Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Change A, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 29/02/12 19:14
Created 12 Anos ago at 29/02/12 19:14

Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Postagens: 791 Data de Entrada: 24/05/10 Postagens Recentes
Great book to learn Kum Nye which is very beneficial for physical and emotional well being. Kum nye is an intermediary between yoga and meditation and helps to increase the benefits of both. Anyone having any kind of physical problems will benefit from doing kum nye as also someone having difficulty making progress with meditation.
Bart Castelijns, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 01/03/12 14:19
Created 12 Anos ago at 01/03/12 14:19

RE: Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Postagens: 57 Data de Entrada: 12/08/10 Postagens Recentes
I have a book on kum nye; couple of questions: what excercises did you do, for how long (days a week/minutes dedicated per day), how were these helpful, how do you know the effects were because of the excercises?

Change A, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 01/03/12 19:28
Created 12 Anos ago at 01/03/12 19:17

RE: Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Postagens: 791 Data de Entrada: 24/05/10 Postagens Recentes
I started doing the exercises in sequence as given in the book. I would start with 4-5 exercises (could take up to an hour and did those almost every day) and do those for a couple of weeks and then move on to the next ones. In this way, I tried all the exercises and it took me well over an year. Then I came to know which ones are most beneficial for me and I did those. After that, I got a handle on energy and nowadays I just do simple movement exercises, walking, and some other movements which I come up by myself to help with certain gross sensations.

All these exercises are helpful in that they are relaxing both physically and mentally. I know that the effects were the result of the exercises because I could compare my physical and mental condition just before and after the exercises.

I also got Stephanie Wright's 'Waking up for beginners' for sometime and used to do those exercises in the morning and would do Tarthang's exercises in the evening. I think that Stephanie's book doesn't let one to understand the workings of kum nye whereas Tarthang's book does. It is because of his book that I can come up with some movements of my own for a specific condition.

Which book do you have? What is your experience?
Pamela Georganna, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 02/03/12 11:40
Created 12 Anos ago at 02/03/12 11:40

RE: Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Mensagem: 1 Data de Entrada: 02/03/12 Postagens Recentes
Hi there,

If you are looking for some set classes that you can go through, Dharma Publishing (www.dharmapublishing.com) offers a series of Kum Nye courses that you can sign up for. They are really good - they give you sequences of exercises to work through every week, and some theory about what the exercises do for mind and body.

There is a progression - they are up to level 9 at the moment, I believe.

You can find them under their eKum Nye classes http://www.dharmapublishing.com/pages/e-kum-nye.


Change A, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 02/03/12 20:01
Created 12 Anos ago at 02/03/12 20:01

RE: Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Postagens: 791 Data de Entrada: 24/05/10 Postagens Recentes
I knew about these e-kum nye programs and also about the teacher training program which I'm interested in but due to lack of finances, I'm unable to undertake them.
Bart Castelijns, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 04/03/12 16:12
Created 12 Anos ago at 04/03/12 16:12

RE: Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Postagens: 57 Data de Entrada: 12/08/10 Postagens Recentes
I have this book: Kum Nye Relaxation: Theory, Preparation, Massage. Which one do you have?

I haven't done any of the excercises, but did read several chapters. A lot of stuff corresponds to what I experienced in samatha meditation. I like that he (tarthang tulku, the author) mentions 'widening' (feelings/sensations) a lot, as my meditation experience also includes a lot of 'widening'. Eg, when I'm working (as a driver), at best, I widen my attention and then let breath energy circulate. I haven't got a very strong handle on it though. Oftentimes other sensations get in the way (eg feeling nauseous).

I got a handle on energy

Do you still need to do the excercises or can you do without? Is your experience anything like mine? like I described above?
Change A, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 05/03/12 05:56
Created 12 Anos ago at 05/03/12 05:56

RE: Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Postagens: 791 Data de Entrada: 24/05/10 Postagens Recentes
I have the same book as the title of this thread. I think that it is a combined version of part 1 that you have and part 2 which has movement exercises in it.

I used the movement exercises more to relax but the widening of experience happen on its own once one is relaxed as other sensations (like feeling nauseous) don't happen. I would suggest that if possible you should get part 2 that has movement exercises.
Bagpuss The Gnome, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 05/03/12 13:54
Created 12 Anos ago at 05/03/12 13:53

RE: Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Postagens: 704 Data de Entrada: 02/11/11 Postagens Recentes
I've been reading this book a bit over the last couple of days. Not done anything yet as I've only just reached the first of the exercises but here's a couple of brief comments:

  • He does a fine job of explaining and selling the concept and benefits. Hell Im ready to pack my bags and move to tibet...
  • Whereas I can appreciate the beauty of the model in this book, Im really fed up with yoga books using 22yr old girls with perfect bodies, clear complexions and elastic limbs to demonstrate just how unachievable much of this stuff is to joe average. I want to see middle aged men and women with half a liftimes worth of drug and alcohol abuse under their straining belts. Chronic back pain suffers with IBS and a look of feverish regret for past deeds on their faces. That's who buy these things. Not little slips of things in their early 20s.

Change A, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 05/03/12 18:44
Created 12 Anos ago at 05/03/12 18:44

RE: Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Postagens: 791 Data de Entrada: 24/05/10 Postagens Recentes
Tarthang Tulku now lives in California, so no need to move to Tibet!

The exercises are not difficult for an average Joe.
Bagpuss The Gnome, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 06/03/12 03:22
Created 12 Anos ago at 06/03/12 03:22

RE: Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement by Tarthang Tulku

Postagens: 704 Data de Entrada: 02/11/11 Postagens Recentes
I was just kidding Aman. The exercises look extremely easy, far more so than the yoga I've been doing for the past few years. Right now I'm just trying to understand it well before beginning to practice it..

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