HAIETMOBA revisited(?)

Robin Woods, שונה לפני 3 שנים at 06:03 07/04/21
Created 3 שנים ago at 06:03 07/04/21

HAIETMOBA revisited(?)

פרסומים: 191 תאריך הצטרפות: 28/05/12 פרסומים אחרונים
I'm obviously really sorry to dredge up the ghost of AF on here, and I haven't really been on the DhO for quite a while.....

But I've been asking myself 'How Am I Experiencing This Moment of Being Alive' quite a lot in the last few days whilst trying to recover from a COVID-induced near-nervous breakdown.

And it just seems to work so well in bringing one into the present, whilst also highlighting the feeling-tone of present moment. Far better than other forms of self-inquiry such as 'who am I', 'where am I' or 'Am I aware of being aware'......

I obviously don't want to get into massive fights about PCEs etc - but I just wondered if anyone else uses this pointer?

I realise it was thought that this wasn't actually the AF practice but I just wondered if anyone has used this to try and progress on the Buddhist path?  
Chris M, שונה לפני 3 שנים at 06:37 07/04/21
Created 3 שנים ago at 06:37 07/04/21

RE: HAIETMOBA revisited(?)

פרסומים: 5317 תאריך הצטרפות: 26/01/13 פרסומים אחרונים
I think that outside the AF community of practitioners, this is called "mindfulness."

Robin Woods, שונה לפני 3 שנים at 06:49 07/04/21
Created 3 שנים ago at 06:49 07/04/21

RE: HAIETMOBA revisited(?)

פרסומים: 191 תאריך הצטרפות: 28/05/12 פרסומים אחרונים
haha - thanks - I think I get where you're coming from...
George S, שונה לפני 3 שנים at 08:28 07/04/21
Created 3 שנים ago at 08:28 07/04/21

RE: HAIETMOBA revisited(?)

פרסומים: 2722 תאריך הצטרפות: 26/02/19 פרסומים אחרונים
Hi Robin,

Sorry to hear about your post-COVID problems. It sounds very unpleasant.

Anything which works to point you towards the present moment is good. When it's working great, and when it's not there is HAINETMOBA - How Am I Not Experiencing This Moment of Being Alive? emoticon

Best wishes for your health and wellbeing,