Looking for retreat centers in South East Asia

Dai Andrews, modified 13 Years ago at 6/8/11 8:02 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/8/11 8:02 AM

Looking for retreat centers in South East Asia

Posts: 2 Join Date: 6/8/11 Recent Posts
I am a practitioner with a background in Zen who is on extended hiatus from the default world and currently traveling in South East Asia, (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, etc...)

I am looking for a teacher, temple, retreat center etc, where i can spend time and devote myself fully toward realization.

I have plenty of time to spend in practice but do not have any idea where i can find a good teacher, especially one who speaks English. Buddhism, retreats and realization are a big business in this part of the world and it can be difficult to find an honest and enlightened teacher.

Any assistance in finding one would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


p.s. I have cross posted this in the teachers forum please forgive the duplication.
Constance Casey, modified 13 Years ago at 6/8/11 11:05 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/8/11 11:05 PM

RE: Looking for retreat centers in South East Asia

Posts: 50 Join Date: 9/21/09 Recent Posts
Hello Dai:
Perhaps panditarama.net

Some of these retreat centers can be quite challenging, perhaps check out this web site, you could start by staying someplace and perhaps taking a short course if you are not familiar with the practice.

with metta, Constance
S Pro, modified 13 Years ago at 6/16/11 8:34 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/16/11 8:34 AM

RE: Looking for retreat centers in South East Asia

Posts: 86 Join Date: 2/7/10 Recent Posts

check this out:


