Mahasi practitioners in Mumbai ?

Shashank Dixit, modificado 11 Anos atrás at 08/10/12 00:13
Created 11 Anos ago at 08/10/12 00:13

Mahasi practitioners in Mumbai ?

Postagens: 282 Data de Entrada: 11/09/10 Postagens Recentes
hey there

I'm a Mahasi cum AF practitioner in Mumbai area. That said , I do utilize the good teaching advice from any possible
source whether it is coming from Goenka or Dogchen or whatever. Anyone out there to hang out with a nice cup
of capuccino ? I do have some insights and attainments I can talk about.
I'm sure a small sangha would be great emoticon
Here is my mail id :-

- Shashank
Mettafore, modificado 9 Anos atrás at 17/12/14 01:04
Created 9 Anos ago at 17/12/14 01:03

RE: Mahasi practitioners in Mumbai ?

Postagens: 171 Data de Entrada: 24/03/14 Postagens Recentes

I just flew over from Thailand to Bangalore after nearly three mos at Wat Chom Thong. Have some really good experiences. Feel free to call (0)7654460112, mail or fb (

Luv Suneja

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