Questions for anagamis and arahants

Questions for anagamis and arahants Shashank Dixit 10/23/10 8:57 AM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Nikolai . 10/23/10 11:41 AM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Jeff Grove 10/23/10 4:16 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Nikolai . 10/23/10 5:03 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Jeff Grove 10/23/10 5:46 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Nikolai . 10/23/10 6:00 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Jeff Grove 10/23/10 6:04 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Nikolai . 10/23/10 6:23 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Jeff Grove 10/23/10 6:50 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Nikolai . 10/23/10 7:17 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Shashank Dixit 10/23/10 9:51 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Nikolai . 10/24/10 9:15 AM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Jeff Grove 10/24/10 11:53 AM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Nikolai . 10/24/10 1:19 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants p m c 10/24/10 2:30 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Mike NZ 10/24/10 2:58 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Paul Duplessis 10/24/10 5:09 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Daniel M. Ingram 10/25/10 1:12 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Paul Duplessis 10/25/10 3:49 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Yadid dee 11/27/10 5:02 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Shashank Dixit 11/28/10 12:27 AM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Yadid dee 11/28/10 5:53 AM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Tommy M 12/28/10 3:10 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants mico mico 12/28/10 3:36 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Tommy M 12/28/10 5:15 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem 12/29/10 7:16 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Tommy M 12/30/10 7:11 AM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem 12/29/10 7:27 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants omnia 5/26/19 2:26 PM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Todo 5/29/19 9:41 AM
RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants Dao Heng 2/9/21 4:35 PM
Shashank Dixit, modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 8:57 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 8:57 AM

Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 282 Join Date: 9/11/10 Recent Posts
Hi there

Recently , I stumbled upon a fruition which is making me believe I got the second path , though I'll wait and see for sometime
if it was the fruition of the first path. I have certain questions for all anagamis and arahants because I simply want to know
where I'm headed and it may give me useful hints on what to expect.

1. Does sensual desire totally not arise or it does arise but it has no real control over you ?

2. Does anger ,jealousy and other 'negative' defilements totally not arise or they arise but they have no control over you ?

3. Do you really have no suffering if anything at all happens to anyone or anybody ? By suffering I mean , will you not feel even a momentary sadness , sorry , lamentation ?

4. Does your heart race at anything at all ? I ask this because I do notice this is one of the most major physical sensation that
arises when anything the other day I was crossing the road and suddenly a car zoomed by and I was caught
unaware and my heart kind of raced a little. Need to be more mindful though :-P

Thank you so much..this community is a real saviour !

Nikolai , modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 11:41 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 11:29 AM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
1. Does sensual desire totally not arise or it does arise but it has no real control over you ?

Clinging is the only thing that is dealt with at 4th path and to a great degree at 3rd path too.
The first arrow is still stuck right in there. One's relationship to desire changes somewhat after 3rd and definitley 4th. But desire still can arise. It's just not clung too like before.

2. Does anger ,jealousy and other 'negative' defilements totally not arise or they arise but they have no control over you ?

They still can arise depending on your own past habitual tendencies, but can be seen ever so clearly to be "not-self". You can choose to react or not.

3. Do you really have no suffering if anything at all happens to anyone or anybody ? By suffering I mean , will you not feel even a momentary sadness , sorry , lamentation ?

They still arise, they are just seen clearly not to be self. There is only the suffering of the first arrow. Not the second arrow of clinging. There is no clinging. Things arise and can be let go of effortlessly. But things still arise. And in my opinion, the first arrow can be a bitch still. But it seems it can be done away with with further practice.

4. Does your heart race at anything at all ?

Yes, this can still happen post 4th.

There is some fundamental suffering that is seen through and dealt with at 4th path. It is that identifying with phenomena which caused the second arrow of clinging to cause so much more misery. That is dealt away with. But stuff still arises. Your habits will still be there afterwards. You will just see them differently and absolutley clearly. And from there, you have a choice. You can change the way you act due to this clarity.

These days, I have discovered that the cultivation of what Kenneth Folk calls the "direct perception mode", which can be very effective in cultivating PCE's, has made it seem very obvious that what 4th path brought about was just the realization that all phenomena is "not-self". There is a heap of weight put down at this stage. That is for sure. You are off the ride. Insight disease is no more.

But I see that it did nothing to forever stop the habitual tendencies to crave and feel aversion from arising nevermore. They are still annoyingly arising even though they pass much more quickly than before without the tendency to cling there. This lack of clinging made it possible to be able to see all that clearly and have a better position to decide on what to do about all those habitual tendencies.

