Buddhist Tantra

Bill F,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午5:31
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午5:31

Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 556 加入日期: 13-11-17 最近的帖子
 David Chapman is a Vajrayana practitioner who writes about buddist tantra as well as what he refers to as concensus buddhism. Here is his website. Highly reccomended. :     http://meaningness.wordpress.com/category/buddhism/reinventing-buddhist-tantra/
J J,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午6:04
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午6:01

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 225 加入日期: 14-3-31 最近的帖子
Unfortunately, “niceness” is incompatible with most of Buddhism. That meant that most of Buddhism was collateral damage when the establishment suppressed any possible manifestations of Trungpa-like-ness.


Word. I find that many self-defined Buddhists practice this "niceness" form of Buddhism, which is incompatible with practice. Niceness affirms everyone, whereas Buddhism deconstructs everyone. Hence why niceness and practice are incompatible.

I like this quote:



I'm just leaving this link here (Theravadin Tantra): http://oeith.co.uk/2014/06/09/my-jungian-shadow-exposed-by-a-shamanistic-theravadan-monk/

Trungpa himself said that Theravadin practitioners often get into Vajrayana territory in Southeast Asia. Once again confirming that yanas are not sects.
Bill F,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午6:15
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午6:15

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 556 加入日期: 13-11-17 最近的帖子
Yes, my own teacher Reggie Ray (who was a student of Trungpa and sees his mission as continuing Trungpa's lineage) uses the yana designations to refer to different ways that practice unfolds over time rather than as a value description of the different sects. I did find some interesting stuff on theravadan tantra while researching in the past, but it seemed sparse. If you find more Theravadan tantra info feel free to add.
Dave sdfsdf,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午6:22
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午6:22

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 216 加入日期: 14-11-4 最近的帖子
I find it all very confusing. Dont know what it all boils down to. Why call something tantric that has nothing to do with tantra and what not. Very confused I am. Dont understand the point of the posts. He writes but says little in a convoluted way.
Bill F,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午6:27
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午6:27

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 556 加入日期: 13-11-17 最近的帖子
What is your understanding of what defines tantra?
Dave sdfsdf,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午6:34
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午6:34

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 216 加入日期: 14-11-4 最近的帖子
He himself writes reinventing tantra, removes a lot etc. So why keep calling it the same thing. Mostly my issue is that i dont get the website.
Bill F,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午6:40
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午6:40

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 556 加入日期: 13-11-17 最近的帖子
Ha. It's cool. He practices in the Aro T'ger lineage, which is a vajrayana lineage. He is also a scientist and researcher of some kind, so perhaps he is trying to bridge our modern worldview with the practice of tantra. I assume he finds something valuable in each. He does have a article on there expressing his own definition of tantra. Without providing your own understanding I don't think I can offer much in clarifying the deviations you see. What do you think he has removed? -Bill
Dave sdfsdf,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午7:13
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午7:07

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 216 加入日期: 14-11-4 最近的帖子
I know jack shit emoticon. Thought i read on site that he removes stuff, redefines etc. Like I said find it confusing. But from little I can gather it sounds more life embracing than life rejecting which seems to be the way of buddha buddhism the life rejection part that is.
My tradition is chan/zen via dogen, bankai, seng tsan among others if one should classify.
Bill F,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午7:28
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午7:28

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 556 加入日期: 13-11-17 最近的帖子
Ha, ok. If you want to understand the basic differences as defined by David Chapman they can be found here:

Dave sdfsdf,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午7:48
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午7:48

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 216 加入日期: 14-11-4 最近的帖子
I encountered that post last month, totally slipped my mind. But it feels very chan zen like in approach. Then he uses the oxhearding images when he talks about tantra.
Bill F,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午7:53
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午7:53

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 556 加入日期: 13-11-17 最近的帖子
Yes, that's here: http://meaningness.wordpress.com/2013/12/12/emptiness-zen-tantra-dzogchen/    

He is saying that tantra begins on the ninth of the ox-herding pictures if my understanding is correct.
Dave sdfsdf,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午8:01
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午8:01

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 216 加入日期: 14-11-4 最近的帖子
Yeah though im hard pressed to find any practice to get there. If tantric begins there then you cant use tantric to get there. I read the unclogging post but that was just confusing. I need a introduction before i get that. All talk of energy and stuff, which is just psychological metaphor or something. 3am might be a little late to read this stuff.
Bill F,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午8:24
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午8:24

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 556 加入日期: 13-11-17 最近的帖子
I understand. I don't think there's any practices on that site. Are you interested in learning buddhist tantra or were you just confounded by the site?
Dave sdfsdf,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午8:52
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午8:52

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 216 加入日期: 14-11-4 最近的帖子
Yes im interested i googled vajarayana but wikipedia etc was not very practical, too academic. Though chapman mentions shinzen young as an example of teacher but i dont see how hes related to it. I got his science and enlightenment audiobook and his basicmindfullness pdfs. It doesnt seem very tantric.
Bill F,修改在9 年前。 at 14-12-9 下午9:00
Created 9 年 ago at 14-12-9 下午9:00

RE: Buddhist Tantra

帖子: 556 加入日期: 13-11-17 最近的帖子
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