EEG, Lab Streaming Layer, Xbox One Controller: help?

Daniel M Ingram,修改在4 年前。 at 20-3-11 下午5:17
Created 4 年 ago at 20-3-11 下午5:17

EEG, Lab Streaming Layer, Xbox One Controller: help?

帖子: 3275 加入日期: 09-4-20 最近的帖子
Dear DhO,

I have been playing around with a Cognionics Quick-20R research-grade dry EEG. In my quest to sort out the phenomenology side of neurophenomenology, I have dreamed of having an Xbox One controller that I can hit buttons and the joystick on when meditating to denote various experiences while doing EEG recordings by having that controller data stream be recorded and stored along with the EEG data as marks, but the software that in theory does this hasn't been updated in 4 years or so and no longer works (at least on my machine, which is a 2018 MacBook Pro running Catalina using Parallels to run Windows 10 which runs NeuroPype which uses Lab Streaming Layer to input signals such as the CGX Acquisition software that captures the EEG data stream and, in theory, can combine this with the controller data stream into one file in realtime).

I emailed one of the coders who wrote said old software and he said it was pretty low priority for him and didn't respond when I asked what might be required to make it high proirity for him, so, I began to wonder, "Is there a coder out there somewhere that could fix this?" It would require a good working knowledge of C++, Windows 10, and possibly Lab Streaming Layer, as well as patience and a generous heart that would help push the field of the neuroscience of meditation forward one little bit.

Here's a link for the brave of heart:

Any thoughts welcome.


Pawel K,修改在4 年前。 at 20-3-11 下午5:34
Created 4 年 ago at 20-3-11 下午5:34

RE: EEG, Lab Streaming Layer, Xbox One Controller: help?

帖子: 1172 加入日期: 20-2-22 最近的帖子
What happens when you run binary? Program works but lab sotware does not see any streams or the program just crashes or it does not detect controllers?
Also what is the source of the binary?
Siavash ',修改在4 年前。 at 20-3-11 下午6:25
Created 4 年 ago at 20-3-11 下午6:21

RE: EEG, Lab Streaming Layer, Xbox One Controller: help?

帖子: 1697 加入日期: 19-5-5 最近的帖子
Hi Daniel,

Just a suggestion to make it a little bit more likely to find that brave one, because the lazy ones like myelf wouldn't start to think about it if they don't know clearly what should be done.

I think it would be good to have clear descriptions of the exact work that you think that needs to be done. If there is a bug, a clear description of that bug. If a new features is needed, the description and scope of that feature, and the same about improvements. Descriptions about the environment, how it is working, what is ok and what is not ok, and how should work that is not working currently. If there is a bug, can you repeat it or you don't know the exact scenario to repeat it. Can be screenshots or wireframes that help understand the task, and etc.

A good deconstruction probably make it possible to have more than one person to do each part.

I don't know much C++, but I guess I am too lazy for that kind of things!
Chris M,修改在4 年前。 at 20-3-12 上午9:06
Created 4 年 ago at 20-3-12 上午7:19

RE: EEG, Lab Streaming Layer, Xbox One Controller: help?

帖子: 5310 加入日期: 13-1-26 最近的帖子
(at least on my machine, which is a 2018 MacBook Pro running Catalina using Parallels to run Windows 10 which runs NeuroPype which uses Lab Streaming Layer to input signals such as the CGX Acquisition software that captures the EEG data stream and, in theory, can combine this with the controller data stream into one file in realtime)

If it were me I'd find someone who has native Windows 10 installed on a Lenovo or Dell laptop and see if the software works in that environment. Worth a try.
Siavash ',修改在4 年前。 at 20-3-12 上午8:40
Created 4 年 ago at 20-3-12 上午8:40

RE: EEG, Lab Streaming Layer, Xbox One Controller: help?

帖子: 1697 加入日期: 19-5-5 最近的帖子
Chris Marti:
(at least on my machine, which is a 2018 MacBook Pro running Catalina using Parallels to run Windows 10 which runs NeuroPype which uses Lab Streaming Layer to input signals such as the CGX Acquisition software that captures the EEG data stream and, in theory, can combine this with the controller data stream into one file in realtime)

If it were me I'd find someone who has native Windows 10 installed on a Lenovo or Dell laptop and see if the software works in that environment. Worth try.

I agree. It should be one of the first things to try.
C P M,修改在4 年前。 at 20-3-12 上午9:38
Created 4 年 ago at 20-3-12 上午9:38

RE: EEG, Lab Streaming Layer, Xbox One Controller: help?

帖子: 218 加入日期: 13-5-23 最近的帖子
Hi Daniel

The technical work you are describing is pretty close to what I'm doing now.  I'm a developer at . We are developing the tech to help rehabilitate stroke survivors.  We use fNIRS and not EEG since for our application it has many advantages.

I'm fairly loaded up at the moment, but my general interest in neurotechnology is strongly motivated by its use in meditation.  There may be more bandwidth for me in the future to help with this particular task.  The data processing pipeline we are developing will be flexible enough to incorporate other stream types such as EEG.
Chris M,修改在4 年前。 at 20-3-12 上午11:17
Created 4 年 ago at 20-3-12 上午11:17

RE: EEG, Lab Streaming Layer, Xbox One Controller: help?

帖子: 5310 加入日期: 13-1-26 最近的帖子
