Theravada meditation teacher works with Direct Pointing

Elena Joy,修改在13 年前。 at 11-9-3 上午2:35
Created 13 年 ago at 11-8-30 上午3:08

Theravada meditation teacher works with Direct Pointing

帖子: 98 加入日期: 11-6-30 最近的帖子
S. to me: I have been practicing meditation
consistently for over fifteen years and have been teaching meditation
and Buddhist principles for seven of those. I am an ordained Buddhist
but shy away from the ritualistic practices of the Buddhism.
I teach three or four times per week to help people find a solution to
ease their troubles, I have literally gone through hundreds and hundreds
of meditation students. I have written several books an the subject, and
lead by example by practicing sitting meditation a lot! but! No one, to
my knowledge, is waking up! there is no permanent liberation to be
found. No body, including myself, is getting truly free.

Ordained Buddhist Minister: I see it as the opportunity of lifetimes
Che Guebuddha,修改在13 年前。 at 11-8-31 上午3:17
Created 13 年 ago at 11-8-31 上午3:17

RE: Ordained Buddhist minister works with Direct Pointing

帖子: 65 加入日期: 11-8-19 最近的帖子
Elena thanks for posting.

I was looking into this Dirrect Pointing but couldnt understand it. I was even over at Ruthless Truth and just cant understand how being rude to one another can lead to liberation. I too am rude so not that I mind but how can one l talk my self into liberation?
Are you saying that insight meditation isnt necessery? Just look into the No-sel and thats it. Right?

If you dont mind please elaborate a bit on this so I can understand it emoticon Thank you.

Elena Joy,修改在13 年前。 at 11-9-3 上午12:07
Created 13 年 ago at 11-9-3 上午12:07

RE: Ordained Buddhist minister works with Direct Pointing

帖子: 98 加入日期: 11-6-30 最近的帖子
Che, what you call rude is actually direct. Are zen master rude when he sends confused student back to 14 hours a day sitting and looking and don't explain a thing? Is he rude when he slaps him with the stick on the back in a really dark zendo at night? What do you think is going in the mind of the master when he gives his student un-solvable koan that makes his student go nuts for months? Ponder on it, and come back to chat, ok?
