What happened to alohadharma?

Niels Lyngsø,修改在4 年前。 at 20-6-23 下午1:48
Created 4 年 ago at 20-6-23 下午1:48

What happened to alohadharma?

帖子: 414 加入日期: 19-11-15 最近的帖子
I was checking in at alohadharma.com to re-read the excellent descriptions of the insight stages, but that entire site seems to have disappeared emoticon Anybody know what happened to it, and if it's possible to find its content elsewhere?
Sam Gentile,修改在4 年前。 at 20-6-23 下午2:01
Created 4 年 ago at 20-6-23 下午2:01

RE: What happened to alohadharma?

帖子: 1310 加入日期: 20-5-4 最近的帖子
Niels Lyngsø:
I was checking in at alohadharma.com to re-read the excellent descriptions of the insight stages, but that entire site seems to have disappeared emoticon Anybody know what happened to it, and if it's possible to find its content elsewhere?

Check out https://atrahhdis.github.io/ where he has created an AlohaDharma e-book that has an excellent summary of the insight stages.
Niels Lyngsø,修改在4 年前。 at 20-6-23 下午2:13
Created 4 年 ago at 20-6-23 下午2:13

RE: What happened to alohadharma?

帖子: 414 加入日期: 19-11-15 最近的帖子
Excellent! Thank you very much to both of you. emoticon 
ahtrahddis,修改在3 年前。 at 20-9-30 上午7:11
Created 4 年 ago at 20-6-24 上午3:01

RE: What happened to alohadharma?

帖子: 27 加入日期: 19-1-5 最近的帖子
I found this website during April 2019. I was about to go on a small holiday trip and I decided to collect all the posts that I was interested in and make a "quick 'n dirty" e-book for my own needs.

I created it very quickly, loaded on my kindle and started reading it and... WOW!

IMHO these texts by Ron Crouch are possibly the best introduction to the pragmatic dharma and this is the text I suggest to friends of mine that want to understand what I'm doing and why I'm doing it!

Since the initial e-book, a lot of versions have been uploaded and I believe that this version (1.19) is probably the last one:


I feel very happy I was able to "preserve" all this knowledge with this e-book and I wish Ron comes back with a new website, new texts, and why not, a book.


I just checked his youtube and unfortunately his videos are not accessible anymore.

By the way, I highly suggest you to start "archiving" youtube videos for personal use. This is what I have been doing for years now with all dharma videos I like, using youtube-dl.
Dream Walker,修改在4 年前。 at 20-9-3 下午11:02
Created 4 年 ago at 20-9-3 下午11:02

RE: What happened to alohadharma?

帖子: 1770 加入日期: 12-1-18 最近的帖子
Thank you wayback machine! Yet again.
It's so sad to see great content disappear.... I always used Ron's map as the cliff notes to introduce the Progress of Insight to new people. I'm so sad it is not easy to have access to such a thing anymore. 
Yes, Daniel has the best version but it is not a cliff notes version. 