

Treatment methods and prevention and countermeasures

Tropical fish, which are taken care of every day and carefully bred, can also get sick.

Tropical fish take What kind of diseases are there, what causes them to get sick, when they get sick, and what precautions are there?

On this page, I will explain your important tropical fish disease. In order not to make a cute tropical fish sick, let's get knowledge from now so that you can notice and deal with it as soon as you get sick!

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Typical diseases of tropical fish and their causes

ropical fish can be caused by bacteria, fungi (mold buddies), and parasites. Even for the same reason, the name may change depending on where it took.

From the symptoms, it will be able to be parted into changes in the color of the body table, changes in the appearance of the body, and abnormal behavior of fish. As breeders, we rarely notice the disease from a different appearance, so we will introduce the name, cause, and treatment method of the disease according to the symptoms.

Symptom 1: The color of the body of tropical fish has changed
White turbidity: neon disease
◆ Symptoms: As the name says, it is a disease often seen in small tropical fish such as neon tetras. The body begins to become cloudy white. If you leave it alone, the white part will increase, and bleeding spots may appear. In addition, as the disease progresses, the body weakens, weakens and leads to death.

◆Cause: Infected with bacteria such as flexibacter columnaris

◆Treatment: It is very infectious, so first isolate the sick tropical fish.

Treatment is provided with the bacteria-effective drugs Kanpara D, Elbarge Ace, and saltwater bath (0.5%). (How to make 0.5% saline solution: Dissolve 5 grams of salt for 1 liter of water)

Most of the time you are infected from the time of purchase, so check the fish you want to buy well. When transported, tropical fish often rub against each other and get infected with a chiz on the front of the body. It is a disease that is difficult to occur in fish that have been bred stably for a long time.

White cotton-like adhesion on the surface of the body: water mold disease and cotton mold disease
◆ Symptoms: A thing like white cotton is attached to the body

◆ Cause: Infection of fungus, which is a companion of mold in water.

Mold buddies themselves are always in the water. If it is a healthy tropical fish, mold does not grow, but if the physical strength falls due to some cause, or the body surface is scratched, mold may grow there. Even if a tropical fish is injured, the wound can not be disinfected.

If you have another disease, mold may appear in the affected area, so suspect other diseases.

Since it is likely to occur during periods when the water temperature is decreasing, if this disease occurs, raise the water temperature little by little (up to 33 °C).

◆ Treatment: Metylene blue, green F, new green F, green F liquid, agten, etc. are effective. If something like white cotton could be made of tweezers.

White dots formed on the body: white point disease
◆Symptoms: Small white dots of about 0.5 to 1 mm can be made on the body. It seems to cause itching, and tropical fish make gestures that rub the body somewhere. The smaller the tropical fish, the faster it progresses, so be careful.

◆Cause: Insocisor of white-point insects( woonokaisenchu).

◆ Treatment: Uonokaisenchu repeats insanity and withdrawal at intervals of 4 to 5 days. Even if you think that the white dots have temporarily disappeared, it does not mean that you do not want to want to go unokaisenchu, and there are cases where it is secretly stored in bottom sand, so let's change water or wash the bottom sand.

By each water change, the metabolism of tropical fish (chemical reactions in the body of the fish) can be increased, and resistance is improved.

Please also clean the filter when 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 No matter how much water you change, if the filter is caught by a woo-no-kaisenchu ... Because it makes no sense.

Woono kaisenchu prefer low temperatures (below 25°C), so keep the water temperature higher than that. If you suddenly raise the water temperature, it is stressful for tropical fish, so please raise the temperature little by little. The maximum water temperature is 33°C.

If possible, remove the white dots from the tropical fish's body. However, it is not suitable for small tropical fish such as caracins, and should be used for fish of 5 to 10 cm.

The tropical fish is put in the one like the plastic container which is so as to be possible to lay the tropical fish, and the tropical fish is put. Remove the white dots with tweezers or something. Repeat every day until you run out of white dots if possible.

However, this treatment is stressful for tropical fish, so please take a look at the situation.

In addition, salt bath with about 0.5 to 1% of the total salt water, or medicine bath with thymethylene blue, green F, new green F, gruen F liquid, green F clear, agten, high tropical, etc. are also effective.

Please refer to this article for white point disease.

Brown dots on the body: parasitic lice
◆ Symptoms: About 5 mm in size, brown dots can be made on the body. Great whitefly sucks fish blood, but it itchs the fish, so fish parasitic on great whitefly are stressed and therefore can kill themselves. Like white-point disease, fish make gestures to rub their bodies against something. Parasitic areas may be red and swollen.

◆ Cause: Parasitic sea lice (also known as butterflies)

◆ Treatment: Magons are relatively large parasites, so it is best to remove them with tweezers, just like white-point disease. If this is difficult, take a bath with "Refish" or "Tropical N".