MCTB2 Study Guide

resyn thesis,修改在6 个月前。 at 24-3-13 上午9:51
Created 6 个月 ago at 24-3-13 上午7:19

MCTB2 Study Guide

帖子: 4 加入日期: 24-2-4 最近的帖子
Has anyone put together a Study Guide for MCTB2? Would like to find one. Maybe make one...
Pepe ·,修改在6 个月前。 at 24-3-13 上午8:04
Created 6 个月 ago at 24-3-13 上午8:02

RE: MCTB2 Study Guide

帖子: 736 加入日期: 18-9-26 最近的帖子
No Study Guide that I'm aware of. However, I've crafted a concise summaries highlighting the key practical aspects covered in the book. MCTB2: some summaries
resyn thesis,修改在6 个月前。 at 24-3-13 上午11:52
Created 6 个月 ago at 24-3-13 上午11:52

RE: MCTB2 Study Guide

帖子: 4 加入日期: 24-2-4 最近的帖子
Chris M,修改在6 个月前。 at 24-3-13 下午4:31
Created 6 个月 ago at 24-3-13 下午4:31

RE: MCTB2 Study Guide

帖子: 5404 加入日期: 13-1-26 最近的帖子
The best study guide for MCTB is MCTB. Read the book once for familiarity and again for the detail.
Bahiya Baby,修改在6 个月前。 at 24-3-13 下午8:25
Created 6 个月 ago at 24-3-13 下午8:25

RE: MCTB2 Study Guide

帖子: 669 加入日期: 23-5-26 最近的帖子
Start a practice log !!
shargrol,修改在6 个月前。 at 24-3-14 上午7:48
Created 6 个月 ago at 24-3-14 上午7:48

RE: MCTB2 Study Guide

帖子: 2654 加入日期: 16-2-8 最近的帖子
It's funny but there is such a dichotomy of MCTB readers: for some it's a slog and they wonder why anyone would read it, for others they burn through the book and then start re-reading it right away. emoticon
Papa Che Dusko,修改在6 个月前。 at 24-3-14 上午8:17
Created 6 个月 ago at 24-3-14 上午8:15

RE: MCTB2 Study Guide

帖子: 3040 加入日期: 20-3-1 最近的帖子
I used it like a phone book. " who ya gonna call?!! Dhamma Busters!!!"

I would have questions and then would find the part explaining it. That would remove doubt and I would easier invest energy into the practice. 

But I did read it the first time from the start to about the DN and EQ but anything passed it was gibberish to me. I could not relate hence kept refreshing only that part of the book I could relate to in my practice. 

I think I first read the rest of the book when I was post SE.
resyn thesis,修改在6 个月前。 at 24-3-15 下午7:56
Created 6 个月 ago at 24-3-15 下午7:56

RE: MCTB2 Study Guide

帖子: 4 加入日期: 24-2-4 最近的帖子
Got the picture, thanks.
