Muttodaya Forest Monastery (Germany)

14年前 に Guillermo Z によって更新されました。 at 10/04/11 1:47
Created 14年 ago at 10/03/20 6:31

Muttodaya Forest Monastery (Germany)

投稿: 20 参加年月日: 09/09/08 最新の投稿

I came out yesterday from a 6 day retreat at the "Muttodaya Forest Monastery". I decided to post the information to those interested in doing retreats or visits to the monastery. Here is some useful info:
  • Location: Stammbach, Germany
  • URL:
  • Tradition: Thai forest tradition (Ajahn Chah)
  • Meditation Techniques: they teach not make any separation between shamatha and vipassana, though all the instructions I got were tailored towards shamadi, i.e. Jhana
  • Accommodations: five stars, clean and neat are the keywords
  • Physical Setting: in the middle of a quiet forest, perfect setting for meditating
  • Daily schedule
    [indent]6.00 a.m. Morning puja (only on Saturdays and Uposatha days)[/indent][indent]7.00 a.m. Breakfast[/indent][indent]7.30 a.m. Work meeting, then 30 minutes house cleaning and 2 hours work period[/indent][indent]9.00 a.m. on some days the monks go out on alms round (pindapata)[/indent][indent]11.00 a.m. Main meal[/indent][indent]12.00 a.m. Dhamma conversation with one of the monks[/indent][indent]1.00 p.m. Quiet time for individual practice[/indent][indent]6.00 p.m. Evening drink[/indent][indent]7.00 p.m. Evening puja (on Uposatha days followed by a paritta ceremony, on Saturdays followed by a Dhamma talk, sutta reading etc.)[/indent][indent]after that Quiet time for individual practice[/indent]
  • Cost: Dana basis
  • Language: German, English and Thai

My personal view about the place:
  • Good teacher available (german Monk trained in Ajahn Chan´s Forrest Tradition, Thailand & Australia)
  • Great accommodation and infrastructure
  • Very quiet
  • Practice could tend to be "laid back" since there is no "tight" schedule like in the Mahasi or Goenka Centers. This can be good for advanced mediators, but not an advantage for beginners
  • If you want to develop the Jhanas go for it!
  • They do not follow the whole "map" thing. I guess that the forest tradition do not have anything to do with the Visuddhimagga
  • You must be aware that you will invest a part of your retreat time helping with cleaning/cooking
14年前 に Bernardo V によって更新されました。 at 10/03/31 8:58
Created 14年 ago at 10/03/31 8:58

RE: Muttodaya Forest Monastery (Germany)

投稿: 40 参加年月日: 09/11/19 最新の投稿
Hi Guillhermo,
thank you very much for the tip. I´m currently in Germany, and was looking foward to taking up a retreat do develop concentration in the near future. It came at hand, and right on time!

By the way, I´ve been in another center in southern Germany in the beggining of March. It´s called Dhammacari, from the tradidion of A. Tong. Highly recommended if you´re into Mahasi-style.

Kind regards,
14年前 に Guillermo Z によって更新されました。 at 10/04/03 7:37
Created 14年 ago at 10/04/03 7:37

RE: Muttodaya Forest Monastery (Germany)

投稿: 20 参加年月日: 09/09/08 最新の投稿
Hi Bernardo,

thanks for the hint, I did not know that one. Actually I was looking for a Mahasi-Like tradition in Germany, but I could not find any!

Could you please open a new "Post" about this center and give some practical info?

Thanks in advance,

14年前 に Bernardo V によって更新されました。 at 10/04/04 13:17
Created 14年 ago at 10/04/04 13:17

RE: Muttodaya Forest Monastery (Germany)

投稿: 40 参加年月日: 09/11/19 最新の投稿
Hello Guillermo,

sure thing. Tomorow I´ll post some more detailed information about the center.

Do you mind sharing a little of how your experience in Muttodaya was like? Also, what is their stand on the jhanas? I mean, If I´d specifically ask them to teach me absortion, would it be likely to happen?

Kind regards,
13年前 に S Pro によって更新されました。 at 10/11/16 15:41
Created 13年 ago at 10/11/16 15:41

RE: Muttodaya Forest Monastery (Germany)

投稿: 86 参加年月日: 10/02/07 最新の投稿
Hi Guillermo,

thanks for posting this!
Do you have more info on further German retreat centers?

And: Are you located in Germany? I am living in Essen.

