Arising and Passing Away

Gurudas Bailur, modified 14 Years ago at 3/20/10 2:17 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 3/20/10 2:17 PM

Arising and Passing Away

Posts: 4 Join Date: 10/6/09 Recent Posts
I have been practcing meditation in Goenka tradition for four years and have attended two ten day courses. While I have no problem with Anapana, I have one difficulty in Vipassana meditation. I do not experience the arising and passing way of sensations. I start with focussing attention on the top of the head, where I feel, what I can only describe as a sensation of energy. When I move my attendtion to the scalp or to the front of the face, i do feel a similar sensation there, but the sensation at the top of hte head does not go away completely. I feel that a residual part of the sensation remains there.. As I proceed to focus attension on other parts of the body, sensation arises on the part on which I am focussing attention, but I feel that the feeling of energy in the part just completed does not go away;a part is still left there. As a result, on the completion of the meditation session, I feel a sensation of energy in the entire body, which appears to be the residual energy left in each part as I move along. Certainly, the nature of sensations is different in different part os teh body. Hoever, while I can feel the arising and passing away of the breath and thoughts in Anapana, i do not experience the same in focussing on sensations Vipassana. Is there someting wrong in what I am doing?

Daniel M Ingram, modified 14 Years ago at 3/22/10 1:46 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 3/22/10 1:46 AM

RE: Arising and Passing Away

Posts: 3277 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
A few things:

By energy, I assume you mean something tingling, vibrating, changing, with lots of little pulses of sensations arising and vanishing, right?

While each time you look up at the head you might again notice a pattern of fresh, impermanent pulses and tingles and whatever that imply "that same" energy, those obviously aren't the exact same sensations (as the original ones are now gone), but just a continued series of fresh, transient sensations that are similar to the previous ones.

Thus, how is it that while directly noticing all this impermanence, all this arising and vanishing, that you fail to call it arising and vanishing?
Gurudas Bailur, modified 14 Years ago at 3/22/10 10:58 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 3/22/10 10:58 AM

RE: Arising and Passing Away

Posts: 4 Join Date: 10/6/09 Recent Posts
Many thanks for your prompt reply. I will follow your advice and coem back to you in a coupel of days

Gurudas Bailur, modified 14 Years ago at 3/22/10 5:24 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 3/22/10 5:24 PM

RE: Arising and Passing Away

Posts: 4 Join Date: 10/6/09 Recent Posts
I am sorry for the spelling mistakes in my previous reply. I was looking for a send button on the screen and did not realise that the save button is also the send button. I thought I was saving the message for further correction and elaboration but then realised that it had already gone!

I do experience the tingling sensation in the head as well as in some parts of the body. The sensations differ in their nature in the difference parts of the body. In some parts, such as shoulder joints, the elbow joints, knees, thigh and calf muscles, the sensations are less pleasant. The tingling sensations which I experience in the head and front parts of the torso can be said to be pleasant. The fact of the matter is that I had not analysed these sensations more deeply and had not gone beyond my first observation. I had assumed that they were one single indivisible entity and had left it at that. I have now attempted to go deeper and find they rise and fall, and their movement seems to be syncronised with my pulse.

In your book you mention experiencing ten, fifteen and even more sensations in a second Firstly I have not counted them and secondly they appear to be not more than my pulse rate.

Also, the less pleasant sensations in the joints and knees seem to be lodged there permanently as whenever I focus my attention on them during my journey from head to foot and foot to head, I experience the feelings experienced in my second visit seem to be the same as those felt on my first visit to each of these joints, as if the sensations were permanently lodged there. I feel as if I am visiting my old friends! In other words, while the sensations felt in the head are differen tfrom those felt in my shoulder joint, the sensations experienced in the shoulder joint, knees etc are the same on each visit.

Further, if these sensations disappear as you have mentioned, why do I feel energised after the meditation session? How does one explain the difference in the nature of body sensations before and after a meditation session? What is it that is left behind which gives you a better feeling after a meditaion session?

Incidentally, I also expereince a ringing sensation in my ears, which feels circular. Ajhan Sumedho calls it the sound of silence.

In my last ten day meditation treat, I had a strange experience. When I came out of my meditation cell after a full day of meditation sitting, I walked in to the garden and felt as if all the plants trees and flowers were alive and joyous and I was one of them and was also dancing with joy with them. The feeling did not last long. When I looked around after a few minutes, the suroundings were lifeless! I do not know what one can make of this experience!
Daniel M Ingram, modified 14 Years ago at 3/23/10 2:48 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 3/23/10 2:48 AM

RE: Arising and Passing Away

Posts: 3277 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Joy, vibrations, unitive experiences and the like, all likely A&P, I would guess. You can find info about the Arising and Passing Away on the wiki and in MCTB.
Gurudas Bailur, modified 14 Years ago at 3/25/10 3:20 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 3/25/10 3:20 AM

RE: Arising and Passing Away

Posts: 4 Join Date: 10/6/09 Recent Posts
Many thanks for showing me the way to the experiencing of impermanence through noticing the arising and passing away of senstations in the body.
Sister Khema, modified 14 Years ago at 5/12/10 1:17 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 5/12/10 1:17 PM

RE: Arising and Passing Away

Posts: 12 Join Date: 3/18/10 Recent Posts
I was reading this entry and thought of something from the texts which you can apply and establish for yourself.

whatever arises, passes away
what feeds a sensation to make it get stronger, stay longer, before passing away?
It is mind's attention. It is this nutriment that the Buddha talks about when explaining to his monks about any sensation getting bigger, growing stronger and staying longer.
But should we believe this?
To establish what is the cause of any sensation growing stronger and staying longer, we should test this for ourselves.

If an itch appears, place mind's attention on it and see what happens.
Next time an itch appears, allow it to be there without mind's attention placed on it. Simply release any tension or tightness you may have, any urge to move mind's attention over to it and instead just let it be there, RELAX any left over tension after you notice and release it initially, and then inwardly smile to yourself and return mind's attention over to your object of meditation and then keep going....

What has just happened?
You have just performed RIGHT EFFORT.

You were meditating... Very Right Effort and very harmonious in life.
You mind's attention was on your object of meditation while you were practicing.
Then within your body and mind, tension began to slightly increase as mind's attention prepared to shift over to the sensation which began to arise..... This was noticing the unwholesome...
but then you RELEASED the attention on it.... you released the unwholesome and then
you brought up the object of meditation again and you continued on. ..... you brought up the wholesome and keep it going!

So, in essense, you practiced pure RIGHT EFFORT and STRIVING here....

1. RECOGNIZE when any unwholesome arises in mind
2. RELEASE the unwholesome
3. Bring up a WHOLESOME
4. Keep the WHOLESOME GOING.....

These are the 4 steps of right effort....

now , everytime you practice in this way, you are repeatedly witnessing all of the indicators of arising phenomena, and then witnessing it as it passes away ....

You are at the same time learning how this works and what mind's attention has to do with this process.

You also witness what Buddhist Volition ( free will) has to do with meditation and where it can be applied.

Hope this is helpful.
Rev. Sister Khema



But then

We should try it out for ourselves to prove for ourselves what is the CAUSE of any arising
b man, modified 12 Years ago at 11/25/11 7:22 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 11/25/11 7:22 PM

RE: Arising and Passing Away

Posts: 199 Join Date: 11/25/11 Recent Posts
this post has served as a very useful reminder to me - thank you