The mind as information system.

Todo, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.04.19. 11:12
Created 1 év ago at 2023.04.19. 11:12

The mind as information system.

Bejegyzések: 189 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.08.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hi all, 

Classically Buddhists in their investigation of the mind ask questions like:where it or what shape or color it is, etc.
Not being able to answer these questions, they conclude that it doesn't exist. 

My question is:
Can anyone here provide a treatment of this question in light of the theory of information? 
Or point me towards any other place where such treatment is available. 

Jim Smith, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.04.19. 11:26
Created 1 év ago at 2023.04.19. 11:26

RE: The mind as information system.

Bejegyzések: 1792 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2015.01.17. Legújabb bejegyzések
This is probably not what you are looking for but ... the best model of the mind is that consciousness is non-physical and the brain is just a filter, it does not produce consciousness.

Everyone knows that consciousness is influenced by the brain. For example, a brain injury can cause amnesia. However, this correlation between neurological states and mental states does not prove the brain produces consciousness (the production model of the brain). The same correlation would occur if the brain is a filter of non-physical consciousness (the filter model of the brain). In the filter model, the brain is said to filter some aspects of consciousness the way a colored glass can filter out some wavelengths of light. What passes through the brain filter is a restricted set of conscious faculties that we have while in the physical body. The production and filter models can both explain how brain injuries might cause loss of function like amnesia. However, the filter model can also explain how brain injuries can result in new mental capabilities that the production model cannot explain. This is because a filter can break in two ways: it can be clogged, or it can be punctured. According to the filter model of consciousness, when brain damage causes loss of function like amnesia, that is like a clog in the filter. When brain damage produces new mental capabilities, such as ... Acquired Savant Syndrome (see below) that is like a hole in the filter. Furthermore, if you release the conscious mind from the brain as happens during a near death experience you should have expanded, unfiltered, consciousness. This is exactly what happens during a near death experience (see below). The production model cannot explain how injuries to the brain could produce new functions like ESP or Acquired Savant Syndrome, or how expanded consciousness could occur during a near death experience, therefore the filter model is a better explanation of how the brain functions. ...

The only way you can find a mind is with another mind that is using its natural powers. When a biological human beings does that, we call it ESP.
It works like this:

The experience is like this:
Todo, módosítva 1 év-val korábban at 2023.04.20. 8:16
Created 1 év ago at 2023.04.20. 8:16

RE: The mind as information system.

Bejegyzések: 189 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.08.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Thank you Jim,

you are absolutely right. This is not what I was looking for. 

what I have been chasing for some time now is the application of Shannon's theory of information to reply to Buddhism query about the mind and why it has no shape, no color, etc.

hopefully someone can point me to a response or resource web/book, etc. They will do me a great favor. 
