RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Olivier S,修改在4 个月前。 at 24-5-23 上午9:27
Created 4 个月 ago at 24-5-23 上午4:52

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

帖子: 979 加入日期: 19-4-27 最近的帖子

I would say it is the same problem as everyone else has: you feel intimidated by my ego which I never claimed to have eliminated but rather cultivated so the only copying mechanism your mind can come up with is to call me a troll

Hmm, everyone is intimidated by your strong ego and it is their problem... Do you hear how that sounds? Who has a problem here... ? 
The whole attainment or level of realization has little to do with anything. What you say about not needing to eliminate ego does not feel threatening at all to me (wink wink), in fact I have come to similar conclusions a few years ago, at the end of a 12-day retreat, in october 2020, and I definitely have an ego. 
Pawel K,修改在4 个月前。 at 24-5-23 上午9:27
Created 4 个月 ago at 24-5-23 上午5:45

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

帖子: 1172 加入日期: 20-2-22 最近的帖子
I explained my take in a post I made a moment ago.
I don't claim to be mature. Quite the opposite. Adolescence at most.

People feel confused because my attitude of completeness of what I have and yet at the same not quite.
Development is hard work I tell you. Lots of debugging and refactoring. Testing it under various conditions. Maybe find someone crazy enough to test it on themselves. You also need to make comments and docstrings... and when all is done make a release. And then being absolutelly terrified make patches because apparently your app doesn't work as well as you thought it will. Yeah, I know how it all works ;)

p.s. I intend it to be GPL-like license.
Kinda like Buddhadharma - you cannot really use it without aknowledging Buddha's inputs to developing aspects of it. It has ALL been already figured out long time ago.
Also why I always said sentient being want new toys and some want buddha badges... ; )
Scary thing is that I am not confused - its all just an illusion... figure out what kind!