There are many directions one could take with with this new found clarity. You could go down many avenues. Clear Light/ Primordial awareness development, One Taste, Bodhisatva routes, harnessing the power of the still arising emotions etc. Or you could go in the direction of eradicating them permanently. I am taking it in the direction of complete eradication of these habitual tendencies that cause me and others so much suffering. And it seems that that is a very real possibility from my current experiences, cultivating PCE's with direct perception mode.

4th path in my opinion is just the realisation of the no-self aspect of all phenomena. It does not stop them from arising. There is a lot of weight put down at this stage. There is more freedom than pre-4th path. But there seems to be more one can do to deal with the 1st arrow post-4th path. 4th path is not the end. No place to rest my laurels yet. ;)
Jeff Grove, modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 4:16 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 4:10 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts
Nikolai S Halay:
1. Does sensual desire totally not arise or it does arise but it has no real control over you ?

Clinging is the only thing that is dealt with at 4th path and to a great degree at 3rd path too.
The first arrow is still stuck right in there. One's relationship to desire changes somewhat after 3rd and definitley 4th. But desire still can arise. It's just not clung too like before.

The experience and the experiencer are the same, if desire arises there is always the possibility that it will be clung to. If desire arises it affects you no mater how it is rationalized.

So yes desire occurs and yes desire affects you (or is you). How this affects you changes as you progress in your investigation

2. Does anger ,jealousy and other 'negative' defilement's totally not arise or they arise but they have no control over you ?

They still can arise depending on your own past habitual tendencies, but can be seen ever so clearly to be "not-self". You can choose to react or not.

The very fact that these negative difilements arose means that you have already reacted and the idea that you have a choice is an illusion

3. Do you really have no suffering if anything at all happens to anyone or anybody ? By suffering I mean , will you not feel even a momentary sadness , sorry , lamentation ?

They still arise, they are just seen clearly not to be self. There is only the suffering of the first arrow. Not the second arrow of clinging. There is no clinging. Things arise and can be let go of effortlessly. But things still arise. And in my opinion, the first arrow can be a bitch still. But it seems it can be done away with with further practice.

At what point does it become not effortlessly? While there is a self, a Self, a no self or a True Self there will be suffering.

4. Does your heart race at anything at all ?

The heart racing is a biological response the cause could be either conscious or unconscious or both.

There is more freedom than pre-4th path. But there seems to be more one can do to deal with the 1st arrow post-4th path. 4th path is not the end. No place to rest my laurels yet. ;)

Yes and to be open to this possibility is a huge step for further insight

Have a great weekend
Nikolai , modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 5:03 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 4:42 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
Hi jeff,

Can you clarify if you are 1st/2nd/3rd/4th path or AF? I'm curious.

Does anger ,jealousy and other 'negative' defilement's totally not arise or they arise but they have no control over you ?

They still can arise depending on your own past habitual tendencies, but can be seen ever so clearly to be "not-self". You can choose to react or not.

The very fact that these negative difilements arose means that you have already reacted and the idea that you have a choice is an illusion

Maybe I should be more precise in my explanations. I usually just equate specific sensations that arise to be the defilements. Crappy sensations. They still arise. And I have a choice whether I mentally,verbally or physically react to those sensations. I can choose NOT react to those sensations (which I have habitually always just refereed to as the emotions in their most basic form, without all the mental reaction). So yes, I have a choice.

Do you really have no suffering if anything at all happens to anyone or anybody ? By suffering I mean , will you not feel even a momentary sadness , sorry , lamentation ?

They still arise, they are just seen clearly not to be self. There is only the suffering of the first arrow. Not the second arrow of clinging. There is no clinging. Things arise and can be let go of effortlessly. But things still arise. And in my opinion, the first arrow can be a bitch still. But it seems it can be done away with with further practice.
At what point does it become not effortlessly? While there is a self, a Self, a no self or a True Self there will be suffering.

Are you 4th path, Jeff? I don't know how to is for you but I find it effortless in cycle mode as Daniel calls it, to watch ALL phenomena including the sense of self as just one mass of arising and passing phenomena without effort, if I feel inclined.
And I agree, as long as there is a self contraction of any kind, there will be suffering. I have recently been introduced to a mode of perception that does not allow the self contraction that occurs with with the arising of emotions and desire and it is becoming close to effortless to maintain that mode of perception. Hopefully it will click permanently in the near future and no more subtle 1st arrow self contraction.

