Good retreat centres in South East Asia? (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and more)

1年前 に Robert Seah Seah によって更新されました。 at 23/01/10 12:34
Created 1年 ago at 23/01/10 10:17

Good retreat centres in South East Asia? (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and more)

投稿: 1 参加年月日: 23/01/10 最新の投稿
I'm going to be have 2 weeks free in the start of October in between internships. Thinking of doing a 2 week retreat somewhere in South East Asia (SEA). Anybody have any recommendations based on places they've been or heard good things about? Budget/price is not important. And the style of meditation taught is not particularly important as long as it has a some purpose of attaining enlightenment (I'm willing to try new styles). I personally practice samatha (Using a visualisation) and do nothing meditation currently, and have experience in noting, breathwork and body-scanning if thats relevant to this query. 
