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What are the consequences of not wearing retainers after braces?

Did you know your teeth have a memory? This means without the proper use of your retainers, over time your teeth can slip back into their pre-teen state.


Immediately after your braces are removed, you must wear your bonded retainer all day and night. Unless you are instructed otherwise by the orthodontist near me. This overbite after braces correction will typically last between four to six months.


What happens when you don’t wear retainers?


Seventy percent of patients who had braces for one to two years required treatment ten years later. But why? The answer to this question is simple. When you don't wear your permanent retainer at least a few times per week you will not have straight teeth.


Read to know scientific reasons behind the retainers:


A retainer solidifies the newly adjusted teeth: Your teeth aren't rigidly set in bone. They are held by a set of ligaments, and the bones around them are somewhat pliable. This means that your bone and ligaments will require time to reform and stabilize after braces.

Your new smile might not look the way it should: Remember how your teeth used to look? Well, they can revert back. The main goal of your retainer is to keep your smile looking beautiful. Also, you can learn about how to clean retainers to avoid bacteria build-up.


You can pick from the different retainers available: In the past retainers were bulky and uncomfortable. Thankfully your options are not that limited now. You may even be able to customize your own retainer! Some options include a clear retainer and a wire retainer. A clear retainer fits over your teeth and is invisible and a wire retainer is attached to the inside of your teeth. Fix the meeting with the orthodontist opens on Saturday near me to explore options. While being on the appointment you can ask about some details on how to fix underbite naturally.


Retainers become part of your lifestyle with ease: when you first remove your braces, your dentist near me will instruct you to wear them throughout the day. As time progresses, you will only be required to wear it at night.


What you must keep in mind while using the retainers?


  • Remove your retainers while you eat, brush or floss your teeth.
  • Remove your retainers while you drink hot or cold beverages (this includes water).
  • Remove your retainers while you swim or during contact sports.
  • Store your retainers properly in a clean and secure case. Do not wrap your device into a Kleenex! Someone might throw it out by mistake thinking it is trash. If you have pets, keep your retainers out of their sight.
  • Clean your retainers using antibacterial soap or brush them carefully with toothpaste and water.

Article Source :- https://www.articleapprove.com/what-are-the-consequences-of-not-wearing-retainers-after-braces/