Finally cleaned up DhO links page: any comments welcome

Daniel M Ingram,修改在6 年前。 at 18-7-19 下午7:56
Created 6 年 ago at 18-7-19 下午7:56

Finally cleaned up DhO links page: any comments welcome

帖子: 3277 加入日期: 09-4-20 最近的帖子
Dear DhO,

The links page had suffered serious rot, so I finally got a spare moment to clean it up a bit.

If anyone has any comments on the links page, links they really think should be included, or finds further corrosion, let me know and I will do what I can to make it better.


Underservant to the third scullery maid of the DhO
Dada Kind,修改在6 年前。 at 18-7-20 上午12:06
Created 6 年 ago at 18-7-20 上午12:06

RE: Finally cleaned up DhO links page: any comments welcome

帖子: 633 加入日期: 13-11-15 最近的帖子
Both links for David Chapman go to the Vividness blog. I think the first link should be
A good description for which is right at the top
Better ways of thinking, feeling, and
acting—around problems of meaning and meaninglessness; self and society;
ethics, purpose, and value.
Also, for the subreddit, you only included r/streamentry but there's also r/themindilluminated which is about as populated. There is also r/unifiedmindfulness which is not as populated. You could link to each individually or create a multireddit for all three. I already have one for my own use which I just made public:

That's all I noticed. That's an extensive list.
Chris M,修改在6 年前。 at 18-7-20 上午11:29
Created 6 年 ago at 18-7-20 上午11:29

RE: Finally cleaned up DhO links page: any comments welcome

帖子: 5404 加入日期: 13-1-26 最近的帖子
I love this one, having been responsible for a lot of it:

The Dh arma Underground spawned the Dharma Overground, which spawned KFD and OE when the first Great Schism occurred, and then KFD had its own series of schisms, one of which spawned The Dharma Forum Refugees Camp, whose members include some of the early DhO members, and that spawnened the grand attempt at re-integrating some of the fractured communities called

<BTW -- note the small error in the spelling of "spawned.">
