anyone recognize what's going on here?

Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 6/22/11 10:04 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/21/11 6:32 PM

anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
i can do this thing i got out of an energy-work book. the idea is to do a body scan from above the top of your head going down to below your toes. you're supposed to move your attention down your body like a plane, just noticing any blockages or tension or any sensation really along the way, only moving down not up (though i find it doesn't matter now). you're supposed to use this to identify energy spots and dissolve them but i haven't gotten that far.

if i do it correctly, and i'm getting better at it, when i go down to my ankle, then the sole of my foot, then the tip of the foot, then the toes, then past the toes about a foot into the ground - it's a definite spot that i can intuitively reach - then i feel this great peaceful downward flow over my entire body. basically it feels like all my energy is draining downwards, except i'm not being depleted - just a really peaceful affective well-being is left in its place. if i focus on that spot 1 foot beneath me then the motion is increased. there's a tendency to link it up with a spot above your head - and i wonder if they're similar - but i think you have to not do that.

i started doing goenka-style body scanning and that seems to have a similar effect, though maybe more thorough cause you go over your entire body in more detail. i dont get the draining motion, but i do get the affective well-being, and if i focus on the bottom then i can go from that to the draining, too.

anyone else have any experience with this? it's like all the negative affect is just going away to a nothing-spot. it sounds similar to the naivete-center that actualists talk about, except this one isn't even on the body.

EDIT: changed title
This Good Self, modified 13 Years ago at 6/21/11 8:50 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/21/11 8:49 PM

RE: naivete-center below the body?

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
No, but I prefer body scanning over noting also.

Barbara Brennan would be the person to ask. She's the authority on chakras, cords, and energy centres. She'd call that spot (one foot below the feet) the 'Earth Star'. And one foot above the head, the 'Soul Star'. Her books are fascinating. The big ones, about A5 size.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 6/22/11 7:38 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/22/11 7:38 AM

RE: naivete-center below the body?

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
hmm i wonder if it was a 3rd jhana experience. it's really vibratory and it was strengthened when i focused on the outside of my body (where i'd been focusing most of my body scanning), after i did it for a while all the calm-vibration stopped and was replaced by calm-stillness, at which point i could start feeling things inside my body, like a white drop of attention spreading through the body.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 6/22/11 10:08 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/22/11 10:08 AM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
hmm so the more i do body scanning in one session, the deeper this sense of affective relaxation gets. when i scan through one time, i'll notice gaps that i'll put my attention on until i get a sensation there, which then feels like my body is filled in with those sensations. the next time through, the thing that i filled in now seems like a coarse gap, and i can look even deeper to fill in more sensations.

as i do this i become overwhelmed by this really heady affective relaxation. it's weird.. it's not blissful, really, though it seems intoxicating in a similar way. it's not like all body-affect is draining a way to leave none behind, it's like this 'relaxed'-affect is filling in. but as i body scan more i almost get restless and impatient as it feels like i can't take it anymore.. but at the same time there's an interest in filling it in more to see what happens.

i think it would be better to feel this way than to feel fearful and anxious. seems like if i stabilize in it it would be easier to get felicitous/have it all disappear.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 6/22/11 1:30 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/22/11 1:30 PM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
i also feel pretty woozy if i do it too much, heh..
This Good Self, modified 13 Years ago at 6/22/11 9:31 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/22/11 9:31 PM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
copy/paste from

Soul Star

The Soulstar is located about 9 inches or one foot above the head which brings in spiritual energy from the spiritual core

* Location: about 9 inches or one foot above the head
* Color: silver or ultraviolet
* Source of: past knowledge, karmic memory
* Seat of: time & timelessness, karma, portals in and through this time/space continuum soul chakra
* Location: approx. arm's length above head
* Color: gold or infrared
* Source of: creation & change energy, master plans
* Seat of: soul genes and templates, personal archetypes and symbols
Bruno Loff, modified 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 2:35 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 2:35 AM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 1109 Join Date: 8/30/09 Recent Posts
I'm getting a similar effect by just focusing on the base of the spine and lower abdomen, what happens if you try that?

Here is what I mean from this thread.


sounds to me like you need to learn to open your abdomen and ass more, so that the surges, rather than travelling upward and throughout your system (which actions are currently frying you), will have a larger place to go (the lower abdomen, below your navel), where the energy can collect, and percolate, and build a stable, tranquil (unproblematic) bodily bliss, and from where excess energy can travel out your pooper (root centre) into the ground. practice relaxing those areas (you may get a bit of gurgling and tenderness in these regions from doing this, particularly at first) (...)
Yadid dee, modified 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 3:01 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 2:57 AM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 258 Join Date: 9/11/09 Recent Posts
If you're all into body-scanning now, here's the Goenka instructions:

Scan your body your head to feet, and from feet to head, moving slowly between body parts systematically, whenever you feel a sensation move on, but if a part of the body is blank (or if a sensation is gross), stay there for a minute or so attentively and calmly (noticing impermenance of those sensations), maintaining equanimity towards all sensations.

you can also let your attention drop into your body like a drop of ink inside a bucket of water, spreading naturally (aka 'free-flow').

use the free-flow and part by part alternating.

once the whole body opens up, you can start doing cross-checks, just randomly choose a spot and see how fast you feel a sensation there, but just do this once in a while, not all the time.

once you are sure you can feel sensations on all parts of the surface of the body, start moving your attention inside the body with the same system of moving when you feel a sensation, and staying attentively for short periods when the area is blank or gross.
don't imagine body parts or inside body parts, just feel how it feels.
try piercing and penetrating from side to side, in all directions, coming in from one side and going out of the other, like a pin or a drill, pierce and penetrate your body with your attention.

once you can feel the whole body you can start moving your attention through the spinal cord, slowly and attentively opening up blank parts.

