Jan 21st to Feb 3rd Peer to Peer Fire Kasina retreat in Poland January 2023

Raphael Scullion, שונה לפני 1 שנה at 03:54 01/12/22
Created 1 שנה ago at 17:38 28/11/22

Jan 21st to Feb 3rd Peer to Peer Fire Kasina retreat in Poland January 2023

פרסומים: 6 תאריך הצטרפות: 15/11/20 פרסומים אחרונים
Dear Dharma peers,

we are organising a non-profit peer to peer retreat, focusing on fire kasina practice (though other practices are welcome)

Dates are January 21st to February 3rd 2023, location is set in Karkonosze National Park in Poland, though our core group will get there via Berlin, Germany. 

If you have been aching for an in-person dharma meet-up ever since Covid began, always wanted to sit a(nother) fire kasina retreat or just want to know more about the "peer to peer" retreat format, here's a link for your reading pleasure:

Raphael Scullion, שונה לפני 1 שנה at 03:55 01/12/22
Created 1 שנה ago at 03:55 01/12/22

RE: Jan 21st to Feb 3rd Peer to Peer Fire Kasina retreat in Poland January

פרסומים: 6 תאריך הצטרפות: 15/11/20 פרסומים אחרונים
... edited to
the correct dates of January 21st to February 3rd. Thanks for pointing out the typo. 

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