Psychic hand powers

Freya , módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 7:21
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 4:24

Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 64 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.08.15. Legújabb bejegyzések

A few months ago I experienced a second powerful shift in my practice and all of the involuntary movement (which has been strong convulsions, involuntary movement) transformed into flowing energy which moved my body into the most beautiful positions during qigong/yoga and also saw me doing lots of mudras during sitting meditation (maybe 20 intriate mudras and hand formations in one hour), delicately balancing the energies of my body so I don't go into fits/convultions. 

Something else has been coming through, which I can only describe as an kind of ancient psychic sign language.  I do seated qigong, however this feels really quite different.There are lots of intricate patterns and signs my hands make. Some is mudra, some is drawing patterns in the air.  My hands then started being pushed into positions one day when I was going over something in my mind and I realised they were responding to those questions. The movements are very intricate and expressive and the last time it happened just last week, I could feel the energy coming off them and showering my body with energy which felt like sand spraying over me. I now ask questions and my hands respond, sometimes I understand it, sometimes I don't. 

Does anyone have any experience with this?
shargrol, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 6:10
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 6:09

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 2657 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2016.02.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
Sure, this is pretty common. I've had the spontaneous gestures, hand positioning, meditation postures, standing/lying yoga poses... As you know, when you move into position it has a kind of "this is right" feeling to it. And as you know, there can also be a bit of ego pride and thoughts along the lines of "wow, I'm tapping into an ancient yoga from beyond this reality...". 

The main thing is to respect the situation you are in. If you are in a formal meditation/retreat setting, minimize the expression of this stuff for the benefit of not distracting others. But if you are in a situation to explore it, stay open hearted and clear minded about it all. Neither repress nor indulge and see where it goes. Also remember that if things pick up too much momentum, you need to be responsible and slow down. 

Everything is here to be enjoyed and explored, but also everything can turn into an prideful narcissistic pursuit. It can be great fun to explore this sort of stuff when it shows up... and it does seem to go along with rewriring/rebalancing the mind/body. But at the extremes of this, people can become manic and have delusions of grandeur. There is also the flip side of all of this where "normal" sits can seem boring in comparison and it can feel like "I've lost something, nothing is happening". It's imporant to also notice that, too. That can be a sign of a kind of spiritual pride that is developing.

So have fun, be safe.

When it doubt, remember that the path is the middle path between extremes.
Isak Tougaard, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 6:15
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 6:15

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 17 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2022.11.09. Legújabb bejegyzések
Direct experience myself, no.

Interesting anecdotes you might like? Maybe.

Alexa Vartman, founder of the new tantra, described in an interview how people having tantric sex would start spontaneously doing hand mudras and yoga like positions, completely instinctively and effortlessly. These were people with presumably no knowledge of yoga or anything of the sort.

This is not exactly sprituality related, but I have seen gang members who had invented a kind of hand sign language that was so effective they could have full conversations right in front of police officers. I never knew what they were communicating, it's just to say there may be many more hand-sign-languages than we are aware of.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 6:34
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 6:34

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 7134 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.12.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
Nothing as intricate as what you are describing, but definitely spontaneous movements wanting to happen and the need to put my hands/arms/legs in specific positions in order to avoid blocks. Earlier in my practice, while reclining, my torso would spontaneously arch, and things like that. 

​​​​​​​I have seen my kiddo doing rather advanced yoga positions while sleeping. 
Freya , módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 7:35
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 7:35

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 64 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.08.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hi Shargrol, 

It's really good for me to speak with people with simmillar experiences, the energies are strong and it's been a lot to deal with over the past 2 years. I'm glad to hear it's pretty common in your circles, in mine it's still quite rare and I have to come onto forums to find people who have simmillar experiences : ) 

I can now disconnect from the movements - I couldn't very well for the first 2 weeks. However there is one mudra that will stop me going into a fit, so this I have to use in meditaton hall settings. I do speak to the teachers before hand and let them know to be respectful. 

The way the movements rewire and balance the body is a huge area of interest to me, so I do like investigating the subject. I suppose many are ones I've never learn't from anywhere so there is a curiosity of where they come from and why are they here. 

I have experienced some spiritual ego pride recently, not so much with this but within my interactions with people, so it's really good for me to be aware of. It creeps in in unexpected places and can cause suffering. 
Freya , módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 17:31
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 7:37

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 64 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.08.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
Isak Tougaard
Direct experience myself, no.

Interesting anecdotes you might like? Maybe.

​​​​​​​Alexa Vartman, founder of the new tantra, described in an interview how people having tantric sex would start spontaneously doing hand mudras and yoga like positions, completely instinctively and effortlessly. These were people with presumably no knowledge of yoga or anything of the sort.

