London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 L O 12-1-2 下午11:50
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Jonathan Morris 12-1-3 下午2:59
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 L O 12-1-4 上午3:50
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Jonathan Morris 12-1-4 上午7:08
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Thom W 12-1-4 上午7:31
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Bagpuss The Gnome 12-1-4 上午8:23
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Dodge E Knees 12-1-4 上午8:31
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Bagpuss The Gnome 12-1-4 上午8:46
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Dodge E Knees 12-1-4 上午10:13
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Bagpuss The Gnome 12-1-4 上午10:31
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Dodge E Knees 12-1-4 上午11:13
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 The Meditator 12-1-4 下午1:51
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Jonathan Morris 12-1-4 下午2:41
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Andy W 12-1-6 上午9:47
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Stian Gudmundsen Høiland 12-1-4 下午7:40
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 L O 12-1-7 上午7:41
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 The Meditator 12-1-8 上午5:43
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Oliver Myth 12-1-8 上午7:17
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 L O 12-1-16 下午4:36
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 carolin varley 12-1-18 上午9:41
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Bagpuss The Gnome 12-1-19 上午1:14
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Dodge E Knees 12-1-19 下午2:32
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Bagpuss The Gnome 12-1-19 下午2:58
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 The Meditator 12-1-20 下午1:21
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 L O 12-1-20 下午3:51
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Oliver Myth 12-1-21 上午2:09
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Thom W 12-1-22 上午6:06
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 L O 12-1-22 下午12:22
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Bagpuss The Gnome 12-1-22 下午12:49
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Stian Gudmundsen Høiland 12-1-22 下午5:29
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 The Meditator 12-1-23 下午12:13
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Jonathan Morris 12-1-25 上午10:57
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Bagpuss The Gnome 12-1-28 上午8:06
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 The Meditator 12-1-28 下午1:18
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 Bagpuss The Gnome 12-1-30 上午6:41
RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012 The Meditator 12-1-31 下午3:03
L O,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-2 下午11:50
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-2 下午11:50

London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 213 加入日期: 11-6-13 最近的帖子
The first London DhO meet of the year will be on 22nd January at Vantra in Soho at 12 midday, which for now will be our permanent venue. For now, all meets will be on the third Sunday of the month at this venue. The address of Vantra is at the bottom of the post.

Anyone who has an interest in an open and investigative approach to awakening is very welcome. As such feel free to invite friends from different contemplative/enlightenment traditions and people who are dharma-curious. Lurkers on this site are also encouraged to come along or ask questions in this thread. If anyone would appreciate a gentle introduction to the group, then please PM me. I will be at Vantra early, around 11:45, to facilitate this. Also, if anyone has any accessibility or transport issues, we may be able to help.

Looking forward to meeting you all.

11-13 Soho Street

Tel: 020-7287-6060

(Opens from midday on Sundays)
Jonathan Morris,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-3 下午2:59
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-3 下午2:59

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 4 加入日期: 12-1-3 最近的帖子
Hi Liam,

My name's Jonathan. Just joined! I'm an undergrad music student at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. I've been trying to look around for the past while for somewhere to go to in London with a practical approach to the stages of meditation and I'm hoping this could be the sort of support group I need! I'm sick of the vagueness of other meditation communities.

Anyway if you could tell me a bit about the group, like what I could expect if I tagged along, how many people/how long they are would be really appreciated!

Happy new year!

L O,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 上午3:50
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 上午3:50

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 213 加入日期: 11-6-13 最近的帖子
Hi Jonathan, good to hear from you.

We've had five people come to meets so far, with interest from about half a dozen more.

People have practices in the Mahasi noting, U Ba Khin, Thai Forest Sangha and Actual Freedom traditions, though there is some mixing of methods and a lot of experimentation, seems like.

It's not a formal thing or an intensely serious one; we talk about practice methods, personal experiences, challenges, things that make us enthusiastic, bringing mindfulness into everyday life, that sort of thing.