There is more freedom than pre-4th path. But there seems to be more one can do to deal with the 1st arrow post-4th path. 4th path is not the end. No place to rest my laurels yet. ;)

Yes and to be open to this possibility is a huge step for further insight

Your pro-AF stance is quite obvious. I'm ok with it. But no need to ram it down peoples throats. The post was asking about 3rd and 4th path NOT A/F. No need to preach. There is a section for that. Have a good weekend too.
Jeff Grove, modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 5:46 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 5:43 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts
Nikolai S Halay:
Hi jeff,

Can you clarify if you are 1st/2nd/3rd/4th path or AF? I'm curious.

Why are you curious, what will it change?

Maybe I should be more precise in my explanations. I usually just equate specific sensations that arise to be the defilements. Crappy sensations. They still arise. And I have a choice whether I mentally,verbally or physically react to those sensations. I can choose NOT react to those sensations (which I have habitually always just refereed to as the emotions in their most basic form, without all the mental reaction). So yes, I have a choice.

If you had a choice Nick how come they still occur and how come they can affect you?
At what stage do you choose not to be affected?
Why do you believe you have a choice in the first place if you cant stop them at the source?

Your pro-AF stance is quite obvious. I'm ok with it. But no need to ram it down peoples throats. The post was asking about 3rd and 4th path NOT A/F. No need to preach. There is a section for that. Have a good weekend too.

Nick the only person who has mentioned AF is you (and now me). I was responding to the specific questions and answers to this thread.

My comment was because of your statement that you have indicated that there is more to be investigated. This was a huge hurdle for me to get past in my investigation, to be open to changing my beliefs which I had previously clung to and defended

Nikolai , modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 6:00 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 5:58 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
Hi Jeff,

Why am I curious? Because this thread is asking about specific 3rd and 4th path experiences and I am wandering where you are talking from. From 3rd or 4th path or something else? Please specify for the sake of this thread if what you talk about is from your own experience and not from a book, what someone else said, or wrote somewhere. Please just be honest about it. Being honest about it will help others asking questions about 3rd and 4th path get a good idea about how 3rd or 4th path was/is like. For the sake of honesty and this thread. We are not arguing about what needs to be done after 4th path here. Just what 3rd and 4th path are like.
Jeff Grove, modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 6:04 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 6:04 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts
Nikolai S Halay:
Hi Jeff,

Why am I curious? Because this thread is asking about specific 3rd and 4th path experiences and I am wandering where you are talking from. From 3rd or 4th path or something else? Please specify for the sake of this thread if what you talk about is from your own experience and not from a book, what someone else said, or wrote somewhere. Please just be honest about it. Being honest about it will help others asking questions about 3rd and 4th path get a good idea about how 3rd or 4th path was/is like. For the sake of honesty and this thread. We are not arguing about what needs to be done after 4th path here. Just what 3rd and 4th path are like.


I write from what I have experienced in the past including meditation, books, and other people

Nikolai , modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 6:23 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 6:06 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
If you had a choice Nick how come they still occur and how come they can affect you?

Yeh, not AF at all this type of questioning. Hehe! Actually, Ive discovered that I can get into a mode of perception where they DO NOT affect me anymore. We'll see where this practice takes me.

At what stage do you choose not to be affected?

Well, when i realized that there was self-contracting still going on at the level of emotions and desire. And so I decided to take the path to come out of that. We'll see were this practice takes me.

Why do you believe you have a choice in the first place if you cant stop them at the source?

I have a choice in reacting to the sensations mentally with mind states, thought patterns or in another word..full blown sankharas and emotions, OR I can just observe the sensations/the senses in a particular way which doesn't have the self contracting arise at all, no defilements arise, thus no affective feelings and no suffering. Yeh, they still arise, but there is still a choice to react or not. What are we arguing about? I choose to react or not react. It's called (effortless) apperception by some. We'll see how far this can go.



P.S. I accept that AF as a possible route for anyone. I accept that that 4th path is too. I'm not anti-either these days. However, when in cycle mode, I still dislike things. Like when you say you aren't talking about AF, when you post in a thread about 3rd and 4th path with obvious AF related questioning. Man!

So you have or haven't gotten 3rd nor 4th path? Come on, Jeff. I'm seriously curious to know. Where's your anti-mushroom spirit? You are avoiding the question. Why? Hmmmm. Let's just leave this thread for yogis who want to talk about 3rd and 4th path experiences, ok?
Jeff Grove, modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 6:50 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 6:50 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts
Nikolai S Halay:
If you had a choice Nick how come they still occur and how come they can affect you?