Sexual energy will set things off in me so I can relate to this anecdote. 
Freya , módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 7:39
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 7:39

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 64 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.08.15. Legújabb bejegyzések

This is not exactly sprituality related, but I have seen gang members who had invented a kind of hand sign language that was so effective they could have full conversations right in front of police officers. I never knew what they were communicating, it's just to say there may be many more hand-sign-languages than we are aware of.

Thats very clever! I wonder if they were meditators too 
Daniel M Ingram, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 9:21
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 9:21

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 3278 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2009.04.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
I personally have had just a little experience, but have talked with many, many people who had a lot personally, and, as mentioned above, it is definitely well within the range of what happens in certain stages, particularly around the A&P, which I think of it being nearly pathognomonic for, and often accompanied with that feeling of very deep, secret, ancient, magical, etc. meaning, and not infrequently accompanied by vocalizations of some sort, spontaneous mantras, songs, strange sounds, etc., and energy phenomen, as you describe. Again, a fun and interesting phase while it lasts, can be appreciated on its own terms, not taken too seriously, and, like all things, it will pass...

​​​​​​​Best wishes!
Arena Heidi, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.18. 15:31
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.18. 15:30

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 73 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2022.04.16. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hi Freya,

Although I haven’t had the exact same experience, I can relate to yours and your posts. I have done a lot of movement practices in the past and am familiar with the feeling of channeling hand and whole body movements that feel like they come from different lifetimes or places. This has occasionally happened during sex as well.

My husband has told me that when his daughter was young, she used to do intricate dances with mudra patterns.

What interests me the most is how you have naturally found healing through the body and its spontaneous movement patterns. I have discovered something similar. One of my meditation practices consists of listening to my body and following what it needs for support. This mostly entails laying my hands on certain parts of my body, but sometimes spontaneous movements arise as well. Over time, this practice has helped me to unravel layers of trauma and become much more compassionate towards myself. Through developing this sensitivity towards my body, I have also sometimes have the experience of sensing someone else’s body and instinctively knowing what their body needs. I have intended to explore this aspect more but Covid-19 and life led me in different directions.

​​​​​​​Like you, my spiritual life has progressed to a place where I am looking online for people who have had similar experiences. This forum has been reassuring and helpful in that way. My “out there” experiences and fears are ordinary and mundane to others here who have traversed the terrain. Wishing you all the best with your meditation and qigong practice.
Matt Jon Rousseau, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.01.08. 16:54
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.19. 6:06

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 243 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2022.05.01. Legújabb bejegyzések
Daniel M. Ingram
I personally have had just a little experience, but have talked with many, many people who had a lot personally, and, as mentioned above, it is definitely well within the range of what happens in certain stages, particularly around the A&P, which I think of it being nearly pathognomonic for, and often accompanied with that feeling of very deep, secret, ancient, magical, etc. meaning, and not infrequently accompanied by vocalizations of some sort, spontaneous mantras, songs, strange sounds, etc., and energy phenomen, as you describe. Again, a fun and interesting phase while it lasts, can be appreciated on its own terms, not taken too seriously, and, like all things, it will pass...

​​​​​​​Best wishes!

Do you think speaking in tongues falls into the AP TERRITORY?
Freya , módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.19. 10:32
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.19. 10:16

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 64 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.08.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
Daniel M. Ingram
I personally have had just a little experience, but have talked with many, many people who had a lot personally, and, as mentioned above, it is definitely well within the range of what happens in certain stages, particularly around the A&P, which I think of it being nearly pathognomonic for, and often accompanied with that feeling of very deep, secret, ancient, magical, etc. meaning, and not infrequently accompanied by vocalizations of some sort, spontaneous mantras, songs, strange sounds, etc., and energy phenomen, as you describe. Again, a fun and interesting phase while it lasts, can be appreciated on its own terms, not taken too seriously, and, like all things, it will pass...

​​​​​​​Best wishes!
Thanks for your comments, I must constantly exist in the A&P ; ). 
Mantras and sounds such as humming, buzzing, whistling come through when the energies are strong. My feeling is although this will pass, it will pass when my body dies as this is a gift from connecting to the deep  intelligence of the universe.
I didn't find anyone who could cure me in the whole time I experienced the feirce energies I've experienced (you may have read about on my posts), and I know some pretty good energy workers. The way I have cured myself is through connecting to this universal cosmic intelligence. The way my hands align my spine and balance the energies through mudra/acupressure is incredible. My very own cosmic healer. 

