What is this negative energy I percieve and can it be cleared?

Pai Mei Beard Swipe, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 30/10/22 21:50
Created 1 Ano ago at 30/10/22 21:49

What is this negative energy I percieve and can it be cleared?

Postagens: 13 Data de Entrada: 07/09/20 Postagens Recentes
So several times now I have felt a specific negative energy from the stones / crystal section of new age shops. And once a similar but not exactly similar energy coming from a person.  I'm wondering what it is I'm percieving if anything, and if one wanted to clear it how would they go about it?

The first time I was in some hippie type store and I felt it walking through the stones and crystals section, I just chalked it up to maybe some sort of placebo thing. It felt like the energy around the stones was very heavy and oppressive and tied up in very dense knots. It felt unpleasant and I felt on edge, and like I would get a headache if I spent too much time around it. It gave me a similar feeling to when there is a really strong fake potpurri or perfume that feels artificial. In this situation, the other person I was with could not feel anything.

The second time was years later in a completely different city. It was a japanese knick knack store that had a stones / crystals section.  This time I started feeling it as I walked around the place and I didn't even really know they had a stones section as it was the first time I was in there. I could feel the direction of it as I made my turns through the aisles.  As if it was radiating. I knew something was off as I was getting closer, but I didn't  remember the first experience until I happened on the stones section then it hit me I was feeling the exact same sensations again. 

The third time I was in a "witchcraft" store in a completely different city. This time, they didn't have a huge stones / crystals section but the whole place seemed to emanate a similar negative energy that was very heavy and oppressive. In this situation, the person I was with felt it too.

Once too, I had a friend who I always thought their energy had something very off about it. We got along great and they were a very good person to me. So I didn't think it had to do with their charisma or how I felt about them. It was very odd to me because it just didn't fit with the rest of their personality and how much we got along. Usually if I get bad vibes from someone, we don't get along or there's a lot I might dislike.  I once told them about the energy thing and they suddenly seemed very convinced it might have something to do with their trauma and family line of magick, which included some dark stuff that could be hanging around, even though they didn't really practice at the time, and definitely didn't do anything along the lines of black magick.  Later on it dawned on me that the thing that felt off had a similar quality to the stores above. Not exactly, but like 2/3 similar. 


1) Any Idea what it was I was percieving?
2) Is it possible to clear that energy in the stores and in a person? If so how would you do it?
George S, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 01/11/22 16:48
Created 1 Ano ago at 01/11/22 16:48

RE: What is this negative energy I percieve and can it be cleared?

Postagens: 2722 Data de Entrada: 26/02/19 Postagens Recentes
You can clear the energy by fully experiencing it without resistance.
Dream Walker, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 03/11/22 23:37
Created 1 Ano ago at 03/11/22 23:23

RE: What is this negative energy I percieve and can it be cleared?

Postagens: 1770 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Pai Mei Beard Swipe
So several times now I have felt a specific negative energy from the stones / crystal section of new age shops. And once a similar but not exactly similar energy coming from a person.  I'm wondering what it is I'm percieving if anything, and if one wanted to clear it how would they go about it?

1) Any Idea what it was I was percieving?
2) Is it possible to clear that energy in the stores and in a person? If so how would you do it?

1) You were tuned into multiple information sources/sensations. You might want to investigate the different parts and see if there are different sensations instead of lumping it all together and labeling it 'negative'.
2) Would you like me to mess with you without your permission especially if I don't have a clue whats going on? Nope. that wouldn't be polite but I'm pretty sure it would be ok to send loving kindness to these sensations especially if it is actually YOU that needs the energy cleared (wink).  
Learn what you can and shield up and send loving kindness wishes, rocks need love too. Indeed you and everyone needs it.
Good luck.,

p.s.   - If your wanting to get skillful at spell casting read this - https://www.integrateddaniel.info/magick-and-the-brahma-viharas
Pai Mei Beard Swipe, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 04/11/22 17:09
Created 1 Ano ago at 04/11/22 17:09

RE: What is this negative energy I percieve and can it be cleared?

Postagens: 13 Data de Entrada: 07/09/20 Postagens Recentes
You can clear the energy by fully experiencing it without resistance.

​​​​​​​I am not currently around the energy / sensations so it is not an urgent matter.  But I am curious as to what they were, if anything.  

I am sure if I spent enough time on it, I could learn to let go of the sensations of pain when picking up a hot pan. But that would not be useful, because the negative sensations are helpful it staying away from it. 

Can you be sure that the sensations weren't something actually unpleasant for a good reason? 
Pai Mei Beard Swipe, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 04/11/22 17:21
Created 1 Ano ago at 04/11/22 17:21

RE: What is this negative energy I percieve and can it be cleared?

Postagens: 13 Data de Entrada: 07/09/20 Postagens Recentes

1) You were tuned into multiple information sources/sensations. You might want to investigate the different parts and see if there are different sensations instead of lumping it all together and labeling it 'negative'.
2) Would you like me to mess with you without your permission especially if I don't have a clue whats going on? Nope. that wouldn't be polite but I'm pretty sure it would be ok to send loving kindness to these sensations especially if it is actually YOU that needs the energy cleared (wink).  
Learn what you can and shield up and send loving kindness wishes, rocks need love too. Indeed you and everyone needs it.
Good luck.,

p.s.   - If your wanting to get skillful at spell casting read this - https://www.integrateddaniel.info/magick-and-the-brahma-viharas
I feel like in my explanations I described the sensations in more detail.  In the title of the post I needed 1 succint word to describe the sensations overall.  Negative seems to get the point across, but do you have an alternative suggestion?  To me personally the sensations were unpleasant.  I'm not around these sensations currently. So I am in no rush to change them. But I was curious as to if I encountered them again or if I was ever in a situation where I had no choice to be around them, are they something that could be changed?  

As I described in the above post, perhaps I could learn to regulate my own aversion to the sensations. However, this doesn't really give much explanation as to why they were unpleasant to begin with.  How could I be sure that the unpleasantness of the sensations was not something useful?  For istance, I don't like the smell of bleach. And that's a good thing. It's not good to be intaking bleach into the lungs all the time.  Learning to let go of the aversion to it would not be useful. 

As for spells. I have no idea. Do you think this has something to do with magick?
Jim Smith, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 04/11/22 19:51
Created 1 Ano ago at 04/11/22 19:39

RE: What is this negative energy I percieve and can it be cleared?

Postagens: 1792 Data de Entrada: 17/01/15 Postagens Recentes
Pai Mei Beard Swipe

1) Any Idea what it was I was perceiving?
2) Is it possible to clear that energy in the stores and in a person? If so how would you do it?

Maybe in the past, or in a past life, you had a bad experience when you were in a similar situation (surrounded by crystals) and now you are unconsciously reminded of that experience whenever you are surrounded by crystals?

You could try doing some relaxation exercises to get very relaxed and then ask, "Why do I feel bad energy when I'm surrounded by crystals"?
The answer might come in symbolic imagery or it might come to you later at a random time.

This technique can be used for any kind of problem. It works best when you ask to be shown how to do something rather than for something to be done for you. You could ask how to clear the bad energy. Also, don't do anything based on this type of exercise that your common sense would otherwise tell you not to do. When you ask, you can just ask, or you can ask God, your unconscious mind, your spirit guides, the universe, the flying spaghetti monster, or someone or something else. In my system of beliefs, it's the spirit guides who field the question, but as a practical matter it works whatever you believe. When you get helpful answers to questions you would have no natural way of knowing, it has the effect of challenging belief in materialism.
George S, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 07/11/22 12:08
Created 1 Ano ago at 07/11/22 11:34

RE: What is this negative energy I percieve and can it be cleared?

Postagens: 2722 Data de Entrada: 26/02/19 Postagens Recentes
 Here’s my take:-

We experience all kinds of energy/sensations when interacting with the people, objects and environment around us. That often translates into a “gut feel” or emotional intuition about a situation. In evolutionary terms, these systems evolved much earlier in the brain compared with conscious reasoning in the cerebral cortex. It is essential for survival because it is much faster and more likely to get you out of a dangerous situation than thinking about it.

The problem is that there is a low signal-to-noise ratio in these more primitive systems. Think about how often you get startled by something harmless vs something genuinely dangerous. Evolution doesn’t care about you feeling afraid or angry 99% of the time when there isn’t a real threat. It’s a price worth paying for a system which does get you of danger the 1% of the time when it really matters. So you shouldn’t ignore these gut feelings, but it makes sense to study them more closely and learn to distinguish which ones are genuine signals vs noise.

My sense is that the signal-to-noise problem got worse with the development of the higher cortex functions, which was evolution’s way of creating organisms which could live in larger and more complex social communities. Animals in the wild process fear and anger quickly after a threat has passed, assuming they survive, and go back to grazing seemingly untroubled. Humans learn to repress emotions in order to get along socially in the short term, but it has a longer term cost (you see this with animals in captivity as well which also develop psychological problems!) For example, when a parent shouts at a child then the child experiences the same kind of fear as if a tiger had just jumped out, but they are unable to run away and discharge the fear. Instead they push the fear response down and try to think their way out of the situation (‘maybe I did something really bad and I am a bad person and deserve to be shouted at’ etc.) The problem is that repressed emotions don’t go away; they stay lodged in the body and get reactivated next time a situation arises which reminds you of the original one (e.g. your boss yelling at you). Then you have anxiety issues etc. and the only way to really cure them is to allow yourself to fully experience the repressed emotions in a safe environment. That’s what I meant by clearing energy/sensations by fully experiencing them without resistance.

You are the person who is best placed to tell whether these feelings you are getting are signal or noise. Often it can be a mix of both. If I repeatedly had an unpleasant reaction to a certain kind of object then I would meditate on that object to explore what’s really going on my body, to allow that experience to unfold and release whatever old emotions and energy blockages need to come into awareness. The "object" itself could be a stone, a person, a place or a certain kind of situation (e.g. public speaking), the process is basically the same. If the object is something like a stone then you could just meditate with one in front of you in the comfort of your own home. If it is a place then you could either go there when it is safe and explore your feelings (basically exposure therapy) or else meditation visualization can work well. Same with people. Sometimes it’s not safe or just too uncomfortable to be around certain people so you can work with visualization, at least initially.

In general, as you experience and release repressed emotions then your signal-to-noise ratio will improve because you won’t have as many old emotions being triggered. It makes it easier for emotional noise to pass through your system, while still maintaining the responsiveness you need for genuinely threatening situations/signals.

That was more than I intended to write, I hope it’s helpful!
Thor Jackson, modificado 1 Ano atrás at 07/11/22 12:26
Created 1 Ano ago at 07/11/22 12:26

RE: What is this negative energy I percieve and can it be cleared?

Postagens: 5 Data de Entrada: 07/11/22 Postagens Recentes
I suggest you stop talking nonsence and focus on reality.

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