Chaka energy

Jeffrey Hicks Hicks, שונה לפני 1 שנה at 15:52 20/04/23
Created 1 שנה ago at 15:52 20/04/23

Chaka energy

פרסם: 1 תאריך הצטרפות: 20/04/23 פרסומים אחרונים
I've felt energy in my various chakras for over 30 years. However, lately as I go to bed the energy on my forehead starts and it flows into my eyes, mostly the right eye. Any ideas, other than the obvious?
Jim Smith, שונה לפני 1 שנה at 23:00 23/04/23
Created 1 שנה ago at 23:00 23/04/23

RE: Chaka energy

פרסומים: 1787 תאריך הצטרפות: 17/01/15 פרסומים אחרונים
Jeffrey Hicks Hicks
I've felt energy in my various chakras for over 30 years. However, lately as I go to bed the energy on my forehead starts and it flows into my eyes, mostly the right eye. Any ideas, other than the obvious?

Do you have any thoughts on what you've been experiencing for 30 years?

Could the new phenomena have something to do with your sinuses? Do you have allergies that affect your upper respiratory tract?

When you lie down more blood flows into the head because you are horizontal and that makes any inflamation (sinus/toothache) in the head worse.

Another possibility is spirits trying to communicate or giving you healing energy. 

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