Yeh, not AF at all this type of questioning. Hehe! Actually, Ive discovered that I can get into a mode of perception where they DO NOT affect me anymore. We'll see where this practice takes me.

At what stage do you choose not to be affected?

Well, when i realized that there was self-contracting still going on at the level of emotions and desire. And so I decided to take the path to come out of that. We'll see were this practice takes me.

Why do you believe you have a choice in the first place if you cant stop them at the source?

I have a choice in reacting to the sensations mentally with mind states, thought patterns or in another word..full blown sankharas and emotions, OR I can just observe the sensations/the senses in a particular way which doesn't have the self contracting arise at all, no defilements arise, thus no affective feelings and no suffering. Yeh, they still arise, but there is still a choice to react or not. What are we arguing about? I choose to react or not react. It's called (effortless) apperception by some. We'll see how far this can go



P.S. I accept that AF as a possible route for anyone. I accept that that 4th path is too. I'm not anti-either these days. However, when in cycle mode, I still dislike things. Like when you say you aren't talking about AF, when you post in a thread about 3rd and 4th path with obvious AF related questioning. Man!

So you have or haven't gotten 3rd nor 4th path? Come on, Jeff. I'm seriously curious to know. Where's your anti-mushroom spirit? You are avoiding the question. Why? Hmmmm.

Nick I fell for the same trap in the belief that defilement's arise and don't stick if I choose. While you are conscious to these there is suffering. The defilement's are a self experience. No self is a self experience.

I believe there is value in achieving the 4 paths. I landed 4th path Sept 2009 but have had no urge to post it.

Let's just leave this thread for yogis who want to talk about 3rd and 4th path experiences, ok?

Nikolai , modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 7:17 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 7:06 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts

Nick I fell for the same trap in the belief that defilement's arise and don't stick if I choose. While you are conscious to these there is suffering. The defilement's are a self experience. No self is a self experience.

I believe there is value in achieving the 4 paths. I landed 4th path Sept 2009 but have had no urge to post it.


Thanks Jef for your honesty. Now I can stop being so pushy.;) And by the way. I am aware of the trap you mention and am discovering things that are very much in line with what you have said and I am actively working on it. emoticon
Shashank Dixit, modified 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 9:51 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/23/10 9:51 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 282 Join Date: 9/11/10 Recent Posts
Thanks so much for your replies !

To be honest , if I go by "sense-desire , anger etc does arise but I have a choice of what to do with it" , then I am already a 4rth path..also, I totally feel centerless already..I just see the self as mere sensations in the causal field of the universe..arising and passing away with no real self..these are mere impersonal , causally originating sensations but I still get caught up in habituated tendencies which leads to the arising of these defilements...

I think the traditional 4 path model has something to it when it says that fetters are cut off permanently...I feel that at 3rd path , anger and sense desire should be cut off so that they simply won't even arise...Is there anyone who has spoken to real monks in Theravada monasteries about this point ?

Nikolai , modified 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 9:15 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 9:15 AM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
I haven't talked to any monks. But what people have been calling 4th path around here, what Kenneth Folk and Daniel Ingram have been calling arahatship, is all about the getting off the ride. Do you feel "done"?. Holding onto a specific ideal may become an obstacle to actually getting it done in the sense people talk of getting it done here (4th path). Now we could argue that what these AFers are callling actual freedom is actually the Arahat that the Pali canon buddha talked of, but I really have no idea.

This thread might help
Jeff Grove, modified 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 11:53 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 11:28 AM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts

Nick wrote a good description of 4th path in the thread he linked. Also add access to the NS, 8 Jhanas and the Pure Land Jhanas are a good identicator of 3rd and 4th but there is also dry insight so you can get there without.

Now we could argue that what these AFers are calling actual freedom is actually the Arahat that the Pali canon Buddha talked of, but I really have no idea.

this is something I have been questioning lately but have to take into account that these were written 500 yrs after his death and that they may be a translation from Pali to a second language and then into English or Pali to English or a first language to Pali then English etc which increases the chances of error being made

Nikolai , modified 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 1:19 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 1:19 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
I found this quote posted on another forum so don't now the original place it came from.It is presumably by Mahasi Sayadaw.

The Arahat has no illusion about the nature of sense-objects. He is aware of their unwholesomeness and this means he realizes the truth of dukkha because he is free from ignorance (avijja). So he has no craving for anything. Inevitably, he has to fill the biological needs of his physical body such as eating, sleeping, etc., but he regards them as conditioned (sankhara) dukkha and finds nothing that is pleasant to him.