Meets go on until we get bored, we've pottered around a fair bit of London.
Jonathan Morris,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 上午7:08
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 上午7:08

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 4 加入日期: 12-1-3 最近的帖子
Sounds great! I'd love to come along then if that's ok emoticon I'd be really interested to hear from other people also interested in enlightenment.

Thom W,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 上午7:31
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 上午7:31

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 63 加入日期: 10-12-31 最近的帖子
Hi guys
Sounds good, I'm hoping to be able to make it.
Jonathan, now that's a reference I didn't expect cropping up on the DhO! I did part of my undergrad at Guildhall, transferring from the RCM, and ended up doing the MMus jazz course there, graduating in 2007.
It's a small world...!
Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 上午8:23
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 上午8:23

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
I'll be there. Looking forward to it!
Dodge E Knees,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 上午8:31
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 上午8:31

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 74 加入日期: 11-9-25 最近的帖子
I wish I could be there and finally come out of the Dharma closet!

I would have to drag a 2-year old girl across London though and she doesn't do vegetarian food!

Well done for organising it Liam, I hope it keeps going, eventually I'll be able to make it.
Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 上午8:46
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 上午8:46

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
Bring her Dodge! No one will mind. It'll be fun.
Dodge E Knees,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 上午10:13
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 上午10:13

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 74 加入日期: 11-9-25 最近的帖子
Yeah that would be great!

We could construct the Tao of Peppa Pig!
Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 上午10:31
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 上午10:31

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
I'll make no promises right now, but if I bring my 4yr old with me, they can play together emoticon

Lets check back a week or so before and confirm?
Dodge E Knees,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 上午11:13
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 上午11:13

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 74 加入日期: 11-9-25 最近的帖子
That could work, ok let's see what develops emoticon
The Meditator,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 下午1:51
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 下午1:51

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 153 加入日期: 11-5-16 最近的帖子
Hi folks
I see, the meeting is going to the right direction. I just suffer by sinusitis so I am not sure if I will come. I am not Ok because I came from warm India to the cold UK.
We will see if we see each other 22nd.
The Meditatoremoticon
Jonathan Morris,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 下午2:41
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 下午2:41

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 4 加入日期: 12-1-3 最近的帖子
Hi Thom, wow that's really cool! What do you play?

Stian Gudmundsen Høiland,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-4 下午7:40
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-4 下午7:40

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 296 加入日期: 10-9-5 最近的帖子
Good stuff.

I expect to show up. And Vantra serves really good matcha!
Andy W,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-6 上午9:47
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-6 上午9:47

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 59 加入日期: 10-10-13 最近的帖子
Hi Liam,

We had some correspondence a while back about these meet ups and I'm pleased to say I'll be able to make this one! Look forward to meeting you and others then.

L O,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-7 上午7:41
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-7 上午7:40

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 213 加入日期: 11-6-13 最近的帖子
What an encouraging response!

The Meditator, hope you feel better soon and can join us, I'm looking forward to your India and Cittaviveka stories.
The Meditator,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-8 上午5:43
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-8 上午5:43

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 153 加入日期: 11-5-16 最近的帖子
Thanks Liam. India was a meditation "just to be" at nice beaches and I meditated in Global Vipassana Pagoda in Mumbai. Cittaviveka was a surprise because it was during Christmas and they had a special schedule. I did meditation mostly by myself. Evening meditation was a disaster because I have a jet lag.
Oliver Myth,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-8 上午7:17
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-8 上午7:17

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 143 加入日期: 11-6-10 最近的帖子
I will be there also! Perfect timing, since I will only be in London for 5 days. It's my first time there too, so it's sure to be amazing!
L O,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-16 下午4:36
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-16 下午4:36

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 213 加入日期: 11-6-13 最近的帖子
A quick reminder that the London meet is this Sunday, the 22nd.
carolin varley,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-18 上午9:41
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-18 上午9:41

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 55 加入日期: 10-8-26 最近的帖子
Looking forward to it!
Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-19 上午1:14
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-19 上午1:14

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
Dodge, are you planning on coming?
Dodge E Knees,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-19 下午2:32
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-19 下午2:32

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 74 加入日期: 11-9-25 最近的帖子
Hi Bagpus,

I don't think I'll be able to make it due to a recent family bereavement.

