Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

1日前 に Red Scott によって更新されました。 at 24/09/26 5:22
Created 1日 ago at 24/09/25 22:22

Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 4 参加年月日: 24/09/25 最新の投稿
Half joking and yet... not. Here are my results:

So incredibly grateful to Daniel Ingram writing the MCTB2 - being able to self-diagnose as a classic chronic dark nighter was a good kick in the right direction!
1日前 に Robert L によって更新されました。 at 24/09/26 9:32
Created 1日 ago at 24/09/26 9:32

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 73 参加年月日: 19/02/10 最新の投稿
Thank you. I enjoyed your video.
1日前 に Martin によって更新されました。 at 24/09/26 10:32
Created 1日 ago at 24/09/26 10:32

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 982 参加年月日: 20/04/25 最新の投稿
Nice! Thanks for posting that. 

You might want to think about starting a log to keep track of the details. Sometimes it helps, and sometimes it's distracting, but for many people it's worth trying. 
1日前 に Red Scott によって更新されました。 at 24/09/26 11:04
Created 1日 ago at 24/09/26 11:04

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 4 参加年月日: 24/09/25 最新の投稿
I'm really glad to hear it, thanks for your kind words emoticon
1日前 に Red Scott によって更新されました。 at 24/09/26 11:22
Created 1日 ago at 24/09/26 11:22

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 4 参加年月日: 24/09/25 最新の投稿
Yes I agree! I did keep a log for the month (I'm in the habit of doing so from a magick background), it just didn't translate to video well so I ended up giving a highlight reel... which in hindsight ended up making my efforts seem quite flippant, but that wasn't the case at all! I hope that came through for some.

Thanks for your reply Martin.
23 時間前 に Martin によって更新されました。 at 24/09/26 13:53
Created 23 時間 ago at 24/09/26 13:53

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 982 参加年月日: 20/04/25 最新の投稿
That's great! Keep going. An interesting thing about insight is that it runs on two types of tracks. The type you can see, and the type you cannot. Both have benefits (and risks).
21 時間前 に B B によって更新されました。 at 24/09/26 16:07
Created 21 時間 ago at 24/09/26 16:07

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 44 参加年月日: 16/09/03 最新の投稿
Ah, I remember well the day I achieved enlightenment after an intense 30-day stretch of no-holds-barred hardcore butt-to-the-cushion meditating. Everything changed that day. I immediately became free of all suffering and anxiety. My emotions were 99% positive, super joyful and happy all the time from then on. The 1% being the slightest vapourous whiffs of negative emotion from time to time - because you know, I'm still human after all. My life since then has basically been a series of spontaneous dharma teaching events, attended by crowds of devoted students, well-wishers, and curious on-lookers. In fact as I'm writing this now, one of my students is massaging coconut oil into my back, made from the finest Himalayan coconuts--a gift from the Dalai lama in recognition of my services to the Buddhadharma.
18 時間前 に Chris M によって更新されました。 at 24/09/26 19:10
Created 18 時間 ago at 24/09/26 19:10

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 5404 参加年月日: 13/01/26 最新の投稿
Because so many coconuts grow in the Himalayas. emoticon
9 時間前 に Bahiya Baby によって更新されました。 at 24/09/27 3:46
Created 9 時間 ago at 24/09/27 3:46

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 669 参加年月日: 23/05/26 最新の投稿
Beats a rock salt massage that's for sure
9 時間前 に Adi Vader によって更新されました。 at 24/09/27 4:05
Created 9 時間 ago at 24/09/27 4:05

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 355 参加年月日: 20/06/29 最新の投稿
Lol ..... this is so me!
7 時間前 に Red Scott によって更新されました。 at 24/09/27 6:12
Created 7 時間 ago at 24/09/27 6:08

RE: Giving myself a 30-day challenge to reach enlightenment lol

投稿: 4 参加年月日: 24/09/25 最新の投稿
Hahahaha!! Thank you for the belly laugh! Hey, and when you run out of Himalayan coconut oil - I'm pretty sure there's an Etsy shop that stocks it exclusively for enlightened ones
