Ayya Khema

6年前 に Mettafore によって更新されました。 at 17/12/05 5:23
Created 6年 ago at 17/12/05 5:23

Ayya Khema

投稿: 171 参加年月日: 14/03/24 最新の投稿
Since, I am not gainfully full-time employed at the moment, I fall into the bad habit of sometimes going off track at time and wasting time.

But, nowadays I am being more skillful with wasting my time emoticon by listening to Dharma talks and trying to minimise the usual FB, Reddit, Political news spiel.

Nowadays, my favourite Dhamma Teacher is Ayya Khema. Her talks demonstrate her broad knowledge of Dhamma. She teaches meditation in a very nuanced manner not only as a mechanical method but in the wider context of the Dhamma. Her approach espouses spirit of pragmatism and a realistic understanding of the human nature which is also shared by DhO community.

I am very grateful for her words which bring out joy, clarity and relief in the heart emoticon .

One can easily find many talks on YouTube such as:


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