I hear that Goenka also gives an instruction called 'bhavanga' on the older 30 day courses which say one should rest one's attention at the heart area for periods of time, after everything has opened up.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 9:05 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 9:05 AM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
thanks for the instructions. i was missing the last bit about the spinal cord - guess that's openin up chakras?

a question: once the surface is penetrated and i move inside the body, should i notice sensations on both the surface and the inside at each part, or only the inside?
Yadid dee, modified 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 9:42 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 9:42 AM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 258 Join Date: 9/11/09 Recent Posts
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem:
i was missing the last bit about the spinal cord - guess that's openin up chakras?

Well perhaps, but they sure dont call it that there.

Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem:
a question: once the surface is penetrated and i move inside the body, should i notice sensations on both the surface and the inside at each part, or only the inside?

Hmm.. not sure about that. I suppose you dont have a choice because when you direct your attention towards the inside of the body you also feel surface.
what does it feel like to you?
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 9:53 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 9:53 AM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Yadid dee:
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem:
a question: once the surface is penetrated and i move inside the body, should i notice sensations on both the surface and the inside at each part, or only the inside?

Hmm.. not sure about that. I suppose you dont have a choice because when you direct your attention towards the inside of the body you also feel surface.
what does it feel like to you?

its like my focus shifts from the surface of the skin to the inside of my body, and i can go around looking only on the inside parts, which feels more natural, in a way, though that isn't the best indication of a good practice. if i focus i can also pick out surface sensations, though they are dimmer. it seems to me like a good idea to take both into account; was wondering what goenka actually instructs, though.
Yadid dee, modified 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 10:01 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 6/23/11 10:01 AM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 258 Join Date: 9/11/09 Recent Posts
i dont recall that he says anything about that.. the main thing is to access subtler and subtler sensations which we are usually not aware of, and see their impermanent nature and therefore develop equanimity towards all types..

perhaps nick has something to add as he has done quite a few of those courses.
Ryo GTO, modified 12 Years ago at 6/29/12 10:59 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/29/12 10:59 AM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Post: 1 Join Date: 6/28/12 Recent Posts
From what I understand you are to go from the surface and into the body, and not ignore any sensations. So don't ignore surface sensations when you are at the surface and moving into the body. Be with the sensations that are there at that spot, don't ignore any sensations. That is the directions I remember from my 10 day courses. Hope this helps for someone wondering the answer to this question.
Tommy M, modified 12 Years ago at 6/29/12 4:00 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/29/12 4:00 PM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
Aduro T, modified 12 Years ago at 2/2/13 7:01 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 2/2/13 6:45 AM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 30 Join Date: 6/6/12 Recent Posts
What you're describing seems to put me into a super comfy posture. It's really pleasant. What you are doing seems to be 'smoothing out' the 'energy channels' that move down the back of the body. Now do the same thing up the the instep and then the inner thighs, pulling up through through the front of the body. You should feel a lift. This will give you some awesome powerful posture. For me it feels natural to oscillate between the two. Exhale for the 'downward', inhale for the 'upward'. You may notice that this is a lot like 'settling into a meditation posture' which you may do when you prepare for sitting meditation. Presumably, this is one way to 'breathe with your whole body'. The 'chakras' above and below you are mostly likely one of the earthly or heavenly chakras. Martial artists will 'root' into the lower chakras in horse stance training.
Dannon F, modified 11 Years ago at 2/9/13 11:48 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/9/13 11:48 PM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 40 Join Date: 1/6/13 Recent Posts
I do this thing to clean my energy field and it is similar. I inhale, and hold my breath and stretch up on tip toes and reach with my hands together and imagine I my finger tips are poking through a hole of light. When I can't hold my breath I exhale smoothly and mindfully drop my hands down and imagine I am pulling down a curtain then I bend down at the waist and let my arms and head dangle as I focus on that point in the Earth you are talking about and all the stress just flows off into the Earth where I imagine little gnomes and earth spirits gobbling it up. I call it a light shower.
Dan Cooney, modified 11 Years ago at 4/1/13 1:07 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 4/1/13 1:07 PM

RE: anyone recognize what's going on here?

Posts: 60 Join Date: 10/22/12 Recent Posts
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem:
i can do this thing i got out of an energy-work book. the idea is to do a body scan from above the top of your head going down to below your toes. you're supposed to move your attention down your body like a plane, just noticing any blockages or tension or any sensation really along the way, only moving down not up (though i find it doesn't matter now). you're supposed to use this to identify energy spots and dissolve them but i haven't gotten that far.

if i do it correctly, and i'm getting better at it, when i go down to my ankle, then the sole of my foot, then the tip of the foot, then the toes, then past the toes about a foot into the ground - it's a definite spot that i can intuitively reach - then i feel this great peaceful downward flow over my entire body. basically it feels like all my energy is draining downwards, except i'm not being depleted - just a really peaceful affective well-being is left in its place. if i focus on that spot 1 foot beneath me then the motion is increased. there's a tendency to link it up with a spot above your head - and i wonder if they're similar - but i think you have to not do that.

i started doing goenka-style body scanning and that seems to have a similar effect, though maybe more thorough cause you go over your entire body in more detail. i dont get the draining motion, but i do get the affective well-being, and if i focus on the bottom then i can go from that to the draining, too.

anyone else have any experience with this? it's like all the negative affect is just going away to a nothing-spot. it sounds similar to the naivete-center that actualists talk about, except this one isn't even on the body.

EDIT: changed title
haha, I'm like, what's the problem? sounds like you are doing this correctly and have established that energy flow well. emoticon be comfortable with these sorts of things, so that you can habituate being unperturbed by them so that when you are very deeply in meditation your body does not stir with your mind. just keep on smilin emoticon