The question arises as to whether he should long for speedy death to end such suffering. But the desire for early death or dissolution of the physical body too is a destructive desire and the Arahat is free from it. So there is an Arahat's saying in the Theragatha that he has neither the wish to die nor the wish to live.

The Arahat does not wish to live a long life for life means largely the burden of suffering inherent in khandha. Although the burden of khandha needs constant care and attention, it is not in the least reliable. To many middle-aged or old people, life offers little more than frustration, disappointment and bitterness. Living conditions go from bad to worse, physical health declines and there is nothing but complete disintegration and death that await us. Yet, because of ignorance and attachment many people take delight in existence. On the other hand, the Arahat is disillusioned and he finds life dreary and monotonous. Hence, his distaste for life.

But the Arahat does not prefer death either. For death-wish is an aggressive instinct which he has also conquered. What he wants is to attain Nibbana, a longing that is somewhat analogous to that of a worker who wishes to get his daily or monthly wage.

The worker does not like to face hardship and privations for he has to work inevitably just to make his living but he does not want to lose his job either. He wants only money and looks forward to pay-day. Likewise, the Arahat waits for the moment when he should attain Nibbana without anything left of his body-mind complex. So when they think of their life-span, the Arahats wonder how long they will have to bear the burden of nama-rupa khandha. Because of his disillusionment, the Arahat's life-stream is completely cut off after Nibbana, hence it is called //anupadisesanibbana//.

-- Mahasi Sayadaw

It really sounds like Mahasi Sayadaw's take on the aharat from just this, is that the arahat still has somewhat of an aversion for life and the khandas and is just waiting around to get parnibbana so he/she wont have to suffer the monotony no more. Doesn't sound like his arahat is free from all misery, does it?

I would rather have my parnibbana now in this life, rather than in death. So perhaps A/F is a step beyond.
p m c, modified 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 2:30 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 2:30 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 10 Join Date: 4/22/10 Recent Posts
Yes, it's Mahasi Sayadaw and he does sound a little bitter almost. emoticon
Mike NZ, modified 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 2:58 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 2:58 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 12 Join Date: 12/14/09 Recent Posts
Hi Nikolai,
Nikolai S Halay:

It really sounds like Mahasi Sayadaw's take on the aharat from just this, is that the arahat still has somewhat of an aversion for life and the khandas and is just waiting around to get parnibbana so he/she wont have to suffer the monotony no more. Doesn't sound like his arahat is free from all misery, does it?

I would rather have my parnibbana now in this life, rather than in death. So perhaps A/F is a step beyond.

You've quoted a short extract from a long discourse:

I must admit, that, leaving it there, makes it sound not particularly inviting...

However, it continues:


Those who believe in ego or soul deprecate Nibbäna as eternal death of a living being. In reality it is the total extinction of suffering that results from the non-recurrence of psychophysical phenomena together with their causes viz, kamma and defilements. So the Buddha points out the cessation of upadana arising from the complete cessation of craving, the process of becoming (bhava) ceasing to arise due to cessation of upadana and so on. With the non-arising of rebirth, there is the complete cessation of old age, death and other kinds of suffering.

Here the popular view is that birth, old age and death are evils that afflict living beings. But in point of fact these evils characterize only the psychophysical process and have nothing to do with a living entity. Since there is no ego or soul, it makes no sense to speak of the annihilation of a living being with the cessation of rebirth and suffering.

So those who regard Nibbana as annihilation are not free from the illusion of ego-entity. To the intelligent Buddhist, Nibbana means only cessation of suffering. This is evident in the story of bhikkhu Yamaka in the time of the Buddha.

Paul Duplessis, modified 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 5:09 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/24/10 5:09 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 9 Join Date: 10/11/10 Recent Posts
This is sobering. Thank you for the warning. If the final fruits of Buddhist practice are disenchantment with life compensated by the knowledge that one will not have to be born again, I want none of it!

Daniel M Ingram, modified 13 Years ago at 10/25/10 1:12 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/25/10 1:12 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 3278 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Well, lots of models here and lots of different takes on things.

That is par for the course, both fortunately and unfortunately.

Even if we look at the Pali Buddhist texts, we find the Buddha at the end of his life dying of food poisoning and unable to find refuge from that pain even in the highest temporary attainments he could pull off, and he also suffered from headaches and some other problems.

