Looking for subjects to jhana EEG pilot project at Oslo University

4年前 に mind less によって更新されました。 at 19/11/11 4:19
Created 4年 ago at 19/11/11 4:13

Looking for subjects to jhana EEG pilot project at Oslo University

投稿: 81 参加年月日: 12/01/06 最新の投稿
Hello everyone! We are looking for subjects to participate in a jhana pilot project at Oslo University's brain signalling group. The project is the start of a research project and is about recording EEG signals from the brain while the subject meditates. Then we are going to try to find correlations between the signal and the state reported during the meditation. To participate as a subject in the project, you have to be able to attain to at least the first jhana and live in Europe (or be able to travel to Oslo). Please send me a PM if your are interested in participating or for more details.
