Afternoon "teatime" in Ajahn Chan linage monastery

11年前 に Jack Liu によって更新されました。 at 13/05/30 9:31
Created 11年 ago at 13/05/30 9:31

Afternoon "teatime" in Ajahn Chan linage monastery

投稿: 2 参加年月日: 13/03/20 最新の投稿
Several western monasteries I have visited under the famous Thai Forest Tradition master Ajahn Chan lineage all have a "Teatime" (usually 5pm) schedule in the afternoon. I suspect this is a particular culture in this lineage? Anyone has more information about this? I did not see such schedule in the Metta Forest Monastery, a forest tradition monastery but not under Ajahn Chan lineage. However, the abbot of Metta Ajahn Jeff did come out at 5 to answer questions, but they don't call it teatime.
11年前 に katy steger,thru11615 with thanks によって更新されました。 at 13/05/30 22:30
Created 11年 ago at 13/05/30 22:27

RE: Afternoon "teatime" in Ajahn Chan linage monastery

投稿: 1740 参加年月日: 11/10/01 最新の投稿
Hi Jack,

Beg your pardon, but do you intend Ajahn Chah?

If so, "teatime" -- I think -- is late afternoon Q&A about meditation/dharma. Novice monks who may not be yet accustomed to the restraint on eating after noon may have tea or coffee (and even with sugar and funky fake creamer) to satisfy/distract a bit grumbling stomachs.

Ajahn Chah was in the Theravadan tradition (and yes, in the forest reformation) and they abide a restraint on eating after noon.

Also, welcome to the DhO.
11年前 に Jack Liu によって更新されました。 at 13/06/13 22:04
Created 11年 ago at 13/06/13 22:04

RE: Afternoon "teatime" in Ajahn Chah linage monastery

投稿: 2 参加年月日: 13/03/20 最新の投稿
Thanks Katy! Yes, I meant Ajahn Chah, it was a typo.