That said, what I call arahatship is and was very much worth it to me, vastly better than what I had before, a place of markedly increased sensate clarity and substantially less suffering on many fronts, though not completely suffering free.

Here we get into the old debates of how much is just the conditioning created by having been born and how much suffering can be eliminated by various meditation technologies, and as I am still doing some experiments on this front, will leave the commentary on that to others who claim to have gone further than myself, but regardless, I am really glad I got arahatship as I define it and find that perspective and the side-effects and additional remarkable abilities I gained along the way all a huge improvement from what I had before and absolutely worth everything that it took to get them by a long shot.

I go on and on about my take on this in MCTB, but as to whether or not arahatship as I define it is a good idea, compared to many other ways of being it blows their doors off, and there is solid evidence that it also provides a fantastic platform for all sorts of other pursuits that are of benefit.

I am personally way happier than what Mahasi is talking about and, while extremely grateful to the talented old bat, think he was a little dry and probably needed to go out and have some more fun (nearly wrote something else here, but you can just extrapolate in your own mind what I was actually thinking), and find his pictures reminiscent of a corpse or crypt thing, though I never met him in person.

Anyway, to each his or her own, and don't be warned off of arahatship just because the revolutionary genius Mahasi Sayadaw, upon whose giant shoulders I stand and so see far and positively delight in doing so, spun it that way. There is progress and continues to be progress and these are amazing times we live in when so much remarkable meditation technology is so available and people are making such remarkable discoveries about what is possible in this life and what freedoms from suffering and amazing experiences can be attained.

Paul Duplessis, modified 13 Years ago at 10/25/10 3:49 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/25/10 3:49 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 9 Join Date: 10/11/10 Recent Posts
Thank you for the ray of sunshine, Daniel. I hoped Mahasi Sayadaw's grim and joyless attitude toward life was not the bitter fruit of his practice - or I had better not practise his method any more!

To practise only for the ending of suffering seems a morbid and unworthy aim. I would choose suicide, having no fear of rebirth.

I would prefer to think of the negative aim (ending suffering) as but a means to a more positive end: to fully appreciate the joy and magic and mystery of life.

If Mahasi Sayadaw's apparent grimness is a personality trait or even an intrinsic part of Buddhist discourse, I can see how the methods (morality, samatha, vipassana) can be applied to good effect outside their original context. Thank you for affirming this, even if indirectly.

Yadid dee, modified 13 Years ago at 11/27/10 5:02 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/27/10 5:02 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 258 Join Date: 9/11/09 Recent Posts
In regards to Mahasi, here's a quote from Kornfield, who had direct contact with him:
"Mahasi Sayadaw, the Burmese master, expressed enlightenment as emptiness. Watching him on his visits to America, we saw that he rarely laughed or judged. Instead, he exuded a quiet equanimity. Events and conversations would happen around him while he remained still. He was like space—transparent, nobody there." - Jack Kornfield, from the Enlightenments article on Inquiring Mind ( )
Shashank Dixit, modified 13 Years ago at 11/28/10 12:27 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/28/10 12:27 AM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 282 Join Date: 9/11/10 Recent Posts
Yadid Bee:
In regards to Mahasi, here's a quote from Kornfield, who had direct contact with him:
"Mahasi Sayadaw, the Burmese master, expressed enlightenment as emptiness. Watching him on his visits to America, we saw that he rarely laughed or judged. Instead, he exuded a quiet equanimity. Events and conversations would happen around him while he remained still. He was like space—transparent, nobody there." - Jack Kornfield, from the Enlightenments article on Inquiring Mind ( )

I do not understand in what sense "emptiness" is implied here. Nobody denies that mass/energy do exist and so does phenomena , then how can there be emptiness ? Is it rather a "feeling of emptiness" as opposed to actual emptiness ?
Yadid dee, modified 13 Years ago at 11/28/10 5:53 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/28/10 5:53 AM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 258 Join Date: 9/11/09 Recent Posts
Shashank, I believe Emptiness is meant here as 'No self' - That is, there is nothing behind these constantly changing mental and physical conditions.
Tommy M, modified 13 Years ago at 12/28/10 3:10 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/28/10 3:10 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
I do not understand in what sense "emptiness" is implied here. Nobody denies that mass/energy do exist and so does phenomena , then how can there be emptiness ? Is it rather a "feeling of emptiness" as opposed to actual emptiness ?

