Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Nerol Nerol 24/04/09 8:58
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate 24/04/09 10:50
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Dream Walker 24/04/14 7:35
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Martin 24/04/09 12:41
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Bahiya Baby 24/04/09 18:28
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Dream Walker 24/04/14 7:37
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Nerol Nerol 24/04/10 4:47
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes ‎ ‎Nihila 24/04/10 5:34
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Dream Walker 24/04/14 7:45
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Dream Walker 24/04/14 7:49
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Dream Walker 24/04/15 16:23
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes ‎ ‎Nihila 24/04/15 17:20
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Dream Walker 24/04/16 2:20
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes ‎ ‎Nihila 24/04/16 5:36
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes Dream Walker 24/04/15 16:22
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes J W 24/04/15 17:10
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes ‎ ‎Nihila 24/04/16 5:47
RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes J W 24/04/15 17:35
2ヶ月前 に Nerol Nerol によって更新されました。 at 24/04/09 8:58
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/09 8:58

Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 2 参加年月日: 24/04/09 最新の投稿
Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong section or if it's a common topic. Between the ages of 18 and 26, I've noticed a significant shift in how I perceive the world. Initially, I began experiencing visual snow, which gradually evolved into vibrant, colorful auras. Now, even in the dark, I see dense, colorful fields everywhere, particularly intensified during meditation or dissociation, where the entire room seems to glow with bright colors and auras.While these experiences can be intense and fascinating, they also trigger anxiety, especially in crowded environments like lectures, where grounding myself becomes challenging. This transformation coincided with my exploration of spirituality. I'm eager to integrate this new perspective into my life and reduce associated anxiety.Moreover, I've become acutely aware of how my emotions influence others, a newfound sensitivity likely stemming from meditation. However, this heightened awareness sometimes leads to overthinking, further complicating my ability to ground myself in social situations.I'm seeking support and information on experiences linked to spiritual growth and meditation. This journey has been transformative, almost requiring me to relearn social interactions. I'm determined to rebuild my confidence and manage the anxiety that accompanies these symptoms.Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
2ヶ月前 に Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate によって更新されました。 at 24/04/09 10:50
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/09 10:50

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 412 参加年月日: 23/10/30 最新の投稿
A similar thing has happened to me with developing visual snow and visual auras. For me personally, I've never been super tripped up by it, so it's never really been a problem. My advice to you would be to learn some techniques that help tranquilize your mind (to help with the anxiety), and to look into anxiety itself as a sensation thats occuring and try to deconstruct that.
2ヶ月前 に Martin によって更新されました。 at 24/04/09 12:41
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/09 12:41

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 894 参加年月日: 20/04/25 最新の投稿
When I was going through a period of meditation-related visual disturbances such as freeze-frames, glitches and jitters, I went to see an optometrist. If you haven't done so already, I would recommend it. In my case, there was nothing wrong. It's good to be sure about these things.

The visual disturbances went away but I have an ongoing experience that might be considered parallel to what you describe. I experience warmth and energy flows in parts of my body which are intensified by meditation or (oddly) moments of insight. It has been happening to me for years. I used to worry about it. Now I just consider it part of my sensory environment. Modes of experience can be broader than the standard issue package for meditators and that seems to be no big deal. I think of mine like a ten-cent superpower.

2ヶ月前 に Bahiya Baby によって更新されました。 at 24/04/09 18:28
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/09 18:27

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 544 参加年月日: 23/05/26 最新の投稿
Interesting. I am interested in why certain people develop these kinds of visual experiences. I can't see auras but I certainly feel them. I can feel when I walk through a field full of fairies but I never could see them. I do have poor eyesight though emoticon

Are you interested in doing some meditation? Maybe starting a log? Have you read Mastering the core teachings of the buddha?
2ヶ月前 に Nerol Nerol によって更新されました。 at 24/04/10 4:47
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/10 4:47

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 2 参加年月日: 24/04/09 最新の投稿
Thanks the the responses, I do plan to see the optomistrist as it cant hurt. It is refreshing to see that some people have expereinced simimlar phenonemon. 
2ヶ月前 に ‎ ‎Nihila によって更新されました。 at 24/04/10 5:34
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/10 5:34

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 351 参加年月日: 23/01/19 最新の投稿
I can't say I have had visual changes to the degree you're describing, but I have had it to a lesser degree.