There is an outside chance I'll be able to get away for a few hours, in which case I wont be babysitting, but I doubt it.

Thanks a lot anyway mate, I hope it goes well.

Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-19 下午2:58
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-19 下午2:58

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
Ah. Sorry to hear that. Next time.

take care,
The Meditator,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-20 下午1:21
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-20 下午1:21

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 153 加入日期: 11-5-16 最近的帖子
Dodge, sorry to hear you.

I am not sure if I will come but I will know it on Sunday. It is really stupid but it is so. I am not still ok, I would like to come.emoticon
L O,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-20 下午3:51
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-20 下午3:51

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 213 加入日期: 11-6-13 最近的帖子
It's been pointed out that there are lots of engineering works and whatnot on London transport this weekend, FYI.
Oliver Myth,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-21 上午2:09
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-21 上午2:09

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 143 加入日期: 11-6-10 最近的帖子
Can't make it anymore! Work got in the way! Have fun without me!
Thom W,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-22 上午6:06
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-22 上午6:06

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 63 加入日期: 10-12-31 最近的帖子
Hi Liam, will be a little late. If you read this after arriving, and subsequently decide to head off on a group wander, please text me...cheers! Will PM you my mobile.
L O,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-22 下午12:22
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-22 下午12:22

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 213 加入日期: 11-6-13 最近的帖子
Thanks to everyone who came along. We had the best turnout so far. I personally found it motivating, interesting and fun.

Conversation ranged from reports of peoples' recent retreats, nana diagnosis and the relationship between the Three Trainings to experiences of jhana, the later paths and advice for tough spots, as well as a lot more.

Jonathan, Dodge and Olyver, hope to see you at the next one? We'll be meeting at Vantra every third Sunday of the month at midday from now on.

The Meditator, I hope you're feeling better, you were missed.
Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-22 下午12:49
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-22 下午12:49

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
Yes, thanks everyone. Fantastic afternoon. Well worth the trip down to London!
Stian Gudmundsen Høiland,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-22 下午5:29
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-22 下午5:29

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 296 加入日期: 10-9-5 最近的帖子
Yes, thanks to everyone that showed up. I had a great time!

Special thanks to Liam for organizing emoticon
The Meditator,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-23 下午12:13
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-23 下午12:13

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 153 加入日期: 11-5-16 最近的帖子
Nice to hear you that you had a good time. The next time I will do maximum to enjoy a time together.
Jonathan Morris,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-25 上午10:57
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-25 上午10:57

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 4 加入日期: 12-1-3 最近的帖子
Really sorry to have missed it!

I thought I was going to be able to go, but I had a photoshoot with my trio on Sunday for an upcoming concert that I really couldn't miss. Mid-year exams are coming up and this time is pretty hectic for me, but I hope hope hope I'll be able to come to the next one.

Glad everyone enjoyed it!
Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-28 上午8:06
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-28 上午8:06

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
If anyone is going to the Sharon Salzberg workshop tomorrow (Sunday 29th) give me a shout..
The Meditator,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-28 下午1:18
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-28 下午1:18

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 153 加入日期: 11-5-16 最近的帖子
If you pay I will come emoticon
Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-30 上午6:41
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-30 上午6:41

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
It would have been a waste of your time, and my money!

The Meditator,修改在12 年前。 at 12-1-31 下午3:03
Created 12 年 ago at 12-1-31 下午3:03

RE: London DhO meet: 22nd January 2012

帖子: 153 加入日期: 11-5-16 最近的帖子
I am sorry, thanks for your post. It could be worst I could be there and pay by myself.emoticon