That you ask this question indicates that you are neither anagami nor arahat since you would have had at least a glimpse of emptiness. The problem with describing emptiness is that there are no concepts or descriptions available since it neither "is" nor "isn't". The word "emptiness" is a best-fit solution, just a word and not the experience/non-experience which is without concept, idea or form. This probably makes no sense whatsoever. It doesn't but it will once you're there.
mico mico, modified 13 Years ago at 12/28/10 3:36 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/28/10 3:36 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 79 Join Date: 8/13/10 Recent Posts
Tommy M:
I do not understand in what sense "emptiness" is implied here. Nobody denies that mass/energy do exist and so does phenomena , then how can there be emptiness ? Is it rather a "feeling of emptiness" as opposed to actual emptiness ?

That you ask this question indicates that you are neither anagami nor arahat since you would have had at least a glimpse of emptiness. The problem with describing emptiness is that there are no concepts or descriptions available since it neither "is" nor "isn't". The word "emptiness" is a best-fit solution, just a word and not the experience/non-experience which is without concept, idea or form. This probably makes no sense whatsoever. It doesn't but it will once you're there.

> Is it rather a "feeling of emptiness" as opposed to actual emptiness?

Of course, it's a "feeling of emptiness", why else would the word be chosen? As Tommy says, 'The word "emptiness" is a best-fit solution, just a word".

Consistent with that is the possibility that you already experience this, but would never choose such a word as 'emptiness' to communicate it.

>That you ask this question indicates that you are neither anagami nor arahat since you would have had at least a glimpse of emptiness.

Tommy is that the 'real' emptiness or just the word you are talking about? And which do you think Shashank was using? (As you fashioned a reply that answered both but only as if they were the same thing, hence your contradictory and clichéd response.)
Tommy M, modified 13 Years ago at 12/28/10 5:15 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/28/10 5:15 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
I'd actually come back on here to correct myself so thanks for pointing that out (and my awful cliches). emoticon

I came off sounding like a know-it-all there for which I apologise, it was unneccesary and condescending.

True, Shashank may very well be perceiving the same thing since it's not exclusive to anagami's or arahats, only more obvious and/or prevalent and/or intentional. The only reason I mentioned the unlikelihood of Shashank having experienced 'real' emptiness was that they made a loose (and probably jokingly) claim earlier in the thread about already having 4th path.

By emptiness, I mean that non-moment/moment where there is no experience, perception, time, space, anything. The questions you've asked indicate that you already know what I'm getting at so I hope you can understand the difficulty in expressing a "definition". It's more the awareness of emptiness that I was aiming for when I replied to Shashank, Fruition on any object by inclining the mind towards it and the realisation which occurs, the breakdown of dualism and the ability to see through the paradox of subject/object. Is that any better?

The choice of the word "emptiness" is another kettle of fish entirely but there seems to be an agreed upon definition when using the word in the context of Buddhism.

I just want to make it quite clear here that I claim neither anagami nor arahat-ship, I'm new to the Theravadan system but have extensive experience with other systems of magick/meditation. I've attained similar states and shifts in baseline perception to those described in MCTB and elsewhere within Buddhism. If you want to know anything more just drop me a message rather than me clogging up someone else's post.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 12/29/10 7:16 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/29/10 7:15 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Just to add to the confusion.

I'm not entirely sure by emptiness the person describing Mahasi Sayadaw meant not experiencing anything. That sounds like Nirodha Samapatti, and in that state you can't interact with the outside world since you are not experiencing anything. Or perhaps you were just talking about a Fruition, in which case that is a very momentary thing, so how can one exude that constantly?

Perhaps by emptiness he meant "no-self". That is, "in seeing, just the seen", etc. No self/"ego" anywhere.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 12/29/10 7:27 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/29/10 7:27 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Nikolai H.:
I have recently been introduced to a mode of perception that does not allow the self contraction that occurs with with the arising of emotions and desire and it is becoming close to effortless to maintain that mode of perception. Hopefully it will click permanently in the near future and no more subtle 1st arrow self contraction.

Can you describe this mode in more detail? How has investigation of it over the past two months progressed?
Tommy M, modified 13 Years ago at 12/30/10 7:11 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/30/10 7:11 AM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
Since replying to this question I've been thinking the same things with regards to which sort of "emptiness" is being refferred to. I was talking about the absense of all experience as in Fruition, not Nirodha Samapatti (gonna post about this actually), which is what I thought Shashank was getting at in their initial posting. Since then I've been mulling over the definitions of emptiness and realised that the same term is being applied to at least three distinctly different experience/non-experience.

