Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?

George S Lteif, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 06/03/14 07:06
Created 10 Anos ago at 06/03/14 07:06

Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?

Postagens: 52 Data de Entrada: 02/09/13 Postagens Recentes
In his book, Practical Inisight Meditation, the Sayadaw mentions in the preface that this book is only a translation of chapter 5 of the entire treatise on Vipassana that consists of 7 chapters and around 800 pages.
Anyone familiar with the entire book and whether it is available in English?

A Dietrich Ringle, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 06/03/14 09:26
Created 10 Anos ago at 06/03/14 09:26

RE: Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?

Postagens: 881 Data de Entrada: 04/12/11 Postagens Recentes
This is an old work. What makes you interested in reading something that is not current?
Nikolai , modificado 10 Anos atrás at 06/03/14 13:54
Created 10 Anos ago at 06/03/14 13:54

RE: Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?

Postagens: 1677 Data de Entrada: 23/01/10 Postagens Recentes
There is a thread somehwere here talking about a new translation I think which hasn't been completed yet. Not sure if you may find the full translation on the following site. Worth a look though.


Nikolai , modificado 10 Anos atrás at 06/03/14 13:59
Created 10 Anos ago at 06/03/14 13:59

RE: Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?

Postagens: 1677 Data de Entrada: 23/01/10 Postagens Recentes
A D R:
This is an old work. What makes you interested in reading something that is not current?

Does the concept of 'old work' or 'not current' make reading text deemed 'old work' or 'not current' problematic for one's own perceptions? If so, in my experience, it's worth questioning those belief structures to see how they are conditioning how our experience plays out and contemplating their absence and how that would then effect or not effect how experience plays out.

Dream Walker, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 06/03/14 15:41
Created 10 Anos ago at 06/03/14 15:41

RE: Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?

Postagens: 1759 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
George S Lteif, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 07/03/14 02:49
Created 10 Anos ago at 07/03/14 02:49

RE: Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?

Postagens: 52 Data de Entrada: 02/09/13 Postagens Recentes
Interested to understand the core Mahasi teachings better, best way to do that is to go to the source emoticon
Dream Walker, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 07/03/14 10:48
Created 10 Anos ago at 07/03/14 10:48

RE: Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?

Postagens: 1759 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Interesting history...
Meditation en Masse | Tricycle

Original Vipasanna resources-
Satipatthana Sutta
Anapanasati Sutta
Interesting to read the originals that founded the bases for all the early vipassana practises
Good luck,
George S Lteif, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 09/03/14 06:19
Created 10 Anos ago at 09/03/14 06:19

RE: Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?

Postagens: 52 Data de Entrada: 02/09/13 Postagens Recentes

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