COVID Risk Reduction on Retreat Video

Daniel M Ingram,修改在26天前。 at 24-8-31 下午7:53
Created 26天 ago at 24-8-31 下午7:53

COVID Risk Reduction on Retreat Video

帖子: 3277 加入日期: 09-4-20 最近的帖子
Dear All,

I have heard so many stories of people going on retreats or to retreat centers only to get COVID, and some have had their practice capabilities degrade right along with their health after, so, frustrated by this, and inspired by the spirit of health, wellness, and promoting good outcomes, Sam and I, with the help of Melissa, made this video and this information page.

May this inspire people to feel empowered in the face of this ongoing pandemic. This is not medical advice, just some randos on the internet with opinions. emoticon

Remember, the COVID pandemic is an evolving thing, so keep your wits about you, do your own research, keep up with what is going on, and make good choices.

Enjoy and be safe out there,

