Cosmic Catastrophe

Evangeline A K McDowell,修改在14天前。 at 24-9-12 下午3:38
Created 14天 ago at 24-9-12 下午3:38

Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 20 加入日期: 24-9-12 最近的帖子
I raise my concentration over the 10th Jhanna, to the Secret Jhannas.

Then, it depends of how "evil" I feel in the day.

For example: I did not have permissions for posting on the Concentration section of the Overground.

The question is:
Does my concentration and wisdom override the prajna of all the people connected to the website?

Not a threat, just a funny way to ask for permission to post there.

Have a laugh. This post is just an extremely bad joke and I'd not like to get banned because of that.
Banning somebody is an act of ignorance.

Ignorance lowers your wisdow.
Papa Che Dusko,修改在14天前。 at 24-9-12 下午6:49
Created 14天 ago at 24-9-12 下午6:49

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 3040 加入日期: 20-3-1 最近的帖子
I've just had diarrhea. BTW, not the secret kind.
Evangeline A K McDowell,修改在14天前。 at 24-9-12 下午10:15
Created 14天 ago at 24-9-12 下午10:15

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 20 加入日期: 24-9-12 最近的帖子
Hope you feel better, dharma friend. Sending positive energies your way! emoticon
Evangeline A K McDowell,修改在14天前。 at 24-9-12 下午10:17
Created 14天 ago at 24-9-12 下午10:16

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 20 加入日期: 24-9-12 最近的帖子
I am curious, though? What's the secret diarhea? If it's something magickal I don't know, would love to pay for it with services. How about getting you up to the 10+ Jhannas in a single rebirth?

I only pay with services.

​​​​​​​I am hunting the motherfucker who invented money in the spiritual world and, when I find him, I will find a proper punishment with the rest of the arahants of this universe.
Matt Jon Rousseau,修改在14天前。 at 24-9-13 上午4:16
Created 14天 ago at 24-9-13 上午4:16

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 243 加入日期: 22-5-1 最近的帖子
Maybe you should start concentrating on your breathing  before you talk about magick  and secret jhanas.  Meditation is actually real with real benefits 
Evangeline A K McDowell,修改在14天前。 at 24-9-13 上午7:12
Created 14天 ago at 24-9-13 上午7:11

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 20 加入日期: 24-9-12 最近的帖子
I can get into Nirodha Samappati in 0.3 seconds by just inclining my intention onto it. Eyes wide open.

The breath? I control from which nostrol I inhale, and onto which lung the air goes. Left, right or both.

Maybe you should not assume that I am not a meditator?

​​​​​​​But thanks for the tip anyway. I know you seem to be very compassionate and eager to teach. Excellent qualities my dharma friend! emoticon)
Martin,修改在14天前。 at 24-9-13 下午1:09
Created 14天 ago at 24-9-13 下午1:09

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 982 加入日期: 20-4-25 最近的帖子
You are playing around with words that you have learned but you are missing the substance. There is genuine substance to be discovered but it requires doing the work. 
Matt Jon Rousseau,修改在13天前。 at 24-9-13 下午4:45
Created 13天 ago at 24-9-13 下午4:45

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 243 加入日期: 22-5-1 最近的帖子
She needs to do a sitting and focus on her breathing
Evangeline A K McDowell,修改在13天前。 at 24-9-13 下午5:46
Created 13天 ago at 24-9-13 下午5:45

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 20 加入日期: 24-9-12 最近的帖子
Words are meant to be played with.

_True wisdom? I do_ prefer it in _silence_.

"The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery."
- Tao te Jing, page one.


What is your desire now? Happy to play along emoticon
Jonathan Elliot,修改在9天前。 at 24-9-17 下午3:55
Created 9天 ago at 24-9-17 下午3:55

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 2 加入日期: 24-9-17 最近的帖子
"Avoid abrasiveness, derision, insults, and mockery. The Core Rules of Netiquette are a good general guide as to how to help this place support deep practice, and the Moderators are empowered to help direct things towards this fine ideal."

I don’t think ur as smart as u say, cause u didn’t even read the FAQ before posting. I don’t know much about meditation but I know this.
Chris M,修改在9天前。 at 24-9-17 下午4:19
Created 9天 ago at 24-9-17 下午4:16

RE: Cosmic Catastrophe

帖子: 5404 加入日期: 13-1-26 最近的帖子
Are you arguing with yourself now? These seem to be doppelganger accounts. The names are different but the "sense" is the same.
Now locking this topic.
