Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

David Edwards,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-18 上午8:56
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-18 上午8:56

Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 7 加入日期: 24-6-19 最近的帖子
Hi all.

I'm looking for men only meetings online in any time zones.

I attend a tonne of men only recovery meetings (12-Step, Recovery Dharma, SMART) and will continue most of them, but my view has changed and I believe it would be beneficial to also associate with men in meditation / wisdom / Dharma (non-recovery specific) type meetings.

I'm open to any suggestions.

Martin,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-18 下午12:04
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-18 下午12:04

RE: Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 991 加入日期: 20-4-25 最近的帖子
You might try asking Steve James (the Guru Viking guy). He runs men's groups (https://www.thenonlinearmovementmethod.com/product/mens-study-group-2021/) and meditation groups so, if there is such a thing as a men's sanga, he would probably know about it. 
Chris M,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-18 下午12:57
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-18 下午12:57

RE: Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 5407 加入日期: 13-1-26 最近的帖子
What's the value of men-only dharma? Seriously. 
Martin,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-18 下午1:17
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-18 下午1:17

RE: Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 991 加入日期: 20-4-25 最近的帖子
That question occurred to me, and then I thought it was probably the same value as a women-only sangha, especially if there is a lot of personal sharing because, for some topics, it is easier to share with peers, without having to explain or worry about being judged or offending. I personally never went to any restricted groups but they do seem to have value for people who have more difficulty in making themselves vulnerable or who might want to focus on specific issues, such as the third precept. 
Matt Jon Rousseau,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-18 下午2:30
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-18 下午2:30

RE: Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 243 加入日期: 22-5-1 最近的帖子
If one is in recovery(alcohol , drugs) .Sometimes same sex support can be more beneficial  then mixed support. There just seems to be less drama because of the lack of underlying tension and transference. That could extend to meditative practice.  I suppose.  I don't think it's misogynistic  . Just keeping it simple 
Chris M,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-18 下午4:10
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-18 下午4:10

RE: Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 5407 加入日期: 13-1-26 最近的帖子
Sounds reasonable at first blush, but then it also sounds like not real life, a kind of avoidance. But what do I know?
Matt Jon Rousseau,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-18 下午5:25
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-18 下午5:25

RE: Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 243 加入日期: 22-5-1 最近的帖子
Skillfull avoidance . I always thought that about Catholic  and orthodox  monasticism .  There is definitely  an avoidance aspect to it. The monks are probably exposed to less stimuli  on a daily basis. That could mean less discursive thought and easier contemplation.  It's not for me and probably  not for most people on a pragmatic path.   HOWEVER  A person in recovery  with strong co- dependant tendencies, it could be usefull in the beginning 
J W,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-19 下午3:59
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-19 下午3:59

RE: Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 692 加入日期: 20-2-11 最近的帖子
You (unfortunately) won't be hard-pressed to find them! emoticon
Papa Che Dusko,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-19 下午4:07
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-19 下午4:07

RE: Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 3048 加入日期: 20-3-1 最近的帖子
Dildo-only Dhamma?
David Edwards,修改在2 个月前。 at 24-7-20 上午7:43
Created 2 个月 ago at 24-7-20 上午7:43

RE: Looking for men only meetings online - Sangha / Wisdom / Other

帖子: 7 加入日期: 24-6-19 最近的帖子
Thanks Martin for the suggestion and link.

Why men-only? I believe for my present situation it is the wisest option. Matt termed it skillfull avoidance. Being mindful of setting up conditions. Perhaps just for now, not saying it's forever.

I appreciate the input.