1. Fruition.
2. Nirodha Samapatti.
3. No-self.

The first two are obviously one-off's in the sense that we go from awareness to non-experience and back to awareness again, wheras no-self is an ongoing absence of that sense of self we held prior to this but there is still experience to be aware of. If that makes any sense. emoticon

That's why I came back to correct what I'd said since I didn't make the distinction but I think this is a problem that most people come across when discussing the subject.
omnia, modified 5 Years ago at 5/26/19 2:26 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 5/26/19 2:26 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 3 Join Date: 5/24/19 Recent Posts

I doubt you would find arahants wondering about in the internet.

1) Sensual desires do not unconsciously arise. When thought about or seen in the physical (certain food, beautiful woman etc.), it arises, but can be acted upon or disregarded, after which they are gone in the same instant, leaving no footprint whatsoever, and do not return

2) Judgements and anger can arise. Judgements for unrealized being's behavior can arise, but immediately recognized as the ego-mind behavior and not for the being acting upon it. I myself am laughing at people's conversations etc. Anger arises when I see one being hurting, or causing serious discomfort or pain for others, but it is short lived and don't leave any lasting impression or unconscious afterthoughts. Just yesterday some teens pulled the emergency on an elevator, causing an old lady on crutches to walk the stairs. I immediately saw that the lock on the control box was broken, went and turned it on. Old lady looked behind, saw it was me who did it, and thanked me. Ability to be of any kind of help to others gives huge joy

3) Empathy has been replaced with compassion. Don't really see things like "poor this, or poor that", because I know that the "good" and "bad" are just mind translations and not the true nature of events, and in retrospect were the necessary tools for my own awakening, as it is in others'. Sadness is a word I don't recognize any longer. Sure, not every moment is filled with joy and laughter in tears, but no "negative emotions" as an unrealized being would experience and interpret, do not arise, because they never existed. The one that commented and categorized things, emotions, feelings and sensations has vanished. "Sorry" does not have the meaning it did before. If by some chance, some event would occur, where any being would say "excuse me", simple sorry does naturally arise, which is normal. The sorry in the different sense is not experienced.

4) Heart racing caused by release of adrenaline is a normal and necessary bodily function, it's natural protection mechanism. I just witness them. It is possible to consciously create it by thinking or imagining something though. Funny in retrospect, how unrealized beings do it unconsciously causing immense stress on the body - always "danger" emoticon

Peace and love to you all!
Todo, modified 5 Years ago at 5/29/19 9:41 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 5/29/19 9:41 AM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Posts: 189 Join Date: 8/20/18 Recent Posts
Not claiming anything here, but my experience is that everything continues to arise just as before. It is our stance that is different. Everything is seen as it is: just empty cognizance flickering depending on causes & conditions.
Dao Heng, modified 3 Years ago at 2/9/21 4:35 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 2/9/21 4:35 PM

RE: Questions for anagamis and arahants

Post: 1 Join Date: 2/9/21 Recent Posts
Hi all,

I just found this. 

It is a very nice discussion here and am certain it can help quite few people to move forward...

I have been a Buddha lover since my childhood and at my 42 year discovered emptiness or non self. While I never cared much for what is theravada and mahayana and still do not, I only search for the true teachings common in both schools and strive - pray for Buddha words to come to me to lead my life. And I must tell you It has been so for a long time but I did not recognise that my prayers lead me till realisation.
Of course I need to use "I" but actually I did not realise anything just awaken like some of you did too. 

But Bodhisatva path of Mahayana before this awakening really gave me more guidance what now. I sincerely hope you all turn to big Nibbana of the Buddha and search his perfection which is perfected through p6 paramittas or 10 parammi as Theravada would address.

While Arahant stage is a great stage and a good platform we can stay there or move on. But why stay there when Nirvana and Samsara need to be merged into one and perfected in their union of emptimess.

When you start your realisation life with motivation to work for salvation of all sentient beings you start putting your experience of non self or Arhatship into a meaningful, beautiful circle of life. No need to wait for Death Nirvana or just be atached into e=non self state. Just go out be "your" talent, be the passion your body has and always work and perfect yourself to help others and yourself to achieve Buddhahood!

With this and stages of Bodhisattva you start enjoying life of others and you as one and on this platform working with compassion and wisdom developing Buddha qualities more and more and eradicating your bad habits. Working with the world is the beginning of working with your old habbits. Helping others is helping yourself to become Buddha. And still while doing this there is nobody that is doing it :-)

Be blessed my dear spiritual brothers. These are my direct experiences.  

p.s. Plese consider them well but know I am speaking just out of my realisation passion not to judge, tell you to do it or put myself in front.
