Christopher Titmus International Zoom Retreat

Sam Gentile,修改在3 年前。 at 21-6-24 下午4:11
Created 3 年 ago at 21-6-24 下午4:10

Christopher Titmus International Zoom Retreat

帖子: 1310 加入日期: 20-5-4 最近的帖子
I just got this from his mailing list. It doesn't look like the times are going to work for Eastern US time though.

International Zoom Retreat. 6-11 July 2021. On Responding to Reality. Offered on Donation. See 5 Time Zones. Do Join.June 24, 2021 10:02 pm
INTERNATIONAL RETREAT (on Zoom), 6th to 11th July, 2021
Theme: Facing and Responding to Reality
To Register. Just email your
 On Donation (dana). A short request in final session.Remember to ensure you use right time for your time zone.
Mindfulness/Insight Meditation. Instructions, Guided Meditations, Sharing Experiences. Practice at home.UK time is 1 hr earlier that CET
Attend as many sessions as you can.Israel time  is one hour later than CET
Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.India is 3.5 hours later than CET
Australia (NSW) is 8 hours later than CET
Tuesday 6 July 2021
CETUKUSA (EST)IndiaAustralia
Talk. Meditation Instructions. Guided Meditation20.00 – 21.0019.00-20.0014.00-15.0023.30-00.304-5am
Wednesday, 7th July to Saturday, 10th July
CETUKUSA (EST)IndiaAustralia
Meditation Instructions. Meditation9-10 am8-9am3-4am12.30-13.3017.00-18.00
Mindful Work Period. Indoors10-11 am9-10am4-5am13.30-14.3018.00-19.00
Walking Meditation. Indoors or Outdoors11 – noon10-11am5-6am14.30-15.3019.00-20.00
Sitting Meditation. Standing Meditation12.00 – 13.0011-noon6-7am15.30-16.3020.00-21.00
Lunch.13.00 – 15.0012.00-14.007-9am16.30-18.3021.00-23.00
Guided Meditation. Questions and Answers15.00 – 16.0014.00-15.009-10am18.30-19.3023.00-midnight
Walking Meditation16.00 – 17.0015.00-16.0010-11am19.30-20.30
Teachings17.00 – 18.0016.00-17.0011-noon20.30-21.30
Evening food18.00 – 19.3017.00-18.3012.00-13.3021.30-23.00
Group 1 with Christopher (First initial of first name. A to M)19.30 – 20.0018.30-19.0013.30-14.0023.00-23.30
Group 2 with Christopher (First initial of first name. N to Z)20.00 – 20.3019.00-19.3014.00-14.3023.30-midnight
End of the day of mindfulness and meditation
Outside these times: Listening meditation, Silent Meditation
Sunday morning, 11th July
CETUKUSA (EST)IndiaAustralia
Meditation9.00 – 9.30am8-8.30am3-3.30am12.30-13.0017.00-17.30
Mindfulness/Meditation in Daily Life9.30 – 10.00am8.30-9am3.30-4am13.00-13.3017.30-18.00
Sharing, Donations. Loving Kindness Meditation/donation10.00 – 10.45am9.00-9.45am4.00-4.45am13.30-14.1518.00-18.45
End of Zoom Retreat
