Thoughts arise as before, sometimes quickly, sometimes in great numbers, but the toxic taste of self is no longer present, only a pure experience of reality, only emptiness. There is no longer a point from which observation takes place, just emptiness. There is only the self now. This self is genuine, existing without confusion. Fully self-aware. No existential doubts, only clear knowing of its singular existence.

- Shane 

Oatmilk, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.23. 12:56
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.23. 12:56

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 141 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2020.07.30. Legújabb bejegyzések
Be careful with these claims, it has the tendency to fire back on you. The awakening itself isn't stable, as all things tend to be. 
George S, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.24. 15:03
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.24. 15:03

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
Oskar M
George. You should know them on the fruit.

Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.01.22. 6:00
Created 1 év ago at 2023.01.22. 6:00

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
More interviews, this time with Helena from Finland who has realized emptiness, and which realization has been stable for good over a year now. She talks about hardships, the vital role of bodhicitta to have any progress, and what happens after emptiness realization, mainly the Light Body and some of its challenges. 
As a note, I just saw Helena's interview, and since I know the people in my sangha, I know a bit more about how Baba and others work on the light body or luminosity aspect of the mind, which is just briefly touched upon in these interviews. So briefly told from what I know, there are somewhat different practices, some people receive different transmissions and empowerments, and there is a focus on different channels and meridians in the body in which ecco's of past karmas are stored, though that is as details as it gets for me as per now. This is post-emptiness practice, and if I have understood it correctly is a transition to the luminosity aspect of the Nature of Mind, or the "leaping over" phase, I hope there will be more details about this as we go along. 

I hope people find this inspiring, do you have any questions just shoot, and I will try to answer what I know.
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.02.06. 6:56
Created 1 év ago at 2023.02.06. 6:56

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
Posting this, a view and contemplation of the various energy systems, nadis and chakras vs meridians.
Amrita is in the making still, I don't know much about these things personally, but I am hoping to learn more. It is also interesting - again from my super limited scope of understanding - how various traditions go about attaining insights, depending on what energy system one works on I assume (!) it can yield different results, or at least the path will seem very different from each other, and then hopefully the end goal of Light Body will be the same. 
So basically what it is stated in this text is that after stage 10(10th bhumi) in which awarness is uninterrupted or mind is "exhausted", there are yet echos of the psyche in the body and tissues, like the old tape recorder is still moving, and so different sets of practices are used to heal this.
If I am to guess, and correct me if I am wrong. Having mind "exhausted" refers to the fourth Dzogchen stage (, this is Amrita stage 10. And Thogal practices are ways to work on bringing one aspect of this Awarness into those channels of the body that is yet to be purified. Though I don't know if all traditions have thogal, but they yet reach this through other means of practice, though these channels too has to be covered. I think this article refers to the underlying mechanisms, and also say some helpful things on trauma/ residue of psychic injury stuck in the body. 
May all beings be free!
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.04.02. 8:49
Created 1 év ago at 2023.04.02. 8:49

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
More interviews, now with Shane from Dublin. Check it out and what you think. The path, awakening, post-awakening practice and realization of emptiness. Also views talking about what follows, the intergration of the physical body. 
I think this is the one l personally enjoyd the most so far, because it is so detailed and to the point and for me relatable. Also about traps that l and others has to be aware. In general the tips from Shane are gold. Hope it inspires other as well emoticon
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.04.08. 4:28
Created 1 év ago at 2023.04.08. 4:28

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
Posting here a longer dialogue between Amrita Baba and Amrita Simha about the meridian system and internal arts, I hope the listener finds it helpful .)
To put it briefly, the meridian system is one set of "subtle body" or subtle anatomy, here relating to the physical body, health, traumas and also light or light body. This is different from the subtle body of chakras and nadis, both in terms of practices applied and the result, and so in Amrita Mandala there is made a clear distinction between the two. 
The interview is based mainly on own experiences with the practices and the results, and it is really enjoyable to watch emoticon 

I hope you enjoy it!
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.04.18. 5:55
Created 1 év ago at 2023.04.18. 5:55

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
Another interview, this on the Guru. What it means to be a guru and the various kinds of Guru's up to what it means to be a "World Guru" or a guru of the world. This also touches upon what it means to be a student and a teacher. 
I hope it will be of benefit to people.
Dream Walker, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.05.21. 6:39
Created 1 év ago at 2023.04.18. 6:57

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 1770 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.01.18. Legújabb bejegyzések
George S Kim is now the center of the spiritual universe!​​​​​​
Amrita Baba - aka - Dudjom Vajra Rinpoche

Also known as - Kim Katami,
Also known by other self titled names, is well known here throughout the years.
To search his past posts - google this - kim katami
​​​​​​​Then evaluate for yourself
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.04.18. 9:21
Created 1 év ago at 2023.04.18. 9:21

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
Dream Walker. Self evaluation is essential, the practices, interviews and books are there so that this should be possible to do, its an open book really what Amrita Mandala has to offer. 
Some stuff though is ridicule and nasty, l wish that would not be part of any evaluation. 
- Osk
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.05.19. 6:31
Created 1 év ago at 2023.05.19. 6:31

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
A short talk on how to authenticate a lineage. I heard another teacher say that one should when finding a good lineage, not search more than 1-2 generations back to find someone very enlightened, like preferably someone rainbowing. Baba says it has to be at least one in each lineage alive, who have realized emptiness of phenomena for that lineage to be valid, that is someone who is free from samsara. I never practiced in other traditions much, except few courses here and there, so l don't know much how it all works out there, what is the state of mind of many practitioners erc.. l have immense respect for the work sincere people put into their practice though so it is not meant as disrespecting at all. But since this is a pragmatic forum people might find this point interesting for discussion. It basically means that most lineages are dead, with a few exceptions, also there is the obvious question how do we evaluate is someone is really free, have attained emptiness of all phenomena. I hope it is helpfull either way. 
Oskar M, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.05.20. 4:55
Created 1 év ago at 2023.05.20. 4:53

RE: Amrita Interview on attaining the full emptiness

Bejegyzések: 266 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.03.22. Legújabb bejegyzések
Interview with Silvia, on emptiness realization following Amrita Mandala bhumi model.  ​​​​​​​Silvia especially shares about bodhicitta, bodhisattva vows and guru devotion. Its really lovely emoticon
