Free Video Website for Dho?

Dream Walker, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 12:23
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 12:23

Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 1770 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Does anyone know of a vid/chat site that we could use to hang out outside of a forum based communication?
I found one years ago but as nothing is perm, it's gone.
Bahiya Baby, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 12:35
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 12:35

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 669 Data de Entrada: 26/05/23 Postagens Recentes
Was thinking about this recently. 

Could use DhO to organize Zoom meetings or a telegram group for chat and video calls? 
Dream Walker, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 12:48
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 12:48

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 1770 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Bahiya Baby
Was thinking about this recently. 

Could use DhO to organize Zoom meetings or a telegram group for chat and video calls? 

I was thinking about a way to be anonymous as we are here and just be able to join a site that can be ongoing.
Dunno if that is possible anymore. I think it might.
Derek2, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 13:15
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 13:15

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 232 Data de Entrada: 21/09/16 Postagens Recentes
Video and anonymity are pretty much mutually exclusive.

Go old-school. IRC ftw!
Adi Vader, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 13:17
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 13:17

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 355 Data de Entrada: 29/06/20 Postagens Recentes
You can create a discord server.

Or join mine. But I am not exactly 'prag dharma' ... so the rules of engagement in terms of culture are a bit different. But we can learn to get along I suppose.

​​​​​​​In any case join the discord server to get a hang of look and feel and decide if you want to create your own.

Here's an invite:
Adi Vader, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 13:36
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 13:31

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 355 Data de Entrada: 29/06/20 Postagens Recentes
I forgot to mention. one of the joint owners and my fellow mod of that server, a dear friend of mine, has had a public written spat with Dr. Ingram a few years ago. Since I have invited you, and others reading, its my duty to mention this. We try to avoid personality clashes to the extent we can. But honesty demands that I mention this in case anybody gets offended.

Edit: Also one of the active members, who also happens to be a friend of mine, got booted out of DhO for violating rules.

On second thoughts, maybe this post was not such a good idea!
​​​​​​​anyway ... live dangerously I say!
‎ ‎Nihila, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 14:23
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 14:23

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 353 Data de Entrada: 19/01/23 Postagens Recentes
Was also thinking of IRC.
Dream Walker, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 15:23
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 15:23

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 1770 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
not irc, not bulletin boards, not email, not social media
why did I bother asking here anyway? Who would want to talk and actually see another human anyway?
Impossible takes time....
Bahiya Baby, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 15:49
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 15:49

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 669 Data de Entrada: 26/05/23 Postagens Recentes
"Who would want to talk and actually see another human anyway?"

- Me !
Dream Walker, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 16/07/23 15:56
Created 1 Ano ago at 16/07/23 15:56

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 1770 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Bahiya Baby
"Who would want to talk and actually see another human anyway?"

- Me !
awesome, message me your info then
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 23/07/23 06:23
Created 1 Ano ago at 23/07/23 06:21

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 7134 Data de Entrada: 08/12/18 Postagens Recentes
There is video on discord. It's called voice channel, which is confusing, but there are options for video. You can also have individual video chats with selected people there. You can join discord with an alias and create your own server, where you make your own rules. You can see to it that it doesn't become a forum. 
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 23/07/23 06:22
Created 1 Ano ago at 23/07/23 06:22

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 7134 Data de Entrada: 08/12/18 Postagens Recentes
Well, I'm active there too, and I'm a moderator here. Everyone just decide for yourselves. 
Stranger_Loop Stranger_Loop, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 23/07/23 17:57
Created 1 Ano ago at 23/07/23 17:57

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 64 Data de Entrada: 17/03/23 Postagens Recentes
Discord would sound optimal.
Stranger_Loop Stranger_Loop, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 05/08/23 09:51
Created 1 Ano ago at 05/08/23 09:51

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 64 Data de Entrada: 17/03/23 Postagens Recentes
@adivader Hey, I would like to check out the discord, if it's open to the "public". Could you post/send me another invite. Thx emoticon.
Adi Vader, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 05/08/23 10:49
Created 1 Ano ago at 05/08/23 10:49

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 355 Data de Entrada: 29/06/20 Postagens Recentes

​​​​​​​Hey, here you go.
Stranger_Loop Stranger_Loop, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 05/08/23 13:43
Created 1 Ano ago at 05/08/23 13:43

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 64 Data de Entrada: 17/03/23 Postagens Recentes
Thanks emoticon
Dream Walker, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 09/08/23 16:09
Created 1 Ano ago at 09/08/23 16:07

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 1770 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
I set up a discord server for video chat.
The intention is to chat face to face with others, not post text since we can do that here already.
If you can not video but can chat by voice only, there a channel for that.
No lurking in the video channel if you can't share video and voice. 
Got a problem? Figure it out on your own first. 
Have fun with this experement! It will evolve as it goes along most likely.
I hope people can connect and become friends as many of us have from the Dho.
Invite --->
Chris M, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 09/08/23 17:17
Created 1 Ano ago at 09/08/23 17:17

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 5404 Data de Entrada: 26/01/13 Postagens Recentes
DreamWalker, can you explain some of the vetting and moderation you plan to do for the Discord channels? This is a public forum and anyone can now join the DhO Discord, DhO member or not.

Dream Walker, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 09/08/23 18:12
Created 1 Ano ago at 09/08/23 18:12

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 1770 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Chris M
DreamWalker, can you explain some of the vetting and moderation you plan to do for the Discord channels?
Vetting is only an idea to allow any moderator to vouch for anyone that they first hand video'd face to face. Dunno how exactly that might be used (or useful) or not until it is tried. If the general channel gets clogged with chatter, the private verified channel should be quieter....maybe. 

As far as moderation goes, If people insist on being assholes then at any moderators discretion ....kick them out/off.
​​​​​​​Guess we will figure that out on the fly, but I trust all the people who got Moderator status to help figure out what is what.

This is a public forum and anyone can now join the DhO Discord, DhO member or not.
True, the discord server is open access to anyone, as is the Dho. The difference is that on discord, it is expected that people video. Maybe it is slightly more difficult to create multiple accounts on discord and video chat face to face with multiple accounts.

You betcha,
Just trying to let people connect more often and maybe us old timers have done.
Dream Walker, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 14/08/23 00:28
Created 1 Ano ago at 14/08/23 00:28

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 1770 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Old invite expired.... Fixed that invite -->
Dream Walker, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 27/08/23 12:34
Created 1 Ano ago at 27/08/23 12:34

RE: Free Video Website for Dho?

Postagens: 1770 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Is the link above working for everyone?

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