"Science of Enlightenment" mp3 ?

Malcolm, שונה לפני 8 שנים at 13:13 28/05/16
Created 8 שנים ago at 13:13 28/05/16

"Science of Enlightenment" mp3 ?

פרסומים: 24 תאריך הצטרפות: 14/05/16 פרסומים אחרונים

I've pre-ordered Shinzen's book "Science of Enlightenment" from Amazon but would like to listen to the mp3's in the meantime.  If anyone has a torrent with active seeds that would be much appreciated (or any other source).

I heartily agree with supporting quality efforts like Shinzen's which is why I *am* buying the book but SoundsTrue's version on iTunes is just a bit much (~$60?)
Lowk, שונה לפני 6 שנים at 18:47 04/02/18
Created 6 שנים ago at 18:47 04/02/18

RE: "Science of Enlightenment" mp3 ?

פרסומים: 6 תאריך הצטרפות: 22/09/16 פרסומים אחרונים
This was asked a long, long time ago, but I just wanted to put some info here for people who may bump into it like I did:
  • The Audiobook is not the same as the book. The audio book predates it and is similar in many ways, but the book has additional content. I actually skipped around in the audiobook since it was stuff I had already read in the book.
  • The Audiobook has some guided meditatoins while the book *technically* doesn't even describe a meditation technique. I actually asked Shinzen about the curious fact that the book didn't go into descriptions of techniques and he said the expectation is that the technique descriptions available on his site will evolve and be up todate. 
  • The Audiobook is/was available on Amazon for around $9 when I got it a few months back.

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