Although this can be seen as fun and interesting, this phenonemon holds a deep respect from me and thus I do take it seriously although in an unattached way. 

I'd love to connect with one of your friends who is further along than me with this, if you're happy to intro.However if not then not to worry thats fine too. 

Best wishes
Freya , módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.19. 10:18
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.19. 10:18

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 64 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.08.15. Legújabb bejegyzések

Do you think speaking in tongues falls into the AP TERRITORY?

Probably, I've also had an episode of speaking in Tounges, but I was on plant medicine. 
Freya , módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.19. 10:38
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.19. 10:38

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 64 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.08.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
Arena Heidi
Hi Freya,

Although I haven’t had the exact same experience, I can relate to yours and your posts. I have done a lot of movement practices in the past and am familiar with the feeling of channeling hand and whole body movements that feel like they come from different lifetimes or places. This has occasionally happened during sex as well.

My husband has told me that when his daughter was young, she used to do intricate dances with mudra patterns.

What interests me the most is how you have naturally found healing through the body and its spontaneous movement patterns. I have discovered something similar. One of my meditation practices consists of listening to my body and following what it needs for support. This mostly entails laying my hands on certain parts of my body, but sometimes spontaneous movements arise as well. Over time, this practice has helped me to unravel layers of trauma and become much more compassionate towards myself. Through developing this sensitivity towards my body, I have also sometimes have the experience of sensing someone else’s body and instinctively knowing what their body needs. I have intended to explore this aspect more but Covid-19 and life led me in different directions.

​​​​​​​Like you, my spiritual life has progressed to a place where I am looking online for people who have had similar experiences. This forum has been reassuring and helpful in that way. My “out there” experiences and fears are ordinary and mundane to others here who have traversed the terrain. Wishing you all the best with your meditation and qigong practice.


The natural healing of something that seemed so incurable, is the part that is so interesting for me too. Humans  innate ability to heal is incredible and to be honest, after my experiences this year, I am astounded by and  feel we're missing somthing here by not researching this kind of occurances. 

The laying of hands on the body sounds lovely and a very healing experience along with compassion for ourselves which in turn spreads to others. : ) 

Yes I agree it's lovely to be in a community, abeit online who can help normalise these experiences. I don't feel so alone within my own experiences. 
Isak Tougaard, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.19. 10:53
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.19. 10:53

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 17 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2022.11.09. Legújabb bejegyzések
Although this can be seen as fun and interesting, this phenonemon holds a deep respect from me and thus I do take it seriously although in an unattached way. 

I'd love to connect with one of your friends who is further along than me with this, if you're happy to intro.However if not then not to worry thats fine too.

Dr. Marco Paret comes  to mind. I believe he is practicing something similar to what you describe. His website is
Have  a look at his videos and youtube channel, I think you will recognize what you experience.
Arena Heidi, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.20. 8:14
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.20. 8:13

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 73 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2022.04.16. Legújabb bejegyzések
The natural healing of something that seemed so incurable, is the part that is so interesting for me too. Humans  innate ability to heal is incredible and to be honest, after my experiences this year, I am astounded by and  feel we're missing somthing here by not researching this kind of occurances. 

​​​​​​​Yes. I totally agree. There's so much suffering because people are not aware that they can access healing potential from within. So much physical and emotional pain disappeared for me. What remains is so much easier to cope with. Quality of life has increased.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.20. 10:07
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.20. 10:07

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 7134 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.12.08. Legújabb bejegyzések
The same here. What I used to think of as weird symptoms have turned out to be my body's way of teaching me how to heal. 
Arena Heidi, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.20. 15:18
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.20. 15:18

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 73 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2022.04.16. Legújabb bejegyzések
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö
The same here. What I used to think of as weird symptoms have turned out to be my body's way of teaching me how to heal. 

Freya, Linda, and anyone else with this experience, I would be interested in collaborating on an article about this subject. (But not right now because I'm still too busy packing and moving.) It would be great to compile different examples of body/energy symptoms teaching/communicating about healing. If anyone knows books/articles/websites where someone has already written about this let me know. I think it would be fascinating to compare the differences and commonalities of this kind of experience. And offer pointers for someone who wants to explore it more.
Olivier S, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.20. 16:33
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.20. 16:33

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 979 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.04.27. Legújabb bejegyzések

Maybe of interest -


Hector L, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2022.12.20. 18:31
Created 1 év ago at 2022.12.20. 18:31

RE: Psychic hand powers

Bejegyzések: 141 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2020.05.09. Legújabb bejegyzések
Maybe it's some kind of butterfly effect, where small perturbations can cause large changes elsewhere.