Invitation to 3-month retreat 2024 spring/summer

North Burn, modificado 11 Meses atrás at 25/07/23 14:50
Created 11 Meses ago at 25/07/23 14:49

Invitation to 3-month retreat 2024 spring/summer

Mensagem: 1 Data de Entrada: 25/07/23 Postagens Recentes
3-Month Retreat
April, May, June 2024
Led by North Burn, with co-teachers 
Held in a wilderness setting in Northern California

The focus of the retreat is the direct practice of the Middle Way, which liberates the heart from suffering and brings great compassion.Boundless Refuge aims to manifest the essence of the Buddha's teachings through our reimagining of the ancient 3-month “Rains Retreat.” This is a time to cultivate mindful awareness, samadhi, and liberative insight. The teachings draw on all three turnings of the Wheel of Dharma weaving together direct and gradual methods, with primary textual grounding in both the Satipatthana Sutta and the Heart Sutra.Our core mission is to guide beings to profound peace, freedom, and love, with the understanding that such deep inner transformation is a vital component towards a better world for all.

Our retreats are sustained solely through dana, the practice of generosity.

Learn more and apply now at

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