For instance just after an awakening experience I had 2018, I experienced a big shift for the first week or so. Things were just intensely louminous and deep and rich and contrast-y. Like I could just stand and look at the towels in my bathroom and be amazed at the detail.

I have also been able to see auras and other visual distortions before that time if I practiced more intensely, but it was always just during or just after the practice.

Then there was this "life coach" I went to see when I was younger, I put that in quotation because he was really more of a teacher. When we sat and talked he would have this deep purple aura around him. I also remember walking outside with him at one point and my mind would just go completely silent. The guy had some shakti for sure.
2ヶ月前 に Dream Walker によって更新されました。 at 24/04/14 7:35
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/14 7:35

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 1759 参加年月日: 12/01/18 最新の投稿
Sha-Man! Geoffrey
A similar thing has happened to me with developing visual snow and visual auras. 
Similar how? In what way? as described or as defined? is your visual snow the same? what is a visual aura? is it similar in what way? how would you know?
Just asking,
2ヶ月前 に Dream Walker によって更新されました。 at 24/04/14 7:37
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/14 7:37

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 1759 参加年月日: 12/01/18 最新の投稿
When I was going through a period of meditation-related visual disturbances such as freeze-frames, glitches and jitters, 
Could you describe these freeze-frames, glitches and jitters?
I've not heard of such things before, or perhaps without definition, I lack comparison.
2ヶ月前 に Dream Walker によって更新されました。 at 24/04/14 7:45
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/14 7:45

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 1759 参加年月日: 12/01/18 最新の投稿
‎ ‎Nihila
I can't say I have had visual changes to the degree you're describing, but I have had it to a lesser degree.
you can't say, based off what exactly? 
you had "it" to a lesser degree? how can you say?

Things were just intensely louminous and deep and rich and contrast-y. Like I could just stand and look at the towels in my bathroom and be amazed at the detail.
intensely louminous and deep and rich and contrast-y.
ummm ok, what does that mean?

I have also been able to see auras and other visual distortions before that time if I practiced more intensely, but it was always just during or just after the practice.
what auras? what other distortions
what is intensely mean?

When we sat and talked he would have this deep purple aura around him. I also remember walking outside with him at one point and my mind would just go completely silent. The guy had some shakti for sure.
ummm, ok,
2ヶ月前 に Dream Walker によって更新されました。 at 24/04/14 7:49
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/14 7:49

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 1759 参加年月日: 12/01/18 最新の投稿
This thread seems like an echo chamber of vague, nondescribed phenominon.
Of which have happened as may be or not. things definenntly happen, as we all can agree during different times to different people.
​​​​​​​keep on keeping on ya'll
2ヶ月前 に Dream Walker によって更新されました。 at 24/04/15 16:23
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/15 16:02

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 1759 参加年月日: 12/01/18 最新の投稿
I had to do some research to educate myself a bit more regarding "Visual Perception Changes". I thought that I was up to date on information but scratched my wiki hole and learned better.
Visual Snow-
  • Visual snow: dynamic, continuous, tiny dots observed across the entire visual field at any time of the day, regardless of lighting conditions, persisting for more than three months.
    • The dots are usually black/gray on a white background and gray/white on a black background; however, they can also be transparent, white flashing, or colored.

freeze-frames, glitches and jitters-

i. Palinopsia. At least 1 of the following: afterimages or trailing of moving objects.Auras???
Without further explanation I can only guess that the above links might describe some/multiple aspects? Please help me understand better If you can.

Personal experiences-
I've had pretty much all the above described visual experiences at one time or another (excluding -impaired night vision.)
I have had additional permenant visual changes that I regard as very positive. - Framework Visual
I am sometimes overly sensitive to light compared to the past, sunglasses fixes it.

If anyone wishes to discuss in more detail, I would be happy to.

PS - google search --- vision visual
2ヶ月前 に Dream Walker によって更新されました。 at 24/04/15 16:22
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/15 16:22

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 1759 参加年月日: 12/01/18 最新の投稿
Nerol Nerol
...I've noticed a significant shift in how I perceive the world....
Visual shifts happen here-
...they also trigger anxiety...
This happens next
Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Good Luck,
2ヶ月前 に J W によって更新されました。 at 24/04/15 17:10
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/15 17:07

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 687 参加年月日: 20/02/11 最新の投稿

Interesting topic. This is not really advice or answering the question in any way, and I'm not sure what these visual phenomena have to do with meditation though I wouldn't be surprised if there was a correlation of some kind. Visual snow is also associated with HPPD (from psychedelic usage).
I'm curious if other meditators who have not used psychedelics have experienced this phenemona and can pinpoint when it began and why?

Side note, as sometimes things that are visual are most easily described visually - I recently had some film photography developed and was intrigued by the static/snow that is present in the film scans, it looks similar to what I would describe as 'visual snow' that I see normally. I wonder if there is some scientific explanation for the static/snow in analog film - what is it? why does it show up in analog film and not digital film?

<img alt="" src="/documents/10128/0/Screenshot+2024-04-15+at+2.48.31%E2%80%AFPM.png/08dec25f-e6a6-c5b9-1e39-db14e17505b3?t=1713218312718&amp;imagePreview=1" /><br />&nbsp;
2ヶ月前 に ‎ ‎Nihila によって更新されました。 at 24/04/15 17:20
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/15 17:20

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 351 参加年月日: 23/01/19 最新の投稿
To me, an aura is like a glowing outline outside the body of a person or object. Hope that helps.
2ヶ月前 に ‎ ‎Nihila によって更新されました。 at 24/04/16 5:47
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/15 17:25

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 351 参加年月日: 23/01/19 最新の投稿
It's known as film grain. I think it's an effect of the development process.
2ヶ月前 に J W によって更新されました。 at 24/04/15 17:35
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/15 17:35

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 687 参加年月日: 20/02/11 最新の投稿
Thanks! I should have known that.  So it sounds like it is a chemical process related to the dispersion of certain elements within the film negative, which develop into slightly different hues depending on the particle.  

After reading that, here's a probably half baked thought that might be totally wrong but I'll throw it out there to be rejected just for the sake of argument:

What if 'visual snow' is something that everyone sees, but most people just filter it out subconsciously, and by prying off the outer guardrails of how we normally perceive things (whether by meditation, psychedelics, or some other way) this snow effect no longer becomes filtered out?
2ヶ月前 に Dream Walker によって更新されました。 at 24/04/16 2:20
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/16 2:20

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 1759 参加年月日: 12/01/18 最新の投稿
‎ ‎Nihila
To me, an aura is like a glowing outline outside the body of a person or object. Hope that helps.

Ok, standard new age definition. Do you see an aura in the dark like the OP's description? Did you ever play with it? What did ya learn? Did colors represent any meaningful characteristics?
I've always been curious since my ex had a one time experience.
2ヶ月前 に ‎ ‎Nihila によって更新されました。 at 24/04/16 5:36
Created 2ヶ月 ago at 24/04/16 5:36

RE: Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes

投稿: 351 参加年月日: 23/01/19 最新の投稿
No, nothing in the dark really. I would only see auras when I would do open eyed concentration practice (I guess I was sort of playing with it, it was a long time ago now though, I don't remember entirely), or like I said with the life coach, which I would also do concentration practices with.
