Proctalgia fugax

Jonas E,修改在1 年前。 at 22-12-9 下午3:43
Created 1 年 ago at 22-12-9 下午3:43

Proctalgia fugax

帖子: 93 加入日期: 15-2-28 最近的帖子
Is anyone else here than me having "proctalgia fugax"? It is a painful spasm kind of thing appearing in the anal area. I read that it's not known why it appears, but it's believed that it comes from long sittings, stress, sex or menstruation. Im going to practice laying down- standing- and other meditations like yoga, dancing, instead of sitting. Or just awareness in whatever I do.
Aeon ,修改在1 年前。 at 23-3-2 下午9:09
Created 1 年 ago at 23-3-2 下午9:09

RE: Proctalgia fugax

帖子: 212 加入日期: 23-1-31 最近的帖子
Can't say I have had it, but I have had testicular pain which was referred pain from excessively tense adductors and glute muscles. This occurs because a nerve is pinched by the aforementioned muscle tissues. I guess something similar could happen with proctalgia.

Resources you might find useful are:

Could also be plain weakness of that musculature, but that would likely be accompanied by incontinence.
Could also be repressed trauma that is "stored" or connected to those tissues, but spasming is more often indicative of a nerve issue.
Dream Walker,修改在1 年前。 at 23-3-3 下午11:57
Created 1 年 ago at 23-3-3 下午11:57

RE: Proctalgia fugax

帖子: 1770 加入日期: 12-1-18 最近的帖子
Notice sensations thru out the day and label them as needed to stay on track. This has proven to have luck for one person I know who could not sit.
Check magnesium and potassium levels for cramping in general.
Good luck
Jonas E,修改在1 年前。 at 23-3-8 上午8:50
Created 1 年 ago at 23-3-8 上午8:50

RE: Proctalgia fugax

帖子: 93 加入日期: 15-2-28 最近的帖子
Thank you! It is better now. I'm not sure why. Long time ago I felt it. I think it might came out of stress I had, and maybe also to sitting.
Ben V,修改在1 年前。 at 23-3-8 下午3:51
Created 1 年 ago at 23-3-8 下午3:51

RE: Proctalgia fugax

帖子: 418 加入日期: 15-3-3 最近的帖子
I have suffered a distressing episode of that in the past, and occasionally have minor recurrences. In my case it was related to psychological conflicts. It took me 6 months to realize that, and more to realize exactly what inner conflict trigerred those episodes. 

A good thing to try would be to notice what you were thinking about before a spasm. What feeling(s) were coming up? What situation you were in.. etc. This needs lots of mindfulness so it's good you already have that skill. Eventually you can discover what it is about. Also ask yourself what was going on in your life (inner and outer) when this problem started. 

Often, it's like that: An intense feeling comes up that is considered by another part of your mind as "dangerous", "forbidden". That part of the mind reacts with equal intensity and tightens up around the feeling, which pushes it in the body. I'm sure you've experienced other parts of the body tighten up in situations of stress, like the throat or chest or abdomen. Except this time, it's in the pelvic floor, where muscles are closely linked with the pudental nerve, which can hurt like hell when pinched. 

Pelvic floor physical therapists can also be helpful with this, and some are also aware of the potential psychological dimension around such issue. 

I don't think all cases are related to emotional issues. Some women get similar issues from giving birth. Or it can come from a surgery or falling on the floor. But from my personal research into this (not scientific research but just reading about many cases), it seems many are related to emotional conflicts being activated. 

Wish you a quick resolve of that issue.
Jonas E,修改在1 年前。 at 23-3-15 上午4:54
Created 1 年 ago at 23-3-15 上午4:54

RE: Proctalgia fugax

帖子: 93 加入日期: 15-2-28 最近的帖子
Interesting! Yes I think it might be related to some childhood-set prohibition. I observed thouse thoughtpatterns a lot when it was going on, and I think I'm working through it. I'm just being mindful and then I sometimes observe thought patterns as a consequence; in lack of my ability to just be mindful.
Aeon ,修改在1 年前。 at 23-3-16 上午8:12
Created 1 年 ago at 23-3-16 上午8:12

RE: Proctalgia fugax

帖子: 212 加入日期: 23-1-31 最近的帖子
Oh by the way, if you massage all the tension/muscle-armor out of the anal muscles, both external and internal sphincter, and especially the prostate, you can have multiple full-body, 100x intense, supremely fulfilling and energizing, non-ejaculatory orgasms that don't cause the Coolidge effect, enabling you to sustain the honeymoon period with a partner if you never ejaculate.
