Perspectives of The Self with First Path Compared to Further Paths

Brato Ganibe, modified 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 8:27 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 8:27 AM

Perspectives of The Self with First Path Compared to Further Paths

Posts: 66 Join Date: 8/30/16 Recent Posts
I'm post-A&P/pre-SE and I'm currently at a place where I can sometimes see through the generation of the self as simply a coagulation of thoughts and emotions. Also, sometimes in formal practice even the sense of a 'this observing that' can become so thin that it feels like the entire inner subjective perspective is going to flip or vanish or 'something'. I'm wondering if someone could help me tease out the differences in the experience of the self/watcher/observer/etc in each of the four paths, and how to adjust your practice in order to attain those paths. Thanks!
