Direct pointing ???

Matt Jon Rousseau,修改在1 年前。 at 23-1-8 下午4:54
Created 2 年 ago at 22-8-10 下午5:56

Direct pointing ???

帖子: 243 加入日期: 22-5-1 最近的帖子
Wow you just tell somebody something and they get stream entry??    Somebody slip me the answer please
John,修改在2 年前。 at 22-8-11 上午3:24
Created 2 年 ago at 22-8-11 上午3:24

RE: Direct pointing ???

帖子: 51 加入日期: 14-7-11 最近的帖子
What would you be right now without your thoughts?
Derek2,修改在2 年前。 at 22-8-11 上午7:13
Created 2 年 ago at 22-8-11 上午7:11

RE: Direct pointing ???

帖子: 233 加入日期: 16-9-21 最近的帖子
According to Dzogchen master Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche "Once one has received the pointing-out instruction there is the chance of either recognizing it or not."

Pepe ·,修改在2 年前。 at 22-8-11 上午7:17
Created 2 年 ago at 22-8-11 上午7:17

RE: Direct pointing ???

帖子: 737 加入日期: 18-9-26 最近的帖子

Akilesh's website and his long thread in DhO
Soh Wei Yu's stuff: How to Practice to Realize I AM 
Matt Jon Rousseau,修改在1 年前。 at 23-1-8 下午4:54
Created 2 年 ago at 22-8-11 上午8:23

RE: Direct pointing ???

帖子: 243 加入日期: 22-5-1 最近的帖子
Nothing  or void.    But I can't Instictually grasp it. Only conceptually 
shargrol,修改在2 年前。 at 22-8-11 上午8:35
Created 2 年 ago at 22-8-11 上午8:35

RE: Direct pointing ???

帖子: 2657 加入日期: 16-2-8 最近的帖子
I suspect pointing out actually gives something closer to Equanimity Nana rather than cessation. Achieving presence, whether through meditation or pointing out, is a required first step but then we need to be able to SOAK in it for a while and let the busy habits of mind let go.

People who experience pointing out will no doubt have an insight into the nature of mind (that all emotions and thoughts are not inherently true/solid but rather vivid and empty displays that come from nowhere, stay nowhere, and disappear to nowhere). 

But I think it is rare for people who find themselves in this direct-presence to tip over into cessation and stream entry. I suspect the people who do are probably already well-established meditators. If I had to bet, I would guess that for most people, this state of immediate presence would collapse into an A&P type experience, which is sort of the classic thing people report when in the presence of teachers/gurus etc. And as we know, A&P feels very spiritual, but actually leads to more challenging stages of development before someone is clear minded enough to truly rest and SOAK in equanimity.

So definitely seek "pointing out" if you can, but also have a good, consistent, daily, non-heroic meditation practice and make wise use of retreats. emoticon
Bud ‎,修改在2 年前。 at 22-8-11 下午1:07
Created 2 年 ago at 22-8-11 下午1:07

RE: Direct pointing ???

帖子: 30 加入日期: 22-4-29 最近的帖子
People who experience pointing out will no doubt have an insight into the nature of mind (that all emotions and thoughts are not inherently true/solid but rather vivid and empty displays that come from nowhere, stay nowhere, and disappear to nowhere).  But I think it is rare for people who find themselves in this direct-presence to tip over into cessation and stream entry. I suspect the people who do are probably already well-established meditators. If I had to bet, I would guess that for most people, this state of immediate presence would collapse into an A&P type experience, which is sort of the classic thing people report when in the presence of teachers/gurus etc. And as we know, A&P feels very spiritual, but actually leads to more challenging stages of development before someone is clear minded enough to truly rest and SOAK in equanimity. So definitely seek "pointing out" if you can, but also have a good, consistent, daily, non-heroic meditation practice and make wise use of retreats. emoticon

Without the view
of trekcho one doesn't reach the
core of thogal practice. The thogal visions are rigdang,
'manifestations of awareness,' but lacking the correct view of
recognizing rigpa, they become nothing but lungdang,
'manifestations of the karmic wind' -- expressions of dualistic
fixation. Recognizing rigpa is the key point in trekcho.
- Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
T DC,修改在2 年前。 at 22-8-11 下午9:16
Created 2 年 ago at 22-8-11 下午9:15

RE: Direct pointing ???

帖子: 522 加入日期: 11-9-29 最近的帖子
Not sure what source OP was refering to exactly, but it might be helpful to differentiate between direct pointing and pointing-out instrustions. 

For me, direct pointing brings to mind the advita-type "practice" that was more common on here about 10 yrs ago with groups like Ruthless Truth and Liberation Unleashed, where someone who had already been though the process would basically continually question you about where your "self" was, etc., until you had some kind of opening / inkling of insight.  Really dubiously helpful, possibly moved a few people towards greater insight, but more often lead to confusion IMO.  Also they emphasized that process alone, without any meditative support.

Whereas pointing out instructions occur as part of a broader tradition and in the context on an ongoing meditative practice.  I am still somewhat doubtful as to the true eficacy of pointing-out producing actual insight, but certainly it could be helpful as a guide to inclining the mind in a very specific open and spacious direction.  Another tool in the box perhaps, and if it works then great, but there's really no shortcuts on the path, or substitues for a dedicated meditation / mindfulness practice IME. 
Matt Jon Rousseau,修改在1 年前。 at 23-1-8 下午4:54
Created 2 年 ago at 22-8-12 上午5:18

RE: Direct pointing ???

帖子: 243 加入日期: 22-5-1 最近的帖子
Thank-you  for